Tag Archives: valley of the shadow of death

What is the deepest reason for your procrastination?

If you watched me long enough, you would probably swear that I am a procrastinator. I plan to do things, maybe I even write it down, maybe I even schedule it, and then I don’t do it for a long time, maybe ever.

I don’t consider myself a procrastinator:
you need to have a should to be a procrastinator.
By definition, procrastination is not doing what you should be doing. I have no shoulds, even if I said I would do something, it doesn’t live like a should for me.
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Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization

Lisa Nichols and creative visualizationI like Lisa Nichols. Maybe the only self-improvement person I actually like. Why do I like her? Because she feels real to me. Does that mean that what she teaches work? No, it doesn’t. Does that mean that she has high vibration? No, it doesn’t.Her personal vibration was 200 a week ago, and is 170 today. What happened? She has expected her launch with MindValley to go better… I am guessing, I have no connection to Lisa Nichols.

What does a dip in vibration like this mean?
It means that Lisa Nichols, at least as far as her business goes, lives fully on the horizontal plane, and poor success in a product launch is now effecting her. Should it? No…

This was one of the last barriers to inner peace that I managed to pull: making my feeling and inner peace depend on my numbers, on my results, on my feedback. It rendered me a dog that is wagged by its tail. It was horrible… Now that I am rid of it, I have reliable 24/7 inner peace.

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Why things are the way they are, and diets

Some insights on health, and why things are the way they are, and why are people different in their needs…

Yesterday I spent three hours to listen to Dr. Joel Wallach.

I think I have spent, to date, about a hundred hours listening to him. Why so much? He talks too fast, and he isn’t saying the things to be understood, but to impress… In that he is a typical doctor: big ego… holding his cards close to his chest.

But… But knowing where to look, knowing what sort of things to expect, to always expect wrong eating, nutritional deficiency, misguided knowledge, has been my tool, in addition to being able to muscle test, while I am connected to Source.

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The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?

The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?
In the Playground, people do the work in pairs… we call these Partner Calls.

A partner call needs to be about a problem that came up in an incident. It is less talking than looking.

The person who talks, while the other listens, looks at the incident and attempts to take it through a set of looking points… we call that a script.

The looking points are filters through which the incident suddenly looks different… Richer, more detailed, looked through different vantage points.

The goal is to disappear the problem. A problem says that there is something wrong in the incident. Which indicates that the person’s perception is not of reality but of meaning, interpretation, or rules.

The goal is to get to reality. In reality there is nothing wrong. All wrongs are added by the observer, they are not part of reality. Reality is the way it is… and all the wrongs take your power away to live life, to be intelligent, to solve real tasks, to be with people the way they are, to learn, to be productive, to feel good about yourself.

Ultimately the wrongs take your power away to live a live worth living.

The issues people deal with in the incidents are puny. All of them come from some perceived wrong in childhood, injustice, mistreatment, misjudging, etc.

With adult help, me, people can reframe the incidents in their lives, and the wrongs become less frequent, so they, the participants, can become available to solve REAL problems, if they are interested.

Suffering from those puny problems renders a person not available for life, for a life that is satisfying and makes a difference.
And because people cannot be happy unless they feel that they matter, that they make a difference, people are not happy.
The Playground is taking people, taking participants to the gate where happiness can become attainable. Where they can begin to be interested and available to solve bigger problems, worth solving.
Solve big problems, and your experience of life will be fulfilling.
The bigger problems you solve the more money you’ll make and the more fulfillment you’ll experience in life.

Obviously what you call a problem depends on your view of life.

And how you solve a problem depends on you too…

And thus YOU create your level of happiness… your life’s experience.
You live in a world of your own design. And you live a life of your own design… Mostly unconscious…
I know you would not design a life that feels as bad as the life you are living, but in an unconscious way you have designed it…

This article is about how to design a life that you can enjoy. Your unconscious design has been given you the life you don’t love… Your conscious design will give you the life you’ll live…
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Your soul correction is killing you… but how?

Each soul correction deals with a dominant pretense. A front, that hides the truth. A way to have two you’s, a dualistic way of living that is killing life.

If you read the few articles I have published on soul corrections, you may be able to see below the surface, and see what the pretense is. Most can’t. Especially their own.

But it’s there, hiding one or two layers deep.

Why pretend? Because the truth, although it sets you free, is also painful.

Why pretend? Because in the horizontal plane, in the world of the “other” survival seems to depend on this pretense… birds ruffle up their feathers to look bigger. Cats, dogs look fierce and big and threatening. It’s all pretense; it is all survival mechanism.

Then we believe our own lies, make our masks permanent, and suffer.

