Tag Archives: Tree Of Knowledge

Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love

Vibrational Review: Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks Lasting Love

Finding true love with the person you have, or with a new person

Vibration: Gay: 200, Kathlyn 200
Results: percentage that get the promised changes: <1%
Truth value of teachings: 3%
Truth value if it were after my style activation (phase 2+3) 10%, so even then if wouldn’t be very true
Results if it were after activation: 4%
Price: $299
Price with activation: 299+47=$346. (Activation through my site, they don’t know about it… lol https://www.yourvibration.com/dailyconnection/)

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, meditation, chanting, etc. Anything under 500… won’t raise your vibration, most will lower it. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source and the Original Design.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.
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Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles, or whatever you hope will raise your vibration?

This is a question I always expect to get, but I have never actually gotten.

Why do the 67 steps inside a coaching program, instead of just ‘doing it’, or reading articles, watching youtube videos, or reading books, whatever seems to be interesting at the time?
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You Cannot Build Your Own House By Tearing Down Your Neighbor’s. Tree Of Knowledge Or Tree Of Life?

“You Cannot Build Your Own House By Tearing Down Your Neighbor’s.” Tree Of Knowledge Or Tree Of Life?

I read this sentence in an article on the Theta Healing site.

It’s an interesting sentence. It kept me looking, feeling, inquiring, and connecting to Source for a while before I got my answer.

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Vibrational Review: Donna Eden – Updated

Donna Eden www.innersource.net/

Her vibration is 230 120… the highest of the so called ‘energy practitioners’.

She works exclusively with 4th plane energies. She doesn’t connect to Source (Reality).

Muscle test results: what she teaches vibrates at 300 Has a truth value 3% truth value… meaning 97% not true.
Can she heal? No.
Can she teach what she does? No.
Is it worth my time? No.
Does she believe that what she does is the truth? Yes. No.
Average vibration of people she attracts: 120

If you want to raise your vibration (raise your vibrational frequency) any modality under 500 is a poor choice. This includes religion, meditation, chanting, etc. Anything under 500 or truth value of 30% … won’t raise your vibration, most will lower it. Under 500 everything is Tree of Knowledge: disconnected from Source and the Original Design. Disconnected from truth.

He is also on Mind Valley, which means “fraud” in my world.

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From filing clerk of information, to glorious human being

Mind says: the important thing is to have the answer.
Life says: the important thing is to have the question.

Thinking, the proper use of the thinking part of the brain, is to ask questions. Questions allow you to penetrate things deeply, to see new connections, to see what’s below the surface.

The mind, also a part of the brain, isn’t interested in that, the mind really isn’t interested in anything. Maybe gossip, but that is it.

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Case Study: David R. Hawkins, Muscle Testing and Other Mysteries of The Universe

Muscle Testing and Other Mysteries of The Universe

I have a guru friend who calls me on my birthday. And I call him on his birthday. So we speak twice a year, every year.

His birthday is in December.

As usual, he asked questions about me and my work. He wanted to know how I have the numbers that I have. I told him about muscle testing… and then I said: let me see if you can trust your muscle-testing to tell you the truth.

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Becoming Like God, Clinging To The Tree of Life

Becoming Like God, Climbing The Tree of Life
This is a very old article. The truth value of this article is only 10%… my newer articles’ truth value is 60%. And yet… this article has elements of truth… 10%…

I wrote it on my birthday in 2011…

There are two fundamental ways to live life, and that reflects in every choice we make, every thought we have, every action we take.

One way is to say: ‘I am all I can be, and my job is to make the best with what I have got. If I choose to grow, I have schools to go to, I have people who know more than I do, and I can learn from them.’ This is the Tree of Knowledge way.

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Intelligence: your view on intelligence is limiting you

We all want to be intelligent, and we are never satisfied…
How come? How come we are never happy with ourselves, never happy with our results, our lives?
I have found, yesterday and today, that what we consider intelligence is wildly different from what it is, and having intelligence, intelligent behavior so misunderstood, is a big cause of us not being happy with ourselves.

Here is what I found… let’s see if I can articulate it in a way that it can make a difference for you.

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