Category Archives: Soul Correction

Invisible dynamics: I am such a giving person, why do people hate me?

A student of mine lives in the same town as I do and for a while he used to drive me around to do errands.

Then I realized that it made him feel entitled to insult me on calls, so I put an end to that arrangement.

That was about two months ago.

He sent me a few emails offering rides, etc.

We even spent a few good times doing “exploring your own neighborhood” type of things, like visiting lakes and such.

Every email that he sends emphasizes that he is giving me something, asking me what I need… etc.

I stopped wanting anything.

I don’t want him to give me anything any more. I experience a feeling akin to hate or anger rising in me every time I think of him.

My regular driver is taking a break: she works at the New York State Fair for a few days, and I am driverless. I need stuff. But I won’t ask my student for help because of what I want to share with you.

If you are a perpetual and compulsive giver, you think that you are a good person, don’t you? Am I correct?

Consider that people will be willing to take what you give them, but secretly they hate your gut.

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The Soul, The Ego, The body… all want something different

Until you get, in your bones, in your everywhere that we are in this all together, you won’t be able to look at the world differently

Last night I had a really tough time falling asleep. I was alert, my brain working overtime.

As often, I started to download the Heaven on Earth bundle… consciously, paying attention to how it lands, all 48 energies with which one resists how it is.

I noticed grief. I am not grieving… so what is? Not another person… then what? I located the grief below my left shoulder… at the seat of the soul.

The soul was grieving.

So I communed with the soul, like a good mother that I am.
The soul is like a baby or a really young child.
It wants the best… and then it is blamed for life not working for the human.

This is what I said to the soul
You are not responsible for how your human behaves: they are. Your job is to want what you want… without filter, without trying to be different. And the human’s job is to CHOOSE…
The soul was grieving because she wanted to be all good, and heard me say that it’s all bad.

And that was a real problem for the soul.

So here I am, some 9-10 hours later, doing what I promised the soul last night. I promised that I would write the article to somehow bring some peace into this area, and absolve the soul.
I said: I’ll do the best I can, I promise. Can I do better than my best?
And the soul answers: Yes.
Do better than I can? I asked to clarify
Yes, said the soul
So you see, the soul is an all or nothing ‘entity’, you are never good enough for it. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to be better every day. It only means that your soul will always tell you that you are not good enough yet.
And if you hear that you are good enough… it is not the soul. It is the ego.
If that is what you hear, then the ego fighting for dominance is now making you smug and self-satisfied.

But being upside down, as the soul is, is not pleasant…

You see, energetically the soul is a triangle standing on its wobbly point, while the ego is a same size triangle, standing on its side… like a Golem. Heavy.

The most successful, most productive people on earth have managed to harness both, and make them work together… ROLL WITH IT.

The ego has the energy and the inertia, the soul has the demand… great team.

As inside so is outside… As above as below…
If your ego and soul don’t work together, you probably don’t have any ‘we’ in the outside world either.
And you waffle… go from soul (tortured) to ego (why should I do anything!) never amounting to much.
Now, let’s talk about desire… what the soul desires, and what the ego desires.
You think YOU are desiring, but it’s really not so… we know three kinds of desires: the desires of the body, the desires of the soul, and the desires of the ego.

The body, the vehicle, wants what every other living thing wants: to live, to feed, to rest, to procreate, and other normal things.
The soul wants
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Hear the soul scrambling… crazy world…

As I am running with this new insight that the culprit of misery and self-destructive behavior is the soul’s doing I am starting to see some aspects I didn’t see yesterday.

I said it yesterday, that the words that urge you on resulting in some damage… often resulting big damage is the shoulds.

It feels like someone inside is guiding you… guiding your actions. So if you don’t have the distinction that all shoulds come from the soul, its dark side, you can spend your whole life being moved by these shoulds…
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Causing human evolution… A manifesto of sorts

As I got further and further writing this article, I realized that what I am writing is some sort of manifesto. What we are doing here, what we aim to accomplish.

All the illustrations of manifestos I didn’t examine. They can be good, bad, or neutral. They are just illustrations. Don’t get your panties in a bunch…

OK, here is the article:
Whatever is preventing you from following instructions is your racket
Your soul correction, in effect, is a racket.
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Why do you need humility to learn anything? Skills, habits

Learning is humbling. Especially humbling is learning about yourself, and learning about your need to change.

You have a Precious ‘I’. Whether you believe it or not, whether you know it or not, the precious ‘I’ is in every single person.

And your precious I wants to have and retain the self-image unchanged, the self-image that says you know everything. That you are the center of the Universe. You are special. And it wants to keep the self-image where it is superior. Where you are, therefore, OK.

It considers anything and everything less that that ‘not OK’, and it fights it.
It is easier to see it on others than on yourself.
Every learning means, logically, that you didn’t know something.

For example, you don’t know and therefore you can’t tell if your cells are dehydrated or not. You can’t tell if you have DNA capacities on or off… Or that you think yourself smarter than you are.

You didn’t know you had narrow cone of vision.
You didn’t know that you were all about yourself…

You don’t know, who cares? You have never made any moves to learn it, find out, research… you really don’t care that you don’t know. But when someone else says that you don’t know something, it is bruising, offensive, and insulting to your Precious ‘I’.

You may call yourself names. You may call some family member names. But when someone else says that same thing… you are ready to kill them. That is the Precious ‘I’ that wants to kill them, not you.

