UPDATE AUGUST 21: “Suspect is armed and dangerous!” I am now disabled with a serious case of back pain, directly traceable to this guy… Avoid him. Learn how to cloak and bubble yourself to be energetically invisible… that is what I am doing…. sigh
At the request of a reader I visited this practitioner: Danadoost
> Good afternoon Sophie,
> I was wondering what the vibration of a particular person is. His name
> Is danadoost located out of California. Not sure if this is the way
> to ask you about it. If not I apologize. Have a beautiful day 🙂
According to my muscle test and experience, he is a very powerful Dark
Energy practitioner, dangerous.
It took me minutes before I could pull myself out of his influence to
connect to Source. He puts attachments on people and uses their
energy, like a vampire
Beware. Stay away. I am not even sure I can remove the attachment… Dangerous.
UPDATE I didn’t say before, but I got “infected” as a result of the visit and connecting to the dude… you may not connect to him, unless you use his services, so don’t worry that much. I needed to connect to measure.
The symptoms came about an hour later, chill, strong pressure in middle of chest, overall feeling of sickness, nausea… you may experience it differently.
Managed to remove the attachment.
If you are one of his “clients” or if you have gotten energy transmissions from Mr. T… I am not advised to say the name, because of the same reason, I immediately connect when I say the name! then come to me for removal of attachment. Please.
It can kill you…
Read the rest of the article –>