Tag Archives: your soul correction

I have found a great resource

I am thinking of using Osho’s dynamic meditations to guide people to no-mind. Sneak in a little fun, sneak in physicality, sneak in joy… Instead of the anxiety and seriousness most people relate to the getting-out-of-the-mind issue.

As I was searching to download the music of those great meditations, I found a series of articles and quotes, by Osho, on fake gurus. Here is an article on U.G. Krishnamurti. A few months ago I would not have believed him, but I saw a video on youtube, Krishnamurti on his deathbed, and it was so convincing, that I now believe what Osho says.
Osho Quotes on U G Krishnamurti

Just the other day I was reading a lecture of U. G. Krishnamurti. He says he went to see Ramana Maharshi. He was not attracted — because he was chopping vegetables. Yes, Ramana Maharshi was that kind of man, very ordinary. Chopping vegetables! U. G. Krishnamurti must have gone to see somebody extraordinary sitting on a golden throne or something. Ramana Maharshi just sitting on the floor and chopping vegetables? preparing vegetables for the kitchen! He was very much frustrated.
Then another day he went and saw him reading jokes. Finished for ever! This man knows nothing. This man is very ordinary. He left the ashram; it was not worth it. But I would like to say to you: this man, Ramana Maharshi, is one of the greatest Buddhas ever born to the world. That was his Buddhahood in action!

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The Gifts Of Complaining And Other Weird and Politically Incorrect Phenomena That Produces Dramatic Results

This article is about a counter-intuitive transformational technology you probably won’t find anywhere else… It is worth its weight in gold and it can make the biggest difference in your life, in your level of satisfaction, happiness and well-being.

I am taking a seminar I took some 25 years ago. I am taking it again, in spite of the inconvenience of having to hitch a ride to a town 60 miles away, having to be among people with really low vibration.

I am taking it again because it made such a huge impact on my life 25 years ago. In fact I would not be here doing this work if it hadn’t made the difference it made.

Being in a seminar also means being in weekly conference calls. But this article would not be possible without that: without hearing what “normal” people function like: I have almost forgotten.

The name of the seminar is “From Complaint to Possibility” It does have a main title that I will reveal later in this article.

Let me first share what it is that I discovered about “normal” in this seminar, so far: it is dramatic and worth paying attention to. Chances are that you are normal, at least some of the time, so listen up, OK?

The seminar starts with looking at all the complaints you have in your life. The list of complaints fills pages after pages, if not, you are lying. Literally lying.

Complaining about stuff, about people, about ourselves, about the weather, about the Global Warming, about the government, etc. etc. etc. is normal.

Some people do it in their head, we call in ruminating.
Some people are politically correct, and hide it grammatically in their speaking, sounding like they are well meaning, and some other bull crap.

But it’s there. Takes eyes to see, ears to hear, and some free mind space to observe.

Most people have less than 1% of their mind allowing them to see what’s in front of them, accurately. Which means mostly they fight windmills, they interact with unreality.

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More on paradigms and paradigm shifts plus my example on my paradigm regarding money

The word paradigm is really nondescript, non-definitive.

It is much like saying that someone is wearing glasses. Some glasses come in different colors, sunglasses, prescription glasses, and then there are glasses that are solid with holes in them, to train the eye to fill in the gaps in information.

If your glasses are colored blue, you won’t be able to see blue after a while. Just like water doesn’t exist for the fish, blue won’t exist for you.

The glasses act as filters. Filters allow certain things to pass through, other things won’t be able to make it through. There, the mind, will fill in the gaps in information,just like with the training glasses.

Now, where is this useful knowledge?

First off, it is useful, in my humble opinion, to understand that you read and hear a lot of useful information, that simply doesn’t reach you.

I have a list of affirmations in front of me. the list is from the weekend, the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

There were 2,500 people at my Millionaire Mind weekend. The weekend was fun. I hitched a ride with a friend. She didn’t have that much fun.

When we got back, I promptly started on my 90-day workbook: it had simple exercises for each day.

There was another event on an investment club that I returned to New York (I live 275 miles from NY City). I got there an hour early. I decided to hang out and talk to people as they arrived.

I asked every person I had a chance to talk to if they did the exercises. No one I spoke with did.

>In those 30 days I increased my net worth 13,000 dollars. Others had no results.

Why did I act on the information and why didn’t others?

The answer is simple if you look through the lens of paradigms.

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What is Stress? How Do You Deal With It? A Tree Of Life look at Stress… quite enlightening

People complain of stress.

I am normally not experiencing stress, but the last few days I have been.

My response to them was tightening up, playing freecell, working more, or not working at all.

