All posts by Sophie

Regrets, shame, guilt… can you love your life while having regrets?

I have been guided, for some five weeks, to see something… It had sadness, it had grief, it had regret… but I didn’t quite know what to look for. So I watched the same movies over and over again, until this morning when I finally saw it.

You see, regret is seeing that certain actions are not reversible. Apologizing for something that you did, doesn’t take you back to innocence, doesn’t restore trust, doesn’t restore love betrayed.

I was trying to find anything to regret in my life. And although I have done a lot of things I’d rather not have on my conscience, I have no regrets.

How come? Because I am almost exactly where I’d like to be. I am at the right place, and I am loving where I am, and the part that I don’t love, I can see that they are temporary and I can get beyond them.

OK, then when why am I guided to these movies of regret and sadness and grief?

Or movies where some bad outcome could be reversed by going back in time and repair it, like in the movie, The Lake House? It is boggling the mind… until this morning, when I discovered…

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From Que Sera Sera, a meandering path to no regrets

I left Hungary 37 years ago. And yet, when I hum, half of the songs are Hungarian, from before I left there.

I trust that when a song pops into my head, it is some kind of guidance. So when the song that was somehow related to the Counter-revolution in 1956, Que sera sera sung in Hungarian, when that song popped into my mind, I said to myself: pay attention. What is it saying?

I was nine years old at the time, and I was puzzled why the song would be put on the black list… I still can’t see why.

I am doing a little research on google.
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Give your inner wisdom a chance to talk

Give your inner wisdom a chance to talk
I have been changing up what I do in my business to find… again… what works.

What do I mean ‘works’?

In business (but my hunch is everywhere in life) things work well for a while and then they don’t.

You may have noticed that when you start taking a supplement, it works like gangbusters. Or when you change your diet: often it makes dramatic improvement, for a little while.

Even carefully muscletested food lists work only for a little while.

Very very few things are able to keep up the dramatic improvement for a long time… and even then other things may spoil the picture.
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Instant Healing, Instant Transformation — The Dream Scam of the Age

I have started to do one-on-one consulting again. I didn’t know what to expect, but I now know I can handle anything…

I just started today, so I have had one session. It was wonderful, and the results could be spectacular, except…

This is what this article will be about, that “except…” To see what’s in the way of anyone, any modality, any methodology being able to produce results, ever.

We live in a world of instant gratification, and instant is expected. It is also propagated by stupid, ignorant, fraudulent practitioners, like the ones I write about in my vibrational reviews. In fact, there are 20 million pages telling you that instant whatever is possible, and it is your birthright, just pay a little bit of money for it.

I participated in Landmark Education for 27 years. They also, albeit not openly, promise that you will have a breakthrough in your effectiveness, in your results, in the quality of your life. What they are not saying is that it is not promised because it is up to you.

So, what are these programs, what are these practitioners do, if not what they are promising, if not what you are paying for?

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Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: identify your nine fat triggers and lose all the weight

Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: identify your nine fat triggers and lose all the weight

Jon Gabriel is an amateur(?) Biochemical Researcher. In this new Mind Valley program, the Gabriel Code, he claims that your body has fat triggers.

Test your fat triggers:

I did, and the result was: the cause of my weight issues is frequent dieting. Maybe, maybe not.

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What is the Self? Part 5: Powerful/Powerless

The fake self lives for extremes. It lives for definition: in definition there is safety. Also there is the bait: fix it if you don’t like it.

The Self is fluid. It knows that in the undefined lies the freedom, the ability to live fully, to put all power in all action, to live for no reason, to rejoice for no reason, to love for no reason.
As I have predicted, I am having a lot of stuff coming up. I live in a two-family house. I live upstairs, and I have pay extra for the right to park my car in the driveway.

I don’t have a car, but I feel, that I am paying for the parking right, so I don’t want the downstairs tenant to park his car there… He’s started to park his car there a few days ago. It seems that the landlord is encouraging it. I am seething. I am furious. I am experiencing myself powerless: all known ways of revenge are illegal, outright criminal.

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Why unconditional “love” is damaging, and why setting conditions is healthy… even loving?

My new 20-day skill learning challenge is to listen and internalize 20 videos by Hungarian, now dead, psychologist, Peter Popper.
Why am I doing this challenge? What will this give me?
I am self-taught… or more precisely: I have an education that is hodge podge, eclectic: I gathered knowledge from all over the place, and I have gaping holes, that until this day I had no idea where to fill or how.

The gaping holes are so big, that some of my students could slip through: Whatever I knew didn’t help them to become all they can become.

With that said, I listened to a Dr. Popper masterclass on youtube, sadly, it is in Hungarian, with subtitles that you need to set to your own language…

Dr Popper’s masterclasses, a whole lot of them, have 60% truth value, 30% of what he says fills in my gaping holes.
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What is the Self? Part 4: Validation/Invalidation


How many times has it happened that you were looking to others to know what you feel? To know what to think? To know how to react?

The laugh-track machines are used exactly for that reason: people who have no sense of self, they will take cue, and laugh when the machine laughs.

Because we never really got present to who we are, what we hold true, what is important to us, because we were indoctrinated early on to think, feel, hold true, and say yes to what other people wanted us to, and because the reward was attention, food, hugs, atta’ girl, or nice gifts, we lost and dug under our natural likes and dislikes, our natural aspirations, our real feelings.

We toed the line of “me-too’s” and mimicked, parroted, and tried to feel what they felt.

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What is the Self? Part 3: What happens when you find your self? Or after…

What is the self? This question comes up again and again. Is it the same as the ego? Is it the same as soul? Is it this, is it that?

I have been asking this question as well. We didn’t come to this world to know self, and definitely weren’t allowed to get to know self.

The moment, in the cradle, you discovered that when you smiled adults got excited and gave you more attention, your corruption, the corruption of the untarnished, unspoiled self began.

The personality that you now honor as your self is on the circumference of your being. The circumference is rich in adjectives, adverbs, and poor in being.

You say I am this, and I am that, and I have to maintain this and that… or sometimes you say “being this” or “being that.”

The moment there is a word after the word “being” we are moving away from Self.

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Dynamics of self-sabotage: “If it weren’t for…” – UPDATED

The all or nothing attitude (Gentian)

Sometimes I wish I were some other teacher… and could write my articles, learn my lessons, without having to get into it, and wade myself through the much and the mire of an attitude, or situation.

But, maybe because I am an empath, this path is not available to me: I have to get dirty myself.

They say: fake it till you make it… but what people understand from it is not what the saying means. People make it mean: lie through your teeth, deceive people, create a pretense, a public persona, and the truth will follow.

I refuse to lie. So this article will tell you the raw truth, however painful it is, otherwise it won’t teach you anything.

I have recently took a course on using a facebook page to attract new customers. Sounds good, though my opinion of facebook and people that hang out on facebook is really bad… but I hoped that it would not interfere.

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