Tag Archives: soul correction

Why would he with a 160 IQ produce low truth value science?

Or an even better question: can that same dude see clearly that his science is only 10% truth value?

And another puzzling question: what does it feel like being a shyster?

Does it matter that he is a Pisces?

The issue is, I say, character.

What is character and why is it more important than IQ?

This dude’s soul correction is the same as mine… Forget Thyself. Is lying part of my soul correction? Hm.
Soul correction is a machine with a set of character defects. Lying is a character defect.

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Weeping looking back at the path — republished

I wrote this article in 2015. I am republishing it… because it is important to read now… given the next article I just wrote… It will make it easier to get.

Here I am this cool Saturday morning, weeping.

I observe. What is there? Pain, definitely. Sense of loss, yes. Sadness, no. Regret, no. Resentment, no.

I have had a hard life. The hardest part is the last 30 years. Maybe 33… Since I left Hungary.

In Hungary I had friends. I had people who would want me around, who would walk with me, who would vouch for me.

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What is a soul-mate? Who is your soul-mate? Are they unconditionally nice-nice, or accepting?

One of my students is asking a really good question.

She has two friends whose soul correction is Forget Thyself… and she has a good relationship with me… and I have that same soul correction.

She asks:
Sophie, after I read your last article I checked my last 2 friends’ soul corrections. My one friend who pushed me to a certain level had a soul correction Forget Thyself. My friend now, whom I met this year, also has a soul correction Forget Thyself. Interesting. Do we get attracted to certain soul corrections or maybe we get along better with some soul corrections that matches our soul correction?
The answer is not that simple.

We know that we have two selves. One self doesn’t change. We can call it the soul. Or the Self. Or whatever you want to call it, it is unchanging. It is the same in you, it is the same in me… it is, maybe, the Self of what’s possible for the human species…
Obviously your other self is far from that, it is changing, it is reactive, put together, selfish, and complaining, and haughty, and bossy… all the things you see everywhere.

You are BEING that other self.
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Updated: Is Sophie something special? Does she have special powers? Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach?

Am I something special? Do I have special powers? Why is it that all the sages, mystics, saints didn’t see and therefore didn’t teach what I teach?

Am I better? Am I special?

I am going to share with you what I see may be the reason. Is it the truth? I’ll check, sentence by sentence, with muscle testing, if it is, and so only what was checked and double-checked will remain in this article.

I know this is a question foremost in your mind, because people I speak with, ask the same question, with a sly all-knowing smile on their face… they are humoring me… kind of.

After all I am a middle-aged woman with an accent, nothing special about me, nothing that meets the eye. I deliberately underdress, and I as much as my own soul-correction permits I make sure that everyone understands that I don’t think myself superior or special in any way.

So what is it that allows me to see things that others don’t? Because I do…

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Vibrational Review: Caroline Cory, www.OMniumUniverse.com Updated

Originally published December 12, 2011. I looked at it again, because Caroline Cory is presenting a multimedia event tonight… in NYC of all places. Reading her article on how to raise your vibration by connecting to Source made me puke…

So I retested her… and here is the original article, I only changed the vibrational numbers.

Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video

Raise your Vibration by Connecting to Source Video – Connecting To Source Meditation with Caroline Cory, www.OMniumUniverse.com This unique “Connection To Source” allows you to spontaneously raise your vibration, merge with yours …

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You Are Making Bad Decisions Emotionally

I wrote this article about making decisions emotionally back in 2013… and reading it was amazing: I actually now see how far I have come…

OK, here is the original article:

You are not stupid, you are just making your decisions emotionally
‘If you want to live with the masses, think emotionally. If you want to live with the middle class, think positively. If you want live with the world class, think critically.’ –Steve Siebold
I have been impulsive and hasty as long as I can remember. And I have known myself, by my results, stupid, stupid as the stupid does, as long as I remember.