Today, at a connection call, stress came up and I asked: what causes stress? People said all kinds of things, circumstances, disease, etc…

I said: None of that. What causes stress is your resistance to life, to how it is.

Whatever you resist or ignore, like a little kid, will get your attention, whatever it takes. And it is going to cost you. Your freedom, your perspective, your peace of mind.

The best way I can illustrate this is with three pictures:

Picture one: you are attending (lovingly) the “issue” and you are able to do anything, while you never ignore the “issue”, lovingly whisper to it “I am not going anywhere…”

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Tools For Your Soul Correction

Soul correction is an active process. No one can do it for you.

Soul correction is the path to raising your vibration.

Every soulcorrection is a theme around which your life can be turned around: it’s like a pivot point.

It is a specific way you block the Light, it is a specific way YOU are not in the process of becoming an expanding human being, it is your way of “desire to receive for the self alone” i.e. at someone else’s expense.

You remember, the Creator doesn’t play favorites. It won’t take away from one to give it to another. Regardless if the other has right to what they have or not.

This is why when I ask the Creator to protect me from the Dark Side people, the Creator says No. Because protecting me would be taking away what is theirs, good or bad, or indifferent, won’t matter.

So the Creator is not like your dad who beat up your neighbor kid because he took away your toy, or yelled at the teacher because she gave you an F. The punishing, angry, selfish, jealous god is the figment of human imagination: no such thing in reality. As thee is no heaven any other place but potentially on Earth.

So, back to your soulcorrection:


knowing intimately what it is is very important.Your Bach flower profile, i.e. which of the 40 feelings are part of your persona, are invaluable. Each of those feelings are “desire to receive for the self alone”

They are your reactions to life, and they limit you, make you sick, poor and miserable.
Finding your default “name” and inventing new ones (from the Art of Soaring book and upcoming course) are probably the most precise but the hardest to master. And, of course, the harder something is to catch the bigger the result you’ll experience.

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How did I suddenly become a fraud? Let’s look!

Soul Correction Soul’s Purpose… are they one and the same?

First off, let me tell you: your soulcorrection is like the middle of your head: you can only see it through a mirror.

When I tell people what is their soulcorrection, they always argue. Because in all their years they have done everything to hide it.

This is what happened today:

A certain Jamie sent me an email, sarcastic in language, asking if it would be too much to ask that I give them what they paid for.

The soulcorrection donation came on May 5. I promptly sent out the email: I saw the payment coming in.

This was 10 weeks ago.

From the language of the email you know that the person is going to be trouble. Mind you, they have aol for email provider, so that should tell you something about their ability to know about the world: aol seriously limits what they allow you to get or not.

Anyway, I sent out the name of the soulcorrection and the link to the post:

here is the correspondence, reproduced:
Jamie: Would it be possible to have you send me the output from this donation?

Me: sharing the flame

Jamie: Not sure I understand the meaning though. Can you, in an e-mail, explicitly state me “soul purpose”?

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How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…

How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency
The vibration number, often called ‘vibrational frequency,’ tells a lot about a person.

According to many teachers, you need to raise your vibration to the level of the things you want…

This video is about that:

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.
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The invisible context gives you the quality of your life

I got the following story in an email. Great story to illustrate context. Another word for context is frame, because it is outside of the picture, it is not part of the picture, yet the picture changes when the frame changes, just like the stories of your life change when you manage to change the context, even if the new context has to be helped by a coach, like myself.

You see, what makes the stories and their meanings stuck is that the frame, that the context is invisible.

If it were readily visible, you would see to it that you change it. But as with everything that makes you miserable, it is the invisible that needs to be made visible, if you ever hope to get rid of the misery.

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You can flip the context of anything… and change your life

One of the transformational moves I use with my students is ‘flipping the context.’

Context is decisive, and the context inside which you live your life is what makes your life great or horrible… not what happens to you.
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How To Be A Sacred Lotus: Stay On The Path And Are Happy?

How to be a sacred Lotus, untouched by the rain, the suffering of others, the noise of others: what’s the secret of people that stay on the path and are happy?

What is the reason you are pulled into everything, that you are trying to help everyone, that you are a do-gooder?

I could have written this article about argumentative people, self-justifying people, people asking everyone to help them, angry people, etc. I just chose to write about do-gooders because it looks good… to you, but it kills you and your life exactly as all the other ways… OK?

When I ask people why they go out of their way to help people, they always have an answer. “I am good, I like people, I like to help.”

But the truth is deeper and uglier than that.

Selfless means just that. You have no self. You have no center. You are empty inside. You have no home to come home to.

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