Tag Archives: generative language

The rudiments of integrity… without mastering kindergarten and elementary school, you can’t go to high school or college

One of my struggling students sent this to me so that I can share it with you.

I take this concept way beyond this level in my programs… but I can’t build on air…

So if you want to do my courses, and succeed with them, do this first. It’s half hour instruction and weeks of practice… like everything worth having, it takes practice, it is a process, and you cannot jump.

I did everything he suggests about 30 years ago… when I first did the Communication Course…

I paid $530. This is about 30% of that course, and you can get it for free.

I listened to it… and it is valuable. I don’t teach as well as this guy… so I don’t mind that you’ll learn this from him.

Watch the videos. You’ll love them.
Read the rest of the article