Category Archives: Low vibration – high vibration

How does an empath coach you differently?

Why you should have an empath re-evaluate the stuff you learn… the stuff others teach?
The obvious reason is because I can reliably muscle test if something is true or not.

But the less obvious reason is more important:

I can actually feel what happens inside a human being when something shifts.
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Want to become an expanding human being? Suggestions: Act like one!

Yesterday I wrote an article, and asked you to recommend a course of action for the mother in the article with the female child…

Many of you have asked me before: how can I raise my vibration? What shall I do to build skills? Where should I start to find my life’s work that I would love to do?

My standard answer has been: keep alert, keep aware, life is full of training and growth opportunities. You take a path, keep your eyes open, and grow in the process.

Taking that challenge, placing yourself in the position of the mother was an excellent way for you to see if you have been giving lip service to growth or you are actually committed to grow.

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Healthy and socially unacceptable behaviors…

The healthiest behavior is simply for you to be authentic. Yet often we avoid our own authentic behaviors thinking they are unhealthy ones. Your own mind and body know what you need. And if you need a reminder why it is important to follow your authentic self, look at these common behaviors which are often considered negative which can actually be healthy.
1. Anger
Anger is something many of us avoid expressing and yet it can often be very liberating. Being angry and expressing it in a healthy way can create powerful and positive change in our lives. Anger is simply a type of emotional energy that rises up in us when we have been wronged and a personal boundary has been crossed. That energy is set out on a mission to dismantle the inappropriate situation that has caused our suffering.

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Poetry? What does poetry have to do with happiness?

Poetry, poetic, poetic mind… not part of the fabric of culture in our times.
JFK was inspiring, Trump, Biden? coarse or boring.

At the same time there is a  quirk to human nature: A result that is not poetic, a result that is not uplifting, a result that is not inspiring doesn’t register as a result. So people are left with a sense of nothing important got done. No happiness, no fulfillment. Nothing to be proud of, nothing to be inspired by.

And then the second quirk: that the skill people have for poetic language is completely undeveloped.
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Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration.


Choice is: selecting freely, AFTER consideration.
Matsa asks: hmm, it’s puzzling – if you never choose X, didn’t you, in fact, chose Y?

My answer: are you referring to choosing sexual preference? Most people have the choice made for them, societally and biologically…

99.99% of people never actually choose consciously, instead allow something else to choose for them: how they feel, their urges, society, the other, etc.

The best example for choiceless choice is: choosing your mother… choosing your life to be the way your life is. It is weird for people. They resist how it is… but there is no other choice.

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My first interview on this topic on Awesome FM… wanna hear it?

I was interviewed by my friend Laser show artist and entrepreneur Tim Bennett of Argon Management last week. I just listened to the interview and I think it’s good, he puts me on the spot a few times and makes me talk about things I didn’t think of talking about… it is definitely worth a listen.

Go to Tim’s site to listen

Tim lives in Manila, in the Philippines. In addition to doing laser shows, he has an animation company, and a training company for aspiring entrepreneurs in the Philippines.

He is one of the most likable people I know… you’ll love him, and hopefully you’ll love me.

Go, listen. Go to Tim’s site to listen
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Self-awareness: The levels of self awareness… and your financial and relationship troubles

What is self-awareness? Is it feeling what you feel, thinking what you think, doing what you do, and knowing you are doing, feeling, thinking that?

I think self-awareness is beyond that, self-awareness is a positional shift for the self that is aware. Positional meant in a physical sense, in a physical movement of the vantage point.

It is one thing to feel from inside the body, and it’s another thing from observing it, as the body feels what it feels.

If there are words to the feeling, then it is the Mind that is attempting to label the experience… but your Self is NOT your mind, it is not even near your mind. You also, the moment your mind labels the experience, stop feeling, and now consider the word as the experience, instead… Much like eating the menu in a restaurant, not the meal. I have watched people doing that…

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Until you know who you are, you are a boat without a rudder

You don’t know who you are. You lie about it, you make up s-h-i-t, but there is not a you that you consistently are.

Landmark Education (and I think other coaches and companies as well) decided that who you are needs to be invented.

But all this invention, all this creation is on the top of an undifferentiated mess of stuff you don’t want to look at. So, whatever people in Landmark invent as themselves doesn’t last long, and has to be repeated, ad nauseum. People need to remind themselves… but that is obvious:
If you know who you are, you don’t need to be reminded of it.

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