You are not your Precious ‘I’. You HAVE the Precious ‘I’. But if you think you are that Precious ‘I’, then you’ll react.

Depending on the personality of the individual, depending on your your personality, on your soul correction, depending on the number of predatory genes you have active in your DNA, your Precious ‘I’ will react and the reaction will be highly predictable.
Large variations in reaction

My personality is to retreat. Retreat and lick my wounds. To examine what happened. To write an article about it, and get over it. Get over it as fast as I possibly can. And to glean as many insights from it as I can get. That is my Jewish personality. Learn from mistakes. Nor by making rules… no. By REALLY seeing what happened. Bringing awareness to it. And taking responsibility for it. Fully.

I am not here to fight.

I don’t want, don’t like animosity. I am more on the sheep-side. My before adjustment predatory genes count showed: 0. So I had none of those genes active.

Another person with a high predatory genes count may argue, bite, mock, and want to reduce you to nothing… Whether they do it publicly or not will be also part of their nature.

There are probably countless variations.
Learning is humbling, because learning says: you didn’t know. And for many people the idea that they don’t know something is offensive.
The Precious ‘I’ prides itself in knowing everything it needs to know. And if and when it finds out that you didn’t know something, it says: Ooooh,
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Soul Correction: ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator

ENOUGH IS NEVER ENOUGH aka the settler for less, the procrastinator

How many things, once important to you in your lives, have you lost? It could be a friendship that faded away or a job you once had. Maybe it was an ex who you ended things with on a sour note or a family member to whom you never fully expressed your love or gratitude.

In looking at the things in your life you have lost, you should ask yourself: Did I reveal the most amount of Light I could have there?

Unfortunately, the answer is often no.

There is a reason everything in your life comes to you and it is always the same reason: To reveal as much Light as possible there and attain fulfillment.

What you really lost wasn’t just the person or the job or the relationship. You missed the opportunity to reveal Light.

The problem is you believe you have an endless resource of those opportunities. You think, ‘If I miss this one, I’ll catch the next.’ But the truth is, sometimes you hadn’t deserved to receive another chance. Sometimes you’re just here for that one moment or that one person and if you miss it, you don’t get a second chance.

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Tools For Your Soul Correction

Soul correction is an active process. No one can do it for you.

Soul correction is the path to raising your vibration.

Every soulcorrection is a theme around which your life can be turned around: it’s like a pivot point.

It is a specific way you block the Light, it is a specific way YOU are not in the process of becoming an expanding human being, it is your way of “desire to receive for the self alone” i.e. at someone else’s expense.

You remember, the Creator doesn’t play favorites. It won’t take away from one to give it to another. Regardless if the other has right to what they have or not.

This is why when I ask the Creator to protect me from the Dark Side people, the Creator says No. Because protecting me would be taking away what is theirs, good or bad, or indifferent, won’t matter.

So the Creator is not like your dad who beat up your neighbor kid because he took away your toy, or yelled at the teacher because she gave you an F. The punishing, angry, selfish, jealous god is the figment of human imagination: no such thing in reality. As thee is no heaven any other place but potentially on Earth.

So, back to your soulcorrection:


knowing intimately what it is is very important.Your Bach flower profile, i.e. which of the 40 feelings are part of your persona, are invaluable. Each of those feelings are “desire to receive for the self alone”

They are your reactions to life, and they limit you, make you sick, poor and miserable.
Finding your default “name” and inventing new ones (from the Art of Soaring book and upcoming course) are probably the most precise but the hardest to master. And, of course, the harder something is to catch the bigger the result you’ll experience.

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What is driving your life? Not satisfying? Now what?

At any moment what you do, what you think, what you say either comes from the inside, your core, or the outside…
And depending on the source of the action, thought, you are either true to yourself, or true to something else.

There was a two-part episode of Doctor Who that I watched some years ago, the episode ‘Human Nature’. Watch it if you can.
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How did I suddenly become a fraud? Let’s look!

Soul Correction Soul’s Purpose… are they one and the same?

First off, let me tell you: your soulcorrection is like the middle of your head: you can only see it through a mirror.

When I tell people what is their soulcorrection, they always argue. Because in all their years they have done everything to hide it.

This is what happened today:

A certain Jamie sent me an email, sarcastic in language, asking if it would be too much to ask that I give them what they paid for.

The soulcorrection donation came on May 5. I promptly sent out the email: I saw the payment coming in.

This was 10 weeks ago.

From the language of the email you know that the person is going to be trouble. Mind you, they have aol for email provider, so that should tell you something about their ability to know about the world: aol seriously limits what they allow you to get or not.

Anyway, I sent out the name of the soulcorrection and the link to the post:

here is the correspondence, reproduced:
Jamie: Would it be possible to have you send me the output from this donation?

Me: sharing the flame

Jamie: Not sure I understand the meaning though. Can you, in an e-mail, explicitly state me “soul purpose”?

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All people are stingy but don’t know it…

All people are stingy but don’t know it. (stingy: unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous)

Why? Because when you say stingy, you also need to specify what way. How. What they are not willing to give, reciprocate, provide, spend or invest in, because that is what they are stingy with.

And unless you know what lands as stingy in the world, for another, you cannot change it because, I think, you are justified.

You don’t have enough. You don’t see that it is necessary. Or it would render you below another… somehow.
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