Category Archives: invisible dynamics

Unless you define what is success for you, you can’t become successful

I sleep poorly the night before every Playground session. It takes me hours to fall asleep, and I have trouble filled dreams.

So when I got up this past Saturday, it was freezing cold, in the single digits outside… single digits in Fahrenheit is very cold… double digits in the minus in Celsius.

So I pondered what I had to look forward that day.

For a long time, for years, when I looked, when I asked that question, I only saw one thing to look forward to: my morning tea. Rich British Blend Tetley with full fat milk… Continue reading Unless you define what is success for you, you can’t become successful

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses.

If the Bible is code, then it is not a story… or if there is a story there, it is itself code: meaning an illustration of a principle.

Egypt stands for slavery. Slavery to whatever people are a slave to: riches, significance, sex, entertainment, desire to receive for the self alone, their racket, the racket with which they extort goodies from others, justify their nastiness, their domination, their haplessness.

Extorting sympathy, or whatever they extort.

So what did Moses do with this bunch of slaves? Continue reading Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

If you want to become more, grow, evolve, self awareness is important but it is not enough. Meditation is not enough. Having a person to model yourself after is not enough. Reading is not enough. Understanding is not enough either.

Something is missing, the presence of which would make the most difference, and could take you through the barrier to full knowledge of your machine.

What machine, you ask?

This is the same as when you mention to someone that their little voice is always talking… What little voice they ask?

90% of what matters about a human, about you, is in the invisible, the vague, the hidden. Even others can only see the peak of the iceberg, not the whole… not the part that is immersed, not the part that we call “the machine”. Continue reading Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

The future you create with your words needs you to…

You create your future with your words… spoken or unspoken.

What is a future?

A future is not real… and yet it appears real. There is no past in reality and there is no future. Only the present moment, how things are.

The past lives in your memory, 80% is words, 20% is perception organs information. But even those 20% are “colored” by what you said about it.

I have had quite a few Irish clients who were disciplined by their parents, mostly the mother. It was a ritual. Pull down your pants, fetch the paddle or the ladle or the hairbrush for your mother… lie over her knees, and there you went. You knew what you did that didn’t meet your mother’s expectations of you.

I was beaten out of anger… and I never knew what I did wrong. Didn’t even guess. Continue reading The future you create with your words needs you to…

I woke up unhappy.

I woke up unhappy.

And you know, when you are unhappy all you can see what doesn’t work. a d see it as big, monumental, maybe even tragic.

In my dream I attended a seminar. Lots of things were as I remembered: the people, the teacher, the girl sitting next to me. Only I changed. I got dumber, fatter, and with a whole lot less hair. One dude sitting behind me in the class even remarked me. The teacher called on me and shamed me in front of the class.

In one word: it was terrible.

So this is the mood I woke up in, and, of course, carried it into my morning routine. [note]As I was looking for a suitable picture for this article, I found out that there are a lot of people with morning depression. This article is not about that… but in my educated opinion, if depressed people learned and diligently used self-coaching, they would be not depressed any more… or not as much.[/note] Continue reading I woke up unhappy.