Category Archives: Inner Authority

If you have low integrity, your communication has no power

Without integrity you can’t communicate…
You can talk, but your word has no power. It doesn’t get things done.

Communication is making things happen… making what you intend to happen happen.

Communication is having people want to do what you want them to do. Anything less is not communication. It is merely talking.
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Why all you’ve learned hasn’t made life good for you

You learned rules… and they didn’t make life good.
All rules, moral or otherwise, serve one purpose and only one purpose: to kill your inner guidance. To kill your spirit.

Some exceptional people, most of them part of the 1000, live by their inner guidance… This means they must have, at some point, said no to rules, regulations, commandments, common wisdom, laws, and make up their own minds.
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You probably don’t know yourself as well as you think you do

You think you know. You think you know who you are, what is important to you, what you want, and what and who is running your life.

This is your approach towards life. Through what you know…
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Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.

Positivity, positive thinking is a mental illness.
Setting rules is also a mental illness.
Doing only what seems to have the highest chance to succeed: ditto.

You treat yourself as if you were a nincompoop, but when I call you that you are offended.

You treat yourself a feeble minded toad, a never do well… and expect others treat you as a prince, or a genius.
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Intention is the beginning of all transformation

The power of intention
Most people don’t know the power of intention, it because they have never experienced it, because they don’t know how to get access to intention.

They never intend. They live inside wanting to, needing to, having to, and should… the horizontal plane, the Valley of the Shadow of Death… Fear of death, fear of annihilation.
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The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

I had a conversation the other day with my core group. They felt to me rudderless, directionless, low on energy… like a floater.

What’s a floater, you ask? A floater is like stork sh!t… floats in the air and occasionally drops on the ground. Storks are known to poop while in the air… their poop dries out and starts its own rise and fall journey with the air stream… no innate motive power. A floater is like that.
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More on what would be emotional intelligence

The first thing we need to tell apart, distinguish, is the difference between a feeling and an emotion.

Nothing in reality creates an emotion. Emotions are not in reality…

They show up in your personal reality only. Something happens, real or unreal, and you say something about it, consciously or unconsciously. Mostly what you say: good/bad, right/wrong. And then the feeling you have, having said that, is going to match what you said: good/bad, right/wrong.
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How many people it takes to turn H.Sapiens into Human Being?

The title sounds like the beginning of a a joke, like how many philosophers does it need to change a lightbulb?

Four; one to change the light-bulb and three to say ‘Yes, Socrates,’ ‘Well done, Socrates,’ ‘Good job, Socrates.’ Funny as hell… but not exactly what I wanted to do… although that joke talks to me deeper than it probably talks to you.

But I digress…

This morning I stumbled on a page from Dan Millman’s ‘The Life You Were Born To Live’ a quasi Kabbalistic astrology book.

I have always disliked it, but today I came to hate it.
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Turning points: You are not really stuck where you are.

As I promised, I am continuing the discussion about powerlessness… the sense, the feeling, the belief of powerlessness.

This sudden awareness was helped along by Alex Hormozi’s video the other day. He talks, no, he rails against what makes you weak and fragile.

Watch it and learn. Get knocked conscious of what you are doing to yourself!

You may want to listen to it with slower speed… Alex talks really fast!

Now you see why I am in love with Alex… I want to be like him when I grow up! lol.

You speak and you are unaware that
every moment, with every word you are creating yourself, and who you are, for yourself.
In this overwhelming sense of powerlessness you feel that the only power you have is forcing**. Without that, you feel that you are powerless.

I am paying attention to the words you use. The weak, ineffective students use self-deprecating words about themselves as FACTS, not tendencies.

The somewhat more effective students use less of those…

So I observe myself and my words, spoken, written, or the words I say to myself..

I have come a long way. My behavior has changed… My speaking has changed, even the words I say to myself have changed!

It is all about personal power… I declared myself powerless at some point. I was reacting to an incident where I had no physical power. That was the foundation, the cornerstone of my being for decades, and still would be without doing this work.

I was overpowered by a grown man. A little girl, three years old going on four. I still bear the consequences of that… but by now only the physical ones.

My reaction to the pain was that I went unconscious… Even today I feel the pull to go unconscious, to check out when the going gets so tough that it looks hopeless.
But today, instead…
…I stop for a little bit… slowly and gently (no forcing!) I breathe. I allow the hopelessness some space to be. Emotionless I watch it. And when it calms down a bit I look what it is I can say in the matter.

With enough practice I can tell, without seeing how, that the hopeless situation is more often than not is not hopeless.

So I wait, PATIENTLY, and look with FRESH EYES.

What I say in the matter of hopelessness, it is the end, it is over, what I say: ‘we shall see. It isn’t hopeless until I say it is. And then it is time to start over, but not until then.’

By the way, my knee jerk reaction is still ‘f… this… I screwed up’ or ‘it’s hopeless’. But today, more often than not, I just sit there, or get a cup of tea, or go to the bathroom, giving myself some time to chill… Not acting on that ‘it’s over’ feeling has been the secret of many of my accomplishments.

Or the secret of my productivity. Or of my happiness.

The biggest regrets you’ll have on your deathbed are the things you didn’t do…
You did something else
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Questions that turn on your power, your personal power

What are the questions that awaken and pull things to yourself to become cause? To get access to your personal power?

Agreement 1: Be Impeccable With Your Word: question: was I impeccable with my word?
Agreement 2: Don’t Take Anything Personally: question: did I take something personally?
Agreement 3: Don’t Make Assumptions. question: did I make an assumption?
Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best. question: did I do my best?

more questions to ask:

What could I be responsible for to get access to power?
What am I doing?
what am I assuming/thinking?
What am I taking personally?
what is my attitude?
What am I expecting?
What am I going for/intention?
how wide am I looking?
What am I stingy about?
where am I erring on the side of ‘it’s my way or the highway’?

Until you get responsibility good and going, nothing else can change in your life.
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