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I tried it once and it didn’t work — pretending to want a better life

This is another article using Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo for today.

They say: every journey starts with the first step, and no one listens.They say: “I can remove your blockages to action, I can remove the fear…” and you flock to them… them “gurus”.

Are you stupid, or something?

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What is missing that your life is not changing?

What is missing that you aren’t changing? What is missing that your life is not changing?

Missing refers to something not present. There is no ‘missing’ in reality… but in comparison you can see that one scenario it is there, in another it isn’t.

In one action it is, in the other it isn’t. You can see when you put them side by side… which, of course an advanced move, but possible.

So in this article we compare someone who grows, someone who is able to change, and someone who stagnates, doesn’t grow, doesn’t change.

Most people have a real hard time changing, by the way. Changing their minds, mainly.

I connected to two people this morning, both doing their health measurements. One is my niece, early twenties, beautiful, complaining of belly ache. I felt how she felt (of course, that is my claim to fame!) and it was both pain and nausea. The numbers said that she has something growing in her left ovary.

She is sure it is her intestines, so she is keeping a very rigid vegan diet, goes to doctors to find out what she is allergic to… none of that makes a difference. She is looking in the neighborhood, but not asking the right questions. Knowing her, she is sure it’s her digestion.

The other person was sitting at his clients’ office, and probably wasn’t treated as well as he should be. Probably he was treated as a person of no consequence… And I can feel that he is angry, annoyed, self-righteous. But it is a client, and he stays mum.

I am connected to him for quite a while: his bad feelings are interfering with my measurement…

The question we are looking at is this: what is missing for you, for these two people, for everyone when they are wrong, angry, annoyed, and altogether not happy.

Question is: Where is the person looking from? And the second question: what are they looking at? And the third: what are the undisputed ‘truths’ about them, about the situation, and about the world?

Another way to ask the same thing: Are you looking at the world always the same way?

It keeps the world the same way! Including you.

What can you do to personally upgrade to Human Being: magnificent, cutting edge, inclusive? Learn from the Bateleur Eagle…

I stopped at the public library yesterday and got a book, called Upgrade Me, by Brian Clegg.

I haven’t read it yet, so don’t rush and buy it: it may be good, or not, I’ll let you know. (book’s truth value: 3%, so probably not worth buying or reading it.)

Inclusivity vs. exclusivity
One thing is sure: replacing narrow personal or group “needs” with wider, more inclusive way of looking at things is the biggest missing, and it hasn’t gotten better in these past 100,000 years, despite all the pretense of love, light, and whatever preaching gurus and devotees. Or maybe because of it?
I am re-reading a book, some two thousand pages, on the history of the Mongols.

The the steppes of what is now Mongolia and the area around it, was, for hundreds of years,
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Pick your battles…

Pick your battles… have an organizing principle

A good 20 years ago I had lunch with a famous seminar leader from Landmark. We had a long history, and she shared with me how unhappy she was, and how ready she was to quit leading seminars for Landmark Education.

I was quite dumbfounded… she was the best in the country, the most effective…

She said: “We teach people to be more effective, and many use the technology to be more effectively dupe people, abuse people, exploit people, make the world a worse place than it would be if they were not equipped with what we teach them.”

I didn’t have an answer for her… but I was pondering that myself for the past 20 years.

And this morning I am as close to having an answer as ever…

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What does religious mean? And what does it have to do with not being happy, fulfilled, etc.

Will you choose the truth or the dogma? Love or “luv”? The personal cost of being religious…

I brought up the issue, my issue, my inability to be OK around religion.

Because I am so practiced activating my “Reticular Activator” and I am so committed to keep on expanding as a human being, my whole world shifted the moment I put my attention to the phenomenon.

All the books suddenly point to something that is related to my “object”, my dreams, articles, everything.

It is not in the foreground all the time, instead it is simmering on the back burner.

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What is the deepest, below the water level reason for your procrastination?

If you watched me long enough, you would probably swear that I am a procrastinator. I plan to do things, maybe I even write it down, maybe I even schedule it, and then I don’t do it for a long time, maybe ever.

I don’t consider myself a procrastinator: you need to have a should to be a procrastinator. By definition, procrastination is not doing what you should be doing. I have no shoulds, even if I said I would do something, it doesn’t live like a should for me.

I do things when I do them, and when I don’t do them, I look at them with curiosity, interested to see something about them, but that’s all. I am happy to do the things I do, even if I don’t particularly enjoy the activity, and never force myself to do something: when I do something, I do it because that is the thing to do because that is what I am doing. I never do anything I shouldn’t, I always do what I do.

I know I sound like I was dropped from Mars… sorry about that. But sometimes only outsiders can see things the insiders can’t see.

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