Tag Archives: priority

The 4 stumbling blocks to Intelligence… the empath’s view

Intelligence is what makes you able to

navigate the treacherous world of humans,
see things for what they are, be able to
compare things even if they aren’t in front of you, and
find what is more primary and what is secondary so you can do things in order, and lastly accomplish things.

If we look at it with our strait and narrow method, where intelligence is that narrow body of water separating two lands, then any spot we find on land isn’t intelligence, and any spot we find in water is.

Intelligence is a number. Numbers are easy to see, easy to compare. I am not talking about IQ, who knows what “they” are measuring… What I am measuring is the full use of your brain and body to live the good life, health, wealth, love and fulfillment.

The number shows to what degree you can create and live the good life for yourself. And this article will attempt to point to the missing at the root level… so you can start there, instead of where all those books and articles out there tell you to start. So you can succeed.

Here are the four linchpins that unless they are present, your intelligence is lacking… and you won’t live the good life.

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