Tag Archives: Donna Eden Techniques

Vibrational Review: Donna Eden – Updated

Donna Eden www.innersource.net/

Her vibration is 230 120… the highest of the so called ‘energy practitioners’.

She works exclusively with 4th plane energies. She doesn’t connect to Source (Reality).

Muscle test results: what she teaches vibrates at 300 Has a truth value 3% truth value… meaning 97% not true.
Can she heal? No.
Can she teach what she does? No.
Is it worth my time? No.
Does she believe that what she does is the truth? Yes. No.
Average vibration of people she attracts: 120

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, meditation, chanting, etc. Anything under 500 or truth value of 30% … won’t raise your vibration, most will lower it. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source and the Original Design. Disconnected from truth.

He is also on Mind Valley, which means “fraud” in my world.

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