Tag Archives: brilliance at will

How Bad Do You Want It? Money, Love, Success?

I love this video. I love it for two reasons:

1. the guy speaking is a good match for what he says, in his energy
2. the answer he comes up is at least in the ballpark (neighborhood) of what the true motivator is.

Watch it, it’s a valuable lesson. If your efforts thus far haven’t taken you closer to what you want, then your answer may lie in the missing component.

Now, if you haven’t gone far in the direction of your wants, it would be a good idea to explore what’s in the way, would not you think?

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Why do you want to connect to Source? What would it do?

Let me start with the story of a famous thief…
Arthur Barry was described by Time as ‘The slickest second-story man in the East,’ truly one of the most famous jewel thieves of all times.

In his years of crime, he committed as many as 150 burglaries and stole jewels valued between $5 and $10 million.

He seldom robbed from anyone not listed in the Social Register and often did his work in… get this…

A tuxedo!

On an occasion or two, when caught in the act of a crime by a victim, he charmed his way out of being reported to the police.

Like most people who engage in a life of crime, he was eventually caught, convicted and served 25 years in prison.

Following his release, he worked as a counterman in a roadside restaurant on the East Coast for $50 a week.

A newspaper reporter found him and interviewed him about his life.
After telling about the thrilling episodes of his life he came to the conclusion of the interview saying:
‘I am not good at morals. But early in my life I was intelligent and clever, and I got along well with people.
‘I think I could have made something of my life, but I didn’t.
‘So when you write the story of my life, when you tell people about all the burglaries, don’t leave out the biggest one of all… Don’t just tell them I robbed Jesse Livermore, the Wall Street baron or the cousin of the King of England. You tell them Arthur Barry robbed… Arthur Barry.
Arthur Barry realized — too late –that he’d robbed himself of time.
We all only have so much time to achieve our dreams and aspirations.
I don’t know what your dreams and aspirations are — but I do know that for you to achieve them you’ll likely need to get the cooperation and help of your vertical self. Your higher self.

This means that you are going to need to know how get out of your horizontal self, get into your vertical self, and get the cooperation and supportive help of your vertical self…

…and the EASIEST way to do that is to connect to Source… that is on the same vertical as your ‘inner coach’, the Observing Self. And no, it is not your mind. Your mind is NOT your inner coach, though it pretends to be one. Your mind is the one that tells you that you are entitled… or that you are stupid… that you will never amount to anything, no matter what you do.

Your inner coach is your vertical self, and to locate it, you need to be able to use the Tangerine Method to connect to Source. (Alternatively, I think, you can do it while you are connected to the Big Bundle… but I am not sure. I can’t test it because I am always connected.)
It doesn’t have to be hard either. You just need the right tool and training to teach you how to do it.
You see, most things that are out there (I say most, because I haven’t seen everything yet. But for all the courses that I have seen, what I am saying here is true), most teachers, most training, most coaching, most meditation, most guru stuff, operate on and strengthen your horizontal sel
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How Finding Out What’s Wrong With You Is The Ticket To Peace of Mind, Grace and Ease and Power

I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. Not tears of gratitude, not tears of joy. Just tears.

Most people teach from their mind. Most people teach from the Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge, simply, means speaking from what you already know, what you store in your memory.

A “real” teacher is different, and very very rare.

A real teacher is always a student. And as student learn with all the people they teach, at the same time. Not what you would think: they are also taking course, they also have teachers. That is not what I mean. That doesn’t make them real teachers.

A real teacher, like me, learn as they speak.

How is that possible? It’s possible because I do not speak from my mind. I speak from the nothing (space) behind my mind. From the space of mystery, from the space that cannot be known.

That is why I am so nervous, anxious, stiff as a board before I approach a new topic. I have no idea what I am going to say.

This was, exactly, the case yesterday when I lead my first Brilliance at Will class. Looking back, I was exactly as agitated, nervous, stressed out as I used to be, every time, I was going to do the Landmark Forum. I did that course 20 times, but it was always from the mystery: what am I going to find out about myself now?

