Maria of Toronto says: “My nausea was unbearable. Anything I ate bothered me… I was making the rounds to doctors, and they could not find anything wrong with me. In my desperation I came to a “Healing Call.” I didn’t believe much in the hocus pocus of distance healers, but I owed it to myself to at least try. On the call, the “healer” Sophie said that I had some obstruction in her gall bladder and instructed some energy, the Unbreakable to squeeze it out. After about 5 minutes Sophie said that gall stone was done. I didn’t feel anything, but the nausea disappeared to not come back for seven months, a couple of days ago.
This time I knew what to do, and went to the Healing Call again… Lo and behold, my gall stone was back, but removed again. I am well now. And have signed up to the February Self-Healing Course to learn to to heal myself. I am sure that cleansing my liver at least once a week will take care of my tendency for a gall-stone.”
Michael from Alabama, one user of this course said: “Last summer I was feeling light-headed and low energy. I went to the doctor and found out that my blood pressure was very high. I was put on blood pressure medication, which made me even weaker, and I completely lost my ability to perform my duties as a husband… I came to a Healing Call as a last resort.
Sophie recommended the Heaven on Earth, saying that the high blood pressure was due to my habit of not breathing. My anxiety made it hard to breathe. I started to take the Heaven on Earth, come to a few Healing Calls, and my blood pressure went back to normal. My performance ability is back and I trust that as long as I use the techniques I learned in the Healing Course and take my Heaven on Earth, I will be fine.”
In this day and age of questionable quality food and water, anxiety and other worries, staying healthy or getting well is a big challenge. Challenge financially. Challenge because it is hard to know what works, what doesn’t. It is hard to know who to trust, what to trust. It is hard to know what to eat, what to take… But this course puts the power back into your own hands: you can heal yourself, and you can do it anytime, anyplace. Hundreds of participants are doing it and doing it successfully.
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