Why you do what you do, and why you don’t do what you don’t do?

There are two types of students and there are two types of teachers.

Teacher One says: I’ll teach you!
Teacher Two says: I won’t quit until you learned it!

Student One says: I’ll come to your class, I’ll pay for your program and then I’ll try!
Student Two says: I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure I learn it and have it for myself.

This is not limited to learning…

One person says: I’ll try
Another person says: I can do it
The third person says: I’ll do it until it’s done

People who are willing to try are many. Teachers, students, doesn’t matter.

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Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design?

I have been observing myself as a spiritual practice. Trying to “remember myself” as Gurjieff would say it, call upon the “witness” or “observer”. Be awake. Either way, I have noticed something remarkable about myself: see if you can relate.

When I am in front of my computer* (where I spend most of my day) and I encounter something that requires the slightest push on my end, I see myself automatically going to the computer game of my choice, freecell.

I began observing this phenomenon about 6 months ago (it was there, unobserved, for many years). But 4 days ago I decided to employ “restriction,” which is one of Kabbalah’s main tenets, and see what will happen.

For about 36 hours I closed the freecell program as soon as I opened it. Then every time I was “awake” which means I was by myself and I was still observing myself. On the other hand, every time I was on the phone, or watching a video on my computer, or listening to an audio file, my attention wasn’t on myself, and I played… until I “woke up.”

Still curious, more interested in the experiment than conquering the force that moves my hand, I saw something today that is worth sharing.

Since I have started this blog, I have been watching how I somehow leak the energy that is necessary for creative thinking and expression… by talking on the phone, by playing freecell.

Every occasion when I need the little push and I opt to play instead, two things happen: 1. I have diminished the internal discomfort 2. I have successfully diverted my attention from what is important to me.

The first one is good, right? Who would want to be uncomfortable, after all.

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Did you get stuck at a 3-year old’s level, and you are still behaving like a 3-year old child

Did you get stuck, ontologically, at a 3-year old’s level, and you are still behaving like a 3-year old child

Ontology is being science.

It looks at the grounds of your being. Here are a few examples: “I am an object in the world of objects.” “I am not free to be myself!” “There is something wrong and it needs to be fixed!” “Don’t tell me what to do!” “I already know!” “It’s mine!” “I am a girl” “I am not loved” “Life is dangerous” “I can’t count on anyone” “I am worthless”
Your life is built on the grounds of your being… like a house. You don’t like your life? Examine your grounds of being: the issue is there.
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3 Techniques to expand the limited view through which you experience life

As I have said before, your experience of life is limited, narrow, and quite defined by your culture, family, upbringing, education, and early experiences.

As long as your view of life stays the same, life will stay the same, or worse: it is a downward spiral.

So it makes sense to explore and employ methods that can expand your view of life and thus allow for a life that can go in a different direction, instead of the downward spiral.

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Dark Side increases incoherence creating energies

What’s preventing your water from getting coherent nowadays?

Dark Side increases incoherence creating energies.

Until a few months ago my Water Energizer Audio needed 26.5 hours to make your water coherent.

In my own house I only use the small bottles to charge the water (using entrainment!), the energized bottles of water made the water coherent overnight: in 12 hours.
Nowadays the energizing takes 24 hours in my house.

And my clients are not catching up.

At the moment I have three clients emailing me a picture of their water, daily… They all stop the audio at 26.5 hours, even though I tell them: the water isn’t coherent… it isn’t ready yet.
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We met the enemy and it’s us… we get in our own way

The biggest problem we have in life is ourselves. You’d think it’s others, but it is really you.
We’ve met your enemy and it’s us. Get out of your own way! You are your worst enemy!

The sayings abound, because ultimately until you change, nothing will change. But how to change?
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The Spiritual Rules of Engagement

If you can only read one book in your whole life, read this book. Especially if you are a woman. But it can be very fundamentally revolutionary for a man as well, except I am not a man, so I can only guess.

I bought this book, The Spiritual Laws of Engagement The Spiritual Rules of Engagement: How Kabbalah Can Help Your Soul Mate Find You together with the Nano: Technology of Mind over Matter.

Characteristically, to me, as soon as I got it, I did not want to read the “Engagement” book. I didn’t want to be engaged, i didn’t believe I can attract my soul mate, so why bother. So I lent it to Sandy, my neighbor, she is 38 or so, single, and desperate. Not me, no siree.
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Deserving… why do you need to deserve what you want? Why you cannot see value?

I have written a bunch of articles about deserving. For several reasons, the most important is this: deserving is a tricky word… Is it a beingness verb, maybe adjective or is it a true verb, doingness? I hope I can hold your attention through a few articles exploring this ever so important word… Once you get it, you’ll know what to do. Because you cannot get what you want without deserving it… And if you do get what you want without deserving, what you wanted will kill you… Sounds like a puzzle… it’s a principle.
This article is a year and a half old…
I find myself angry.

On one hand you want. A lot of things.

On the other hand you think it should be handed to you. Because… why? You don’t know. But you see other people who have it and surely there is no difference you can see between them and you… and in many ways you seem to yourself better than those people who have what you want. You are nicer, prettier, maybe smarter, and yet… they are getting what you want, not you.

What you don’t see: you can’t see, what is invisible to you…

It is what is under the hood.

Ultimately, if I compared you to a lion, or maybe even a cat… you would come up short.

For the most part a lion or a cat can see what is important to them. Certainly there are cats that choose the wrong time to cross the street, and get hit by a fast car… but this doesn’t happen all that often.
Whereas you can’t see all the things you need to see to get what you want.
In fact you see only a tiny fragment of what you need to see. The rest: you fill out with your imagination.

I know you think I am judgmental. This is exactly what I am talking about. You don’t know the difference between judgment and assessment… I bet you don’t even know the second word…
In life you get what you deserve. Actively deserve. Meaning what you can and do work for… the value you create, in the world.
But because the human world is a lot more complicated than a cat’s world, you need to be able to recognize and correctly use, a lot more things than the cat.

You need to be able to recognize…

Who is a friend, and who is a foe.
What is useful and for what.
What works and doesn’t.
What is valuable for others and what isn’t.
What other people want… from you.

This last one is very tricky: you think you know. But you are way way off…
Actually, you are way off in every single area of life.
And I am angry.

You say: but somehow you earned a roof over your head and three meals a day! And yes, you have.

Our welfare system has set a rule that even if you provide no, or not much value, you are granted the minimum to survive… They take resources from more deserving people to ensure that you survive…
But that is what you deserve in today’s day and age: surviving.

The trouble is that you think you should have more.
The trouble is that you don’t deserve it… because to deserve it you need to be worth a damn.

“To get what
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How accurate is your knowledge? What you read, see, hear, and say…

Most everything you read on the internet, in books, on youtube, is b.s. Not true… a lie, or not the whole truth.

What do I mean by b.s.? I simply mean that they have a low truth value.

They can be a lie… misdirection, misleading, made up… etc. Not necessarily with a malicious intent… the speaker/writer is looking to say what they say in the mind, in memes, in books, in other people speaking, not in reality.

Unless it is your truth, experienced yourself, it is not truth. Truth repeated is a lie… Talking about flying isn’t flying. Talking about sex isn’t sex. Talking about integrity isn’t integrity.

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