Tag Archives: impostor syndrome

If it is easy to get, then it is worthless… Anything worthwhile is hard to master

One of my students gave me a kindle book for my birthday.

It’s a book about practicing, for teachers.

The gift book came right on the heels of an insight I haven’t shared with you.
I finished my third reading Ayn Rand’s 1500 page philosophical novel. I still don’t have my own words to say what she says.
I have one sentence, that is now mine, that I own, and the sentence is “A is A. If you wish it to be something else, then you are delusional.” This is the cornerstone of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, objectivism.

I am able to own one distinction. From the 1500 pages of dense philosophy.
I am OK with that. It’s a process.

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The “Racket” of transformation, transformational methods, programs, potions, transmissions, pills revealed

Warning: I use all my articles as a vehicle for me to muddle through issues, to gain clarity, to distill the truth, to separate illusion from reality.

This article goes through a meandering path… and unless you follow the path closely, you won’t get to the result and get the same clarity, so you will be wasting your time.

If you don’t have the time to read this article attentively, don’t read it, it will make no sense in the end.

The juice is in the detail, the juice is in the journey, the scenery one can see… You’ve been warned.

Humanity lives in quiet desperation. Everyone. Even the rich and famous. They are aimless, purposeless, dissatisfied, judgmental, jealous and envious, craving love, craving sex, craving belonging, craving a sense of meaning. At times more than at others.

Was it always like this? Before our time? I don’t know. I actually think so. But I can’t know. My memories of another life are just memories, me-centered, so I don’t know what life was like for people. I know in every past life memory I lived in quiet desperation.

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Does it look hopeless? To have fulfillment, and a life worth living?

Part 1: The Question

I just got off a call with my friend, Alex. This call was about starting a business that can make money for me… I asked him to coach me about 10 days ago, and we’ve spoken already a few times.

I am not paying him with money: money comes and goes. Instead I pay him with a currency that will pay him dividends over and over: I ask him to do what he is helping me to do: start a business that can make money for him for a long time.

He is making a living, but building a business is more than just making a living: it is exciting.

So today’s call was a brainstorming question about his business to decide what kind of business he wants to build.

I was full of questions that I didn’t think of asking myself. Some questions were old, like:

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Vibrational Review: Teal Scott revisited: the question is: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?

I am getting requests to remove or change this article through legal services hired by Teal.

I am dumbfounded what about the article that does her wrong… Moshe Dayan famously said: I don’t care what people say about me, as long as they spell my name right it adds to my mystique…

So I have re-read this article, added some stuff… Updated her vibrational measure… whatever.

And given that she has made herself a Wikipedia entry, now I also know her date of birth, so I know that her soul correction is Sexual Energy… the energy I call on/off, and the attitude of the person I also call on/off… and the highest capacity to be personally offended… My younger brother has stopped talking to me because I dared to tell him what i thought about him… Cannot take the truth.

Read my newest article on Teal Scott, Teal Swan… Teal Scott revisited: Personal vibration: 150. I am asked, again and again: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?

190 thousand pages in two years, wow. If you put Teal Scott in quotation marks in your google search box, that is how many pages are by her and about her.

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Unlimited Abundance Review: by Christie Marie Sheldon – is it any good?

Unlimited Abundance Review… a program by Christie Marie Sheldon
Before i do anything else: I’ll do a vibrational reading (review) on Christie…

Her personal vibration: 130. Truth value of her teaching: 3%… meaning: 97% is not true, not accurate, not effective.

Want to find out if your vibration is higher than hers?

I have gone to her webinars, and I have students who have. I have never met or spoken with anyone for whom it worked. It is a bestseller because people hope that they can amass abundance without working on themselves, without working on their skills, their attitudes, or working… period. The requirement for anyone to want this program is greed and hoping.

The whole methodology of Christie Marie Sheldon is to do incantations. Incantations like a witch, which is quite in character, considering her little wicked giggle, even though it is a nervous laugh, much like a tik… she probably has no control over it. It is irritating nevertheless.

Incantations are affirmation, words. The intention is to change the subconscious beliefs. But your subconscious beliefs aren’t what direct your actions. Your actions come from your beingness: which is either your default, or something higher and intended by your consciousness.

Your level of consciousness is more indicative of what you’ll do, than what is stored in your subconscious.

Not mentioning the fact that no affirmations, not even hypnosis has ever changed someone’s actions with any level of certainty, for any length of time. If it have, you would already know.

She says that she uses the energy of the audience, and she is not lying about that. She managed to put an energy sucking attachment on my neck: luckily I caught it early, because I had removed it from other people before. Her attachments seem to go deep and suck the aliveness, the will to live, the Life Force out of you.

My personal experience is that people who flock to Christie Marie Sheldon, are suckers for miracles, have no or low self confidence, and are not really willing to do what it takes to make a buck.

The testimonials are from the exception: people who are already making money, who have value to offer, and just by virtue of putting their attention on the area, start making more money. This is what we call the placebo effect.

Also, as an empath I can tell you with certainty, that Christie Marie Sheldon doesn’t believe a word she says, and neither does her promoter, owner of MindValley, an Indian guy, didn’t catch his name. Christie is riddled with greed and the impostor syndrome: a tightness in your center.

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