Tag Archives: swelling

You are in trouble… And you don’t know that you don’t know that you are in trouble

One of the most educational experiences is to listen in to Dr Wallach’s radio show.

It’s on youtube. But before you rush, let me tell you what to listen for.

People ask about a disease. A problem. Although Dr. Wallach’s approach is not disease+fixing directed, he needed to learn how to ask questions that drive up the actual nutritional deficiency issues, so he can address the underlying deficiency, instead of providing a fix that makes no difference.
One question he repeatedly asks and a question that seems totally irrelevant, is this: Was there childhood rash? He also asks, repeatedly about childhood asthma.

I have been pondering these two questions, and I finally cracked the mystery with regards to one of them: the rash, and I am starting to see the relevance of asthma.

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Why things are the way they are, and diets

Some insights on health, and why things are the way they are, and why are people different in their needs…

Yesterday I spent three hours to listen to Dr. Joel Wallach.

I think I have spent, to date, about a hundred hours listening to him. Why so much? He talks too fast, and he isn’t saying the things to be understood, but to impress… In that he is a typical doctor: big ego… holding his cards close to his chest.

But… But knowing where to look, knowing what sort of things to expect, to always expect wrong eating, nutritional deficiency, misguided knowledge, has been my tool, in addition to being able to muscle test, while I am connected to Source.

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Pinpoint accuracy or shotgun method?

There are really two types of people when it comes to making more money: one group will chase the mirage, the lottery approach, winning, betting on schemes… and the other, the tiny group that sees that making more money is a natural fallout of becoming worth a damn.

I am interested in talking to the second group, the tiny group.

You see, knowing that you should become worth a damn is nice and dandy… but knowing with pinpoint accuracy where you aren’t… what it is that you need to do next to increase your worth a damn factor is crucial.

Life is holographic. Maybe it is the Universe… but who am I to just repeat something I heard… I don’t know about the Universe. But I do know about Life.
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