Tag Archives: put all power in all actions

Why do you covet what belongs to another?

Why do you want what belongs to another? Why do you envy, why are you jealous? Do you know?

Note: although I am talking about myself, you WANT TO recognize yourself. If you have a struggle with weight, or with anything, the answer, surprisingly lies here… and once you get this monkey off your back, you’ll get the weight melt away, you will start getting what you want, by going for it.
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How does an empath coach you differently?

Why you should have an empath re-evaluate the stuff you learn… the stuff others teach?
The obvious reason is because I can reliably muscle test if something is true or not.

But the less obvious reason is more important:

I can actually feel what happens inside a human being when something shifts.
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What is the Self? Part 5: Powerful/Powerless

The fake self lives for extremes. It lives for definition: in definition there is safety. Also there is the bait: fix it if you don’t like it.

The Self is fluid. It knows that in the undefined lies the freedom, the ability to live fully, to put all power in all action, to live for no reason, to rejoice for no reason, to love for no reason.
As I have predicted, I am having a lot of stuff coming up. I live in a two-family house. I live upstairs, and I have pay extra for the right to park my car in the driveway.

I don’t have a car, but I feel, that I am paying for the parking right, so I don’t want the downstairs tenant to park his car there… He’s started to park his car there a few days ago. It seems that the landlord is encouraging it. I am seething. I am furious. I am experiencing myself powerless: all known ways of revenge are illegal, outright criminal.

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