Tag Archives: soul correction

You’d rather be right than be happy or rich…

You’d rather be right than happy, you’d rather be right than rich… Your microexpressions will give you away

I had a few remarkable experiences the past few days.

The conclusions from these experiences make me mad, angry, bitter, and hopeless… but that should not surprise you: the condition of humanity is hopeless.

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The other destabilizing energy: the energy of the urges

Yesterday I wrote about the destabilizing energy of avoiding, fighting, resisting. The enemies of having a good life, having a productive life. The enemies of being able to concentrate your energies on what you are working on.

There is a whole other type of energy that works the opposite way… the urges and the cravings.
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I had a few interesting client interactions today plus epigenetics

I have gleaned quite come new information about people who become my clients.
–Client #1: energy teacher, practitioner.
Has been paying me for years to do work on him. This time I did work on him, on his ex, and am waiting for payment to work on some of his associates.

It doesn’t even occur to him to work on being a co-creator: he is either believing in my power to do it for him, or he doesn’t believe in it…

My hunch is that he, secretly, knows that what he does is ineffective, and by the same token he is sure, secretly, that what I do is ineffective.

Reminds me of money gurus, or law of attraction gurus: big boys club support each other: each benefit equally by throwing dust in the unsuspecting “plebs” eyes.

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Your Soul Correction prevents you from a life worth living?

When you change the way you see things, the things you see change!
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

I have a disproportionately large number of people asking for their numbers, whose soul correction is ‘Sexual Energy’

I could ponder why the Kabbalists named the soul correction that… but instead of that I’ll say:
How you do anything is how you do everything…
meaning whatever your attitude to one thing in life, will be visible in every area of life, including sex.
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Soul Correction: Slighted

Slighted is an optical illusion where you see that everyone else, or a certain group has everything that should belong to you.

I was doing the soul correction reading of a person yesterday who hates Jews, yet, married a Jew.

Her hate (Soul correction: Removing Hatred) is based on feeling slighted, and finding a cause outside of herself to blame.

Another soul correction that has this feeling ‘slighted’ as a foundation is “Share the Light”.

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Cannot get from A to B? It’s not your fault! It’s the memes

When people speak about beliefs that they want to get rid of, let’s say, belief about money, abundance, they always think that there are some personal beliefs there, that they are discreet, and that they can get rid of them.

Back in my times when I was doing Fourth Plane energies, “designer energies”, one of the moves I had is to make my hand sticky, and pull beliefs, also called thought forms, from myself and from clients.

It was a long process. Hard on the muscles…
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A symbol of restriction is a chimney. And Forrest Gump

The best symbol of restriction is the chimney. And Forrest Gump

They are, I say, the symbol for growth… Only one way… up.

There are nations like a lake, a stream, a river, a puddle, and nations like a chimney. Most nations devolve into a puddle-like environment for the individual. No growth inspired, no growth encouraged, no growth praised.

So if life, what is ‘normal’, the expectations don’t restrict your activities, behaviors, then how can you reach excellence?
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How does your Soul Correction prevent you from getting to a life worth living?

When you change the way you see things, the things you see change!
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.

I have a disproportionately large number of people asking for their numbers, whose soul correction is “Sexual Energy”

I could ponder why the Kabbalist named the soul correction that… but instead of that I’ll say: How you do anything is how you do everything… meaning whatever your attitude to one thing in life, will be visible in every area of life, including sex.

The main attitude of this soul correction, “Sexual Energy” is: It is my due. One may say “I deserve it”. I heard the expression “Magiya li” in Israel a lot.

We all think about certain things, we all view certain privileges as a right, as a due, as an “of course”, but the nature of reality dares to differ.
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Soul-Correction: Self-Esteem. Low or high… inaccurate!

You must have heard that problems with one of the senses are usually compensated for through increased sensitivity of other senses or organs. For example, persons that had lost their hearing may delight in particularly acute eyesight or the sense of smell.

You can hear better in darkness where your eyes are disengaged, or with your eyes closed.
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Are The Voices subliminal? Talking to your other than conscious brain?

Remember that episode in the Columbo series where he is in the movie theater and suddenly everyone wants to get a coke… and that is what helps him catch the killer?

That was the time when scientists discovered that the brain can see stuff that you cannot consciously see and act on it. Subliminal, I think, they called it.

The Voices, The Dark Side mostly uses subliminal techniques on you. More of that a little later, but first let me share with you a principle of mine:

If there is a memorable idea, a memorable teaching in a book, a movie, a conversation, something that I’ll use decades later, then it was worth reading, it was worth watching.

That is an attitude vastly different from the attitude in vogue: where you are digging, searching for the memorable.

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