My results in any endeavor, any relationship, and the business of life have been anything but stellar. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

The past 4-5 years I have been paying attention, but bad habits die slowly or never, and I am, for the most part, behaving the same way as I behaved all my life, hasty moves, jumping into conclusions, only to discover moments or days later that I didn’t look before I leaped.

I wish I were flawless, but then I would be useless as a teacher: when you are effortlessly good at something, then you can’t teach it: you have no distinctions in the area of your expertise. Only when you can go, through your own awareness, from bad to good, that you have something useful to offer to the world that wants to follow you.

This is the main issue, by the way, with many of the famed and revered teachers, like Osho or Eckhart Tolle. They are really nice to read, very nurturing, but impossible to follow. Because they never went from where you are to where they are… they somehow found themselves there, using none of their own effort.

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Vibrational Reviews: Raymon Grace: Energizing Your Water, Kute Blackson, And On Emptiness That Fills Your Core, And How Do The Activators Work

Vibrational Reviews: Raymon Grace: energizing your water, Kute Blackson, and the emptiness that fills your core

Yesterday I received a DVD of Raymon Grace (personal vibration: 170) from one of the students, so I can test it.
Raymon Grace

Now, I hate to admit, I am not sure what to make of what I experienced.

I put a pitcher of water in front of the monitor, as instructed. The water’s vibration was 190… it was already purified. Then I poured out of the pitcher about 1/4 glass into a glass and held it high.

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What is the Self? Part 2

What is the Self? Part 2
So, the question is still: what is the self, the self that you honor when you talk about integrity? Integrity is being true to your self…

What is the self that you esteem in self-esteem. (Esteem means ‘hold in high regard’)

What is the self in self-expression? What is the self that is through and through in authentic self? What is the self that pursues its purpose?

You have no answer, and neither have any real and useful answer the videos on youtube, or philosophical books. What they do is create more confusion, lump the self together with ego, or with consciousness… well, they are all confused puppies, sorry.

So what is MY answer, and why is it more valid than famous people’s “answer”?
Why is it, that wherever you look, there is verbal and real confusion, and no one has an answer.

The question is: is this part of the millennia old effort to reduce humanity to sheep?

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Soul Correction: You Are Not Stupid, You Are Just Making Your Decisions Emotionally – Updated

You are not stupid, you are just making your decisions emotionally
“If you want to live with the masses, think emotionally. If you want to live with the middle class, think positively. If you want live with the world class, think critically.” –Steve Siebold
I have been impulsive and hasty as long as I can remember. And I have known myself, by my results, stupid, stupid as the stupid does, as long as I remember.

My results in any endeavor, any relationship, and the business of life have been anything but stellar. Mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.

The past 4-5 years I have been paying attention, but bad habits die slowly or never, and I am, for the most part, behaving the same way as I behaved all my life, hasty moves, jumping into conclusions, only to discover moments or days later that I didn’t look before I leaped.

I wish I were flawless, but then I would be useless as a teacher: when you are effortlessly good at something, then you can’t teach it: you have no distinctions in the area of your expertise. Only when you can go, through your own awareness, from bad to good, that you have something useful to offer to the world that wants to follow you.

This is the main issue, by the way, with many of the famed and revered teachers, like Osho or Eckhart Tolle. They are really nice to read, very nurturing, but impossible to follow. Because they never went from where you are to where they are… they somehow found themselves there, using none of their own effort.

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The Evil Eye and the soul correction workshop or why the soul correction workshop isn’t for you?

The workshop is starting a week from today and it will take on new participants every month. I scheduled it for Easter Sunday… but to make up for it, I will give the first subscribers more attention… and it’s worth a lot more than what they are losing.

As I am preparing, emotionally, for the course, and the challenge to crack some hard nuts, difficult issues on the call, I have amped up my awareness, and I am starting to see stuff that I could not see before.

Now, in every interaction, the background intention I have: would I be able to create a custom activator for the other person, based on what I see in that conversation?

I am going to share with you a few distinctions, that without understanding those, you’ll not quite get how the activators work, and how soul correction works. That includes: how raising your vibration works.

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