Vibrational Review: what is enlightenment adyashanti

If I understand correctly, Adyashanti is a guy’s name…

Personal vibration: 90
What he teaches: 90

why so low? Because the guy is talking all Tree of Knowledge, something he has never experienced. I could say he is talking out of his arse, but when I listen to him, I can hear this: he is talking out of his memory, and his self-righteous and self-assured “self” which is a very very very low vibration.

Who does he attract? like attracts like, and he attracts people just like himself. What is the common characteristic of the people who are attracted to what he is saying? He is explaining that enlightenment is not a 24/7 bliss… and yet, the people that he attracts are the MacDonald’s wholesale transformation forever hoping types.

Do not bother listening to him.

Now, a few words from me, and where I am speaking from is the nothing that is outside of the MIND (not ego as he says) and from personal experience through connecting to all-of-it.

There is no 24/7 bliss.

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