Category Archives: Energized Water

Is building confidence a topic you like? Confident about…

I sent out an email:
My email exchanges
I sent out an email the other day. here is the whole email:
Is building confidence a topic you like?
I have been looking at topics that may be of interest to you, and so far, I have settled on building confidence…
Do you agree that if you had more confidence, you’d do more, you’d have more fun, you’d accomplish more, you’d feel better about yourself?
Please hit reply and let me know what you think.
There are no right answers, and there are no wrong answers. Only YOUR answer that matters to me.
I can’t wait. I’ll answer your email, I promise. thank you in advance,
The answers knocked me conscious… Most of my subscribers don’t live on the same planet as me… we don’t see eye to eye…
The duping of the planet is almost complete…
Until you get that you are on your own, and the Universe is NOT on your side, your life will be hell.

Here are some of the email exchanges… and at the end of this article, I’ll point the way to a world where people are smart (YOU?) and self-sufficient…
Yes, Sophie, thanks! I agree.
But I’d like to tell you one more thing that I’m not actually able to overcome – I cannot believe (I have no confidence) that the Universe is really on my side.

You know, after too much time when things are going wrong (I mean years) and I can see a solution that would be for the best of everyone involved, and I asked, and I tried to command –

there was I time I really felt confident I could have what my heart desires -, and I tried to work on myself but I don’t see anything good really coming my way except in my imagination and in ‘predictions’ from ‘seers’, in time I lost the confidence I had in the Universe, even if I keep on reading that many people think quite the contrary. And I’m starting to think that many of those people are not true, too…

Furthermore, if I’m the only one to blame for my situations in life, that leaves no room for the existence of angels and spirit guides to help me out, so that leaves me completely on my own to face everything!! And I’m so alone at that that I really feel overwhelmed… so I hoped those beings were real and I tried to ask them as instructed by the so-called ‘angel ladies’ and various channellers but I still had no help in coming out from my bad situations, only promises I don’t really believe in anymore.

Ok, sorry, maybe I’ve gone a little off topic (of what you asked), but I thought that maybe it could be helpful to remark that not only a lack of personal confidence is a problem but also a lack of confidence in the Universe.
Many thanks and all the best
My answer: the truth is that you are on your own, and the Universe is not on your side.
There are no angels, no spirit guides, and the angel ladies are blood sucking parasites.

Do you really think that? They’re all really lying? How can someone overcome their doubts, then, and their feelings of hopelessness?
Forgive me if I ask so clearly, but by your
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Abundance: where do you look to decide if you have it? A revolutionary thought.

Most people look in their mind.

The mind is an organ that is unsuited to answer a question like this.

One of the major moves of the mind is comparison. After all it’s a computer. Is A bigger than B? The mind is perfectly capable of comparing those. What it never does, and therefore YOU mind-person never do, is ask the question: is that a relevant measure? Will the comparison of A and B show me a relevant picture?

If the mind or you asked that question, EVER!, you’d find that most of the questions that the mind asks are irrelevant AND are suggested by the DARK SIDE.

What am I calling Dark Side here? People? Entities? Government?

I am calling Dark Side the phenomenon that was started by a few people. The purpose of the phenomenon is to take you out of the present where you can be in touch with your origin, your magnificence, your creator nature, the Earth, nature, your Self.

Take you out for what? For their own monetary and political aspirations.

I am reading a book and I am fascinated and appalled at the same time.

It talks about advertising, scientific advertising, as habit-forming and habit-exploiting moves on the masses.

It can create addictions, exploit addictions.

I am in a bind. I have a product, the Heaven on Earth, and I want people to buy more of it. Why? Because it is good for them.

So when I read that book, the part where it talks about how they sold Febreze, an air freshener, I had an insight.

Just like them, I have been doing it all wrong.

Febreze, originally, had no smell. It was a clear odorless liquid that you could spray on anything and it would absorb all kinds of odors into itself, kitchen, grease, smoke, skunk (lol), cat urine, wet dog… you name it.

The product didn’t sell. People didn’t want to fix those smells. Why? Beats me, I guess they were used to it. Considered it a part of life to stink… lol.

