Tag Archives: reality vs the map of reality

3 Techniques to expand the limited view through which you experience life

As I have said before, your experience of life is limited, narrow, and quite defined by your culture, family, upbringing, education, and early experiences.

As long as your view of life stays the same, life will stay the same, or worse: it is a downward spiral.

So it makes sense to explore and employ methods that can expand your view of life and thus allow for a life that can go in a different direction, instead of the downward spiral.

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The biggest challenge in transformation and a free video

I have said it before, but can’t say this enough, you live in a world of your own design, a puny 1% of reality. That is the world your conscious mind knows, and you only have fleeting glimpses of a world beyond that.

When you read, watch a movie, listen to me, you hear what resonates with you inside this 1% world, and at best humor me about the rest.

The method transformation needs to employ is to shock you out of your 1%, so you can see that the world is bigger than you see it.

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Turn around fast enough to catch your shadow

This article explains how come that you can only interact with Maya, which is ‘not that’ in Sanskrit, i.e. not reality, illusion, shadow play, the hologram, etc.

It is much less mystical than the Vedanta imagines it: it is quite simple and it’s explained in this article.

Without the capacity that I speak about here, you are going to continue living in Maya for all your life.
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Don’t judge a book by its cover

Quoting from Rob Brezsny:
In the nights to come, I expect you will dream of creatures like fiery monsters, robot warriors, extraterrestrial ghosts, and zombie vampires. But here’s the weird twist: They will be your helpers and friends. They will protect you and fight on your behalf as you defeat your real enemies, who are smiling pretenders wearing white hats. Dreams like this will prepare you well for events in your waking life, where you will get the chance to gain an advantage over fake nice guys who have hurt you or thwarted you.

I am a rough and tumble Hungarian/Israeli/New Yorker.

Most people, especially in the South, California, Canada, and Australia, people think I am a little too rough, to straight forward, bordering on rude and arrogant.

I am your fiery monster from the above quote. I fight on your side, I fight on your behalf.

Your real enemies are the white robed, white hat donning, smiling pretenders.

How do you know I am honest? You don’t. How do you know I am telling the truth? You don’t.

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Enlightenment? Is there an outlined path towards it?

Great stuff I want you to read. I found this on Quora

When you read all the comments (there are tons of them) you can see how much tree of knowledge there is out there, wishful thinking, hoping that there is no work in becoming enlightened.
I think that if you are hoping to lighten your load, and start soaring, you have come to the right place.

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The new worry epidemic

This article is long… the original writer was probably paid for each word… In spite of my intent to edit it, I could not make it shorter.

The gist of it is that instead of using our god given ability to think to think things through, to plan, to prevent, we use it instead to worry… Worry is unproductive and makes absolutely no difference. In fact, it makes you stupid… Very stupid, unprepared, make emotional decisions, avoid action… in simple terms, to become a Shrinking Human… instead of an Expanding Human Being.

Oh, and it also makes you sick… if being sick and stupid with worry weren’t enough.

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Are you intelligent enough to use this tool to change your life?

There is a tool that you could put in your tool box, and get out of tough spots, conquer every issue, and become a happy, wealthy, fulfilled person… It’s asking different questions… to see different paths.

But neither you, nor myself have been trained in it, so we keep on asking the same questions and end up with the same miserable life…
How do you develop the capacity to ask intelligent questions that also alter your reality?
Yesterday I had a long conversation with one of my students. I suddenly had an insight into soul correction, that had been hidden from my view before.

How did I get to that insight? I asked different questions.
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Abilities that are not available until your health number is above 30%

When you are not well, you are in survival mode. You live in scarcity. Everything seems to be about you. And not much can change about your life… given the focus (me-me-me) and therefore the questions you ask.

In scarcity everything is an is, and the questions you ask are from that “is”. Everything needs to be fixed, and you can’t very well leave things alone: they are wrong, wrong, wrong. Ugh…

You ask why question. Why is this happening to me? Why are you treating me like this? Why can’t I blah blah blah… get rich, understand, be loved, get well… you know those whiny questions that don’t make a difference, they just make you feel even worse.

“They” teach you that you can change your mindset, that you can easily get out of the scarcity mindset, but they are lying. They ignore that your existence is based on your physical well-being (and vice versa!) and unless you get better, nothing will change.

Your whole being comes from your physiology, mostly from your digestive tract, and thus your eating. Bummer, eh?
When you are well, you can start to ask different questions

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Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Given that I go deep with humans… deep inside… deep into the invisible… all the way to DNA, this article is different than what everyone says… so beware…
Ultimately emotional intelligence means: interfacing with reality accurately.
REAL emotional intelligence is when you can look at what emotions you feel, and not be guided by that emotion.

You have no control over your emotions. You can test it… try to be happy… OK now try to be sad… You may fake the facial expression, but what you feel is now that…

Emotional intelligence is to consider your emotions noise. Really. And instead of looking in your emotions to know what’s going on, look in REALITY… Emotions all come from something you consciously or unconsciously say… not from reality.

Why? Because what you say has nothing to do with reality… what you say comes from your worldview… which is a very grossly inaccurate image of reality.

I am getting in deeply with this whole idea that you can be emotionally intelligent or not.

And have zoomed in on a spiritual/DNA capacity (The Sight capacity) that when kept alive, when used, it provides you with a significant jump in your emotional intelligence, or EQ.

It seems that the biggest problem is that you are not looking at people and even if you think you are looking, you are only looking for what you think you can recognize… like a smile or a frown… but that is where you stop.

And if you ‘misdiagnose’ what you see, your response to it will be NOT emotionally intelligent, in fact it will be a false step.
Your life will be full of disappointments, upsets, and not much success, neither in your work, nor in your relationships. Or money. Or health.
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Cancer: The unexpected results of positive thinking

Whoever thought that the well-meaning positive thinking will become a prison and a sentence to a ‘no joy life’ for most who become a “practitioner” of it, about 80% of humanity at this time.

Whether you know it or not, your powers of comprehension depend on your powers of distinguishing.

In the old est training, the trainers came to the room on the first day blasting: “for you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always” and they were as accurate as accurate they would be today: you can’t tell your ass from your elbow.

This is true for everybody, including yours truly… the difference is only in degrees. No one is exempt from it.

The capacity to see differences clearly is called astuteness. The capacity to tell apart similar things, to name them and claim them.

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