Category Archives: Avatar State Audios

How does an empath coach you differently?

Why you should have an empath re-evaluate the stuff you learn… the stuff others teach?
The obvious reason is because I can reliably muscle test if something is true or not.

But the less obvious reason is more important:

I can actually feel what happens inside a human being when something shifts.
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Activism, reforms, revolution… a timely inquiry

Did you know that every revolution has been, historically, just a re-shuffling of who is going to have power over who?

When I first read Osho’s book, Rebellion, Revolution and Religiousness, I actively worked on understanding.

In Hungary we learned a lot more history than American students do, and I personally have seen revolution, and reform and all that never changed anything on the long run.

It’s like making a dish, turning it on a plate… and thinking that now it’s different. No. it is the same dish… just what was on the bottom is now on the top.
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Never really say no?

Saying no feels rude. Any type of no. Setting your boundaries, hanging up the phone, saying you are busy…

Even when no one knows you have a hard time saying no.

How do I know? I just observed myself.
The price of being polite, agreeable, and accommodating
I was on a webinar where they showed how to use a graphics software and it was really good and really enjoyable. Then they started to pitch a bonus… I wasn’t interested in the offer.

Yet, I caught myself staying on the call… and instead of just disconnecting, I tried to multitask: saying yes and no at the same time. I felt my shoulders tighten, and my stomach hurt.

Oh, I want to say no, and I am not saying it, instead I am acting it out… I thought, and then, finally, I hung up.

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Add 20 points to your IQ

It is starting to dawn on me that the intellectual action of seeing the forest, in spite of the individual trees is not something everyone has been able to do.


Some people, when they are asked to say what is the forest, in our conversations: what is the principle, what is the context, they use jargon… like integrity, or responsibility, the word.

They remember it.

But remembering hearing it doesn’t mean that they actually saw it.

Seeing the forest for the trees is 90% from the DNA capacity: Seeing the big picture, and 10% habit.
After courage, it is the second most missing capacity in humanity.
When activated, it adds 20 points to your IQ.

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Do you think spirituality, healing, diet, transformation are one size fit most?

One size fits most?

If you think that one diet, one pill, one activator will work for all… then you are as stupid as the medical establishment, and you are as stupid as the marketeers hope that you are.

As simple as that…

In fact, this stupidity is the reason that I can review hundreds of “practitioners” and not find a genuine article… The genuine articles, the people with real talent, real ability, are lost in the shuffle, have given up, can’t make a living, and can’t make a difference. The field is given over to marketeers that are only interested in numbers and in money. And your stupidity caused it… 🙁

If you ever ask the question why I insult you in most every article, I have a reason. If you are a consolation seeker, a positive thinker, an “avoid negativity” junkie, then I want to offend you, and I want you to leave. Why? Because you are hopeless.
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What is the opposite of reaction; is it response?

This is a republished article from June 26, 2013… So please don’t get alarmed… this didn’t just happen. It happened long time ago. But the message is as timely as ever…

What is the opposite of reaction; is it response? Is it pro-active? Prepare to be surprised…
Gurus and even psychologists give lip service to not being reactive.
They say it’s the ego’s way to take over your life. They suggest that you respond. They don’t know what they are talking about, and you, the client, suffer as a result.

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I have to admit, I would have never thought to write this article, without reading Andy Shaw’s book, Creating a Bug Free Mind. He writes extensively about worry.

I never thought of myself as a worrier, but, of course, I still worry from time to time. Nowhere near as much as others.

They call it fear of failure, anxiety, but it is all worry.

Spending all your mental energy fretting about something in the future, while in the present things don’t get done. Hm. Really stupid, isn’t it?

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The Edison of Transformation

From time to time I need to re-invent myself. Why? Because I get a “message” from beyond that, in a way, demands that I do some work and re-invent myself.

How do these messages come?

For the past year all the messages come in dreams. Nightmares, to be exact. It takes me, for the most part, quite a few repetitions to get that there is a message.

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Where does the energy come from that you ‘spew’ Sophie?

Is the energy from the practitioner, or is the energy from Source?
I first experienced energy from someone else back in the year 2000.

Just like many others, of course I have experienced the energy between my two palms when you are slowly separating them… but although that was quite dramatic to my Communist addled brain, I didn’t make it mean much.

But what I happened in 2000 was dramatic and made me change how I viewed the world from thereon.
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The biggest leap to happiness, health, wealth, love…

If you wanted to make the biggest leap up… happiness, health, wealth, love…

What do you think you’d grow?

Some measures are easier to grow than others.

Some measures, like everywhere in life, will grow easily, but  overall their effect will be small.
While others create an avalanche-like result when you grow them even just a little bit..

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