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Courses and workshops

All past courses have been recorded and some are available for purchase. I am in the process of checking them, updating the sales letters, etc. So if what you find is a mess… just email me if you want to buy the course.

Amish Horse Training
Carrot and Stick course
Feel Your Feelings course
From upset to communication course
Inner Authority
Instant Coherence course
Integrity workshop
Money: what is missing? workshop
On building a raft… the foundation
The Ego webinar
Turn Around on a Dime aka Being a Winner

Second phase activators
Third phase activators
Brilliance at will level one and level 2
Activate your divinity
Daily connection
The itch that you can’t scretch: the course
The pebble in your shoes
Empath Training
Self healing course
Muscle Testing
The Soaring Method
The Playground… learn what belongs to you, what is real and what is not… so you can become a responsible adult

email me for a payment link and with questions
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When you realize that YOU are wasting your life… Updated

How do YOU waste your life? How do YOU leak?
A student of mine watched a movie last night. In the movie she heard the following dialogue:

“Thank you for saving my life” “Don’t waste it.”

She cried. Later her husband was picking a fight with her. She stepped back and didn’t react.

An hour later the husband came downstairs. She offered him tea. He apologized for his behavior.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because one way or another we are all wasting our life, or most of it.

The most useful question I have found to snap me out of this wasteful way of being is:
What is using my perfectly good life right now?

Here are some examples. All are life-wasters that you can eliminate by bringing consciousness to life… stopping for a moment, and choose…. Helping you with that are, of course, the the activators.

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If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value or Why Paul Selig is so popular

If your vibration is low, the more something resonates with you the less its truth value.
Why? Because you like what you are. You are attracted what confirms what you think, how you are, who you are, what you know.

There is no mystery why humanity is growing away from its true nature, not towards it.

Watch who and what is hugely popular?

The more popular someone is, the more people they attract, the closer their “truth” is to the common society trained mind. The more it sounds true to the low vibration man… The average vibration on the Planet is 120… the closer a guru is to that vibration the more people they attract.

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Is it smart to ask questions?

People don’t ask me enough questions… they just go and do what they always do, with blinders on.

When they do ask questions, (some ask hundreds of questions!) the questions are not good questions. Good questions would guide them, bad questions keep them square in their box.

How do I know? I watch people… I go to my google account and check how people got to the site and start thinking: what would they ask if they were smart enough to ask a question. What would they do if they were smart enough to ask a question.

I don’t mean to put people down, I only mean the state they are in when they arrive. Blinders on. In their box. Mostly in an upset. Mostly fused with a problem, or with a “solution” to a problem.

This is how 99% of the readers of this blog arrive. Arrive imprisoned in their box.

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The Binary, The Pendulum, The Tedium, The Lifeless Life…

Do you work on your mind to make it better? You are making the bars of your prison shinier…
One of the activities of the mind  that takes you out of the present is comparing.

If you are new here, you probably think that I am talking about your brain… but the mind is only a limited function of the brain. The brain is like the world, and the mind is like a room in your house… much smaller, and totally insulated from the world.
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A fresh look at the pebble: unconscious commitment to fail

A fresh look at the pebble: is it a secret commitment?

When you are a transformational teacher, part of your job is to do the work you ask your students to do, on yourself and on your life.

Why? Aren’t you already transformed? No, transformation doesn’t last. Transformation is a momentary opening to the beyond, beyond what you already know and hold true, and that momentary opening doesn’t stay open for any longer than a few seconds, maybe minutes.

Which means, that if you don’t take an action consistent with the new opening you see, then the transformation is lost, maybe forever.

I am a transformational teacher, and I never pretend to have transformed: I do the work, every day, just like I ask you to do it.

Transformation is one of those phenomena when you can see that the saying is quite true: “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off…” Sounds funny, but it really isn’t.

Doing work, day in and day out, being pissed of by what you see is nobody’s dream life, and yet, if you want a bigger life, a less predictable, less scripted life, then the only path I have seen that works is ongoing transformation.

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