Category Archives: Kabbalah

Causing human evolution… A manifesto of sorts

As I got further and further writing this article, I realized that what I am writing is some sort of manifesto. What we are doing here, what we aim to accomplish.

All the illustrations of manifestos I didn’t examine. They can be good, bad, or neutral. They are just illustrations. Don’t get your panties in a bunch…

OK, here is the article:
Whatever is preventing you from following instructions is your racket
Your soul correction, in effect, is a racket.
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When you see how Life came about, you can live better

There are probably many origin myths. Every group has one, because curiosity is as innate with humans as wanting the best life possible.

An origin myth explains why humans are the way they are… and in a way it also serves as a ‘how to play this game of life’ instruction book.

I am familiar with the ‘god created everything in six days and on the seventh he rested’ myth. Unfortunately, when I look, it doesn’t explain anything well, and it gives instructions that need a PhD to understand, let alone follow. So no, I don’t buy this myth, even though billions of humans do.

I like the Kabbalistic origin myth because in my work of penetrating the invisible I haven’t found anything that doesn’t seem to fit. This includes science too.
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If you are not Jewish, can you learn receiving? aka Kabbalah

My article teaching the strategy of getting out of a deep ditch hit the spot for some people.

Here is one answer I got:
I found your article very helpful with the steps to get out of a catastrophe.  I am also beginning to see the original incident and how its been playing out.

Since the original incident I’ve wanted to be liked so badly that I could not say no to the salesperson – I did not want to make her mad at me. I wanted all the things she promised to happen so that others would like me too. And for some reason, because she said others were successful with the [product], I took it as a challenge in a way. In the original incident I must have said that they – my parents –  don’t like me. I am still looking. I don’t think I hit the sentence quite right – but it seems close.

Thank you for helping me. When I read it was the undertow – I knew I wasn’t crazy.

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What it is that you do that keeps you from the light

I finally figured out what it is that attracts me to certain novels, certain movies, certain TV series… and repels me from others. What it is that I am muscletesting.

I am looking for goodness.
But goodness only exists in contrast.
So only the books qualify where the main character has both good and bad and in the struggle, the good wins… Also where the evil is strong, the pull to give up or to give in is strong.

As the Kabbalists say: only if and when you overcome the Opponent that you are good… for the moment.
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Is desire really the Everyman’s Superpower?

I don’t remember why, but I signed up to Simpleology, Mark Joyner’s program.

He created a new comic strip, the everyman’s superpower, and, of course, sold it with the same thing he advocates in the comic strip: desire.

Desire, what YOU know as desire, is a lower self vibration, fueled by greed, sexual energy, hunger, anger, vengeance, jealousy, anger… not something you want a lot of.

And even though it is a strong energy, and it may take you to success in some areas, it is destructive of who you are as a person, who you are as a higher consciousness specimen of the  species.
I should already be used to it!
“Source”, or whatever it is I am talking to all day, is steering me to do work I didn’t intend to do: experience, test, fall flat on my face, half-kill myself or my business or my relationships.

OK, here is the havoc I have wreaked as a result of this “steering”…
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Poetry? What does poetry have to do with happiness?

Poetry, poetic, poetic mind… not part of the fabric of culture in our times.
JFK was inspiring, Trump, Biden? coarse or boring.

At the same time there is a  quirk to human nature: A result that is not poetic, a result that is not uplifting, a result that is not inspiring doesn’t register as a result. So people are left with a sense of nothing important got done. No happiness, no fulfillment. Nothing to be proud of, nothing to be inspired by.

And then the second quirk: that the skill people have for poetic language is completely undeveloped.
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Addictive Tendencies in Sharing The Light

This article is evergreen. I wrote it nine years ago… and it still speaks to me… the addictive tendencies will not disappear with time…
Yehuda Berg writes:

There are people in our lives who don’t want to receive what we have to give them. …

… we invest efforts into keeping some relationships burning in our lives that we’d be better off letting burn out.

… life is all about circuitry. When we share our Light with people who don’t want to receive it, it’s like trying to fill a bottle when the cap is still on. Try as you might, with all of the love, intention, and desire to share, your energy simply cannot penetrate. And as with our favorite spiritual illustration, the lightbulb, if the negative pole is blocked, the circuit cannot be completed, and the energy cannot flow.

It’s not about judging people as worthy or unworthy. It’s about discerning who is ‘open’ to receive, and willing to use what we have to offer – wisdom, love, time, concern – no matter what flavor!
No doubt, if you go through your relationships, in your head, one by one, you are going find several that fit the above description: Your desire to contribute to them is not received with an equal amount of desire to receive from you.

Some people, including myself, more than I am happy to admit, make it our life’s purpose to give where it is not appreciated, or even not wanted. But everyone, at one time or another, decides where to give, by their own concepts, instead of looking where there is the most reception.

At the same time, one may fall into the opposite trap, the bottomless pit, or the bottle with the cap off, but cracked. I call that the Black Hole… the other extreme of the No Circuitry sole correction.

I used to have a client (or two, or three, or four… grrr) where we would have great conversations, I would be able to express all the light the Light wanted me to channel, but nothing would stick with the recipient.

This particular client, let’s call him Matt, was hungry for solutions, hungry for light, hungry… insatiable. What he wasn’t hungry for is making changes in his thinking or in his actions.

My style of coaching is to leave the client with a set of practices or action that they must complete in order for the session to make any real difference. Matt never did any of the actions, any of the practices. Instead, he came to every call as if the previous one had never happened. Unchanged.

He remembered them all right, but remembering is the booby prize… not much value there. His life didn’t notice he had that session.

I “fired him” from my practice… after a while.

I noticed that there was a certain co-dependency developing: it gave me a sense of accomplishment and an experience of being very bright to channel the Light. And he came to me the way an alcoholic goes to the pub.

I needed to restrict my addictive tendencies and ask him to get his daily fix someplace else.

Result? I started to channel the Light into
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Learn Kaizen – Tread lightly

In matters of the spirit a little goes a long way.

One of the most puzzling things about Kabbalah has to do with the proportions of worldly to spiritual. It says it is 1%, as opposed to the 99% spiritual. Therefore if you do your job in the 1% reality, then the 99% reality will to its job. It is like putting in $1 to a self improvement fund, and your company would match it with $99. Good deal, isn’t it.

It may be a good deal, but very few do it.

Why? Because your mindset has to be certainty, instead of waiting for it to come, or hoping, or wishing, or at the other extreme, thinking that you can only count on yourself. Or strong desire… or hoping… or “faith”… or praying… or all the happy horseshit gurus teach.

None of those mindsets activate the 99%. Bummer.
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