When the marketing research people visited the people that got sample bottles of Febreze, it was always in the back of some closet.

The marketeers went back to work. They were desperately looking for cue and reward, what is the basic of hooking someone on something.

Example: Some 40 years ago I was depressed. Nothing special, but I was more depressed than usual. The doctor of the office I worked at prescribed shots for me. I got my first, and the next one was scheduled for 10 am the next morning.

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Update On The Energized Water And The Attacks… Dark Side, Global Negativity, Tr….

Good news.

Ever since I uttered the magic words to the Creator: “Remove Traces”, my energized water in big bottles has been staying energized. It’s wonderful news. Now I don’t have to throw away hard tea, coffee, glass of water.

As I said in a previous article, the Tr. Energy that I asked Source to create a simile of, and allow me to use made me a target of several energy broadcasts from Tr.? I don’t know. But it marked me and the people I have used the energy on as target for frequent energy transmissions. How? I don’t understand, so don’t ask me to explain it to you. I only know it’s real, because it stopped.

The same energy that is infused in Tr. Water conflicts with my Energizer® and renders the water not just bad tasting, but actually toxic. Once I was in the middle of charging the water, i.e. being connected to All-of-it, hands on the big bottle of water, downloading the Energizer, and the energy transmission attack came at the same time. They met at my nose. I could not smell anything for days. I had horrible inflammation of the mucus membranes in my nose, suddenly.

But it is over, and I am not using that energy any more. It is useful, but it is dangerous.

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Homing Device. Psychic Attacks, The Drama Unfolds: the Water Mystery Solved

I have been drinking energized water since 1996. It has made a huge difference in my health. I could say that my well-being increased 200-300%, or said another way, my malaise has decreased by more than half.

A year or so ago the supplier of the energized water products went bankrupt and I started to wish I could, somehow either acquire the patent to produce the water or maybe, by some miracle, be given the method.

My desire was fulfilled this year and I have been able to provide energized water products for a fraction of the cost I used to pay for them.

At roughly the same time, Tr. of Tr. Wellness came out with his own Tr. Water. It was an instant hit, in spite of its high cost. Lots of people want to be well, want to be pretty, want to feel energized.

Around May 6 I asked for Source to duplicate Tr.’s energy, and Source said: No problem.

I premiered the energy on a May 8 healing meditation call… and that was the starting point of something… I’d like to explain in this article.

At the time I had a student who used to send me donations… for who knows why. Around that date the donations stopped.

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The Dark Forces: What They Are, What They Do, How They Pull Your Strings?

I am not sure who the original dark forces are… they have been around for about three thousand years.

They mean business. I mean business for themselves. These are individuals in a close knit clan, dispersed all over the world, spreading mayhem and fishing in troubled waters.

You work for them. If I had a job, I would work for them. The president of the United States work for them. They own all the banks, all the money on Planet Earth.

They pull the strings in this seemingly chaotic world.

Now, one could think: kill them. But that is more of the same. They can do their dirty deeds only because the conscious awareness of people is so low. And it hasn’t grown.

As a civilization we have been reduced to biological robots, and the chances of breaking out of that predicament is slim.

The scenario of the Matrix movie is both true and untrue.

In that movie, your biological piece was used as an energy cell, and only your computer character actually moved, changed location, etc.

In the real world, (no, not a hologram, as far as I can see), you are carrying around your piece. But other than that, you haven’t had an original thought probably ever.

Suggestions? yes. But original, un-influenced thought, probably never.

Why? Because that is how the Dark Side wants it.

Just watch yourself: you fill every waking moment with noise, brain candy, “information,” so you could never have a moment of reflection where you could maybe see through the possible cracks of this hoax we are living.

Instead of “killing them” I am interested in getting to know them enough, that I can mount an effective campaign to awaken people. Some people.

I knew they existed, I felt it all my life, but

1. I had no idea if I was targeted special or everyone was as miserable as I was
2. I had no recourse: I felt totally powerless given the onslaught of miserable feelings permeating me 80% of the time.

Recently I am starting to get insights, a little differentiation, some shades of gray, a little better grip on the “game.”

The first opening was when I discovered that the feelings I feel were mostly not mine.

There is a great working model that helps you understand the phenomenon if you read the amazing science fiction novel, The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson. You probably can’t get a newly printed copy, but you can always buy a used copy, it is worth it.

It will free you up enough to start coming from your power instead of your weaknesses.

One of the things I learned (and never honored, really, lol) from this book is to tread lightly… to move without noise, to not exclaim victories, to not brag, to not announce to the world that I am winning, because it immediately gets the attention of the Mind Parasites, which is an analogy of the Dark Side.

It is not me to tread lightly. I was born to be a leader, and an overt leader at that. So I have been barraged with attacks that even with the methods I have cannot be fended off.

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The Unbreakable, or Are You Stuck In Your Thinking And Can’t See A Solution?

The Unbreakable

Let me start with a little story
In one of the most memorable exercises of all time, the leader asks a person to volunteer. The person needs to be a “certifiable” klutz, aka clumsy person.

Inadvertently the person always turns out to be a woman with a Ph.D.

In the first part of the exercise or demonstration, the leader throws a tennis ball to the volunteer which she either catches by trying too hard, or trying too hard and yet dropping the ball.

Everyone can see that she is a klutz.

After a while the leader says that they are going to play a different game. This time the volunteer doesn’t have to catch the ball. Instead they need to observe the ball and tell the leader which way the ball was spinning. To make the spin more visible, the leader takes out a think marker and blackens the seams of the tennis ball.

The volunteer agrees. The first ball falls on the podium while she is showing with her fingers which way the ball was spinning. The second ball falls on the podium and rolls into the corner. The volunteer walks there, picks it up, and throws it back to the leader.

The third ball is thrown, but the volunteer reaches for it with one hand, throws it back to the leader and with her hands now free, shows the leader which way the ball was spinning.

The fourth ball comes more forcefully. The volunteer reaches out with one hand, catches it, throws it back to the leader, and demonstrates which way the ball was spinning.

The fifth ball comes fast and far, but the volunteer steps in its direction, catches is with one hand and throws it back.

The audience that was holding their breath in this second part of the exercise starts to clap. The volunteer looks and doesn’t understand what is the cause for clapping.

She never realized she caught the ball, there was no sign of clumsiness at all.

What happened? The leader explains that the world shifted from being incompetent in the arena of catching balls into the arena of competence being able to see the spin of the ball.

In the arena of competence everything is approached with competence.
I experienced this exact phenomenon this morning.

For the past 6 weeks me, my websites, and my place have been under siege. I will not go into detail: I’ll just talk about the attack on the Energy Water.

The Energy Water is normal tap water driven through a 2-stage filter. When it comes out of the filter, its vibration varies between 80 and 100 on a scale of 1 to 1000.

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The fastest way to get better in every area of life…

…or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest
I have been experimenting.

I have run two experiments among the many that have brought results I did not expect. Results that told me that I have been one of these one-legged people.
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Vibrational Review: Case Study of a student of the second phase Activators course

Vibration went from 200 to 330 in three months. Case study: Student in the 2nd Phase Activators Course. Photographer, female 55 years old

Had a difficult start. Started on just the border of the acceptable minimum, 200 vibration.

Had she had these difficulties with a vibration below 200, she would have disappeared.

She had to access the connection webinars from her phone. I can’t see someone who calls in on the phone, on my webinar control panel, so she could never be sure whether she was connected or not, really.

She came to every call. She bought the Unconditional Love Activator, but I refunded it: I told her flat out that she is not suitable to be my student. I practically threw her out…

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Until recently you could get energies in only three ways

What it is that I am learning about energies and what is so revolutionary about that?

Until recently you could get energies in only three ways:

you were attuned by someone who had the energy. Attunement is an implant type of procedure.
you discovered that you had access to a certain energy. It seems innate… You may call it having been gifted, or some other way that makes you sound superior: the truth is that you probably earned it. Your vibration is probably higher than “normal” and you probably regularly connect to Source.
someone dumped it on you, whether you were ready or not. I have only heard tales of that: I can’t testify about the veracity of the claims.

I have discovered a fourth way to get energies.

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Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water. Are you energized?

Energize your Water: About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water
Most of what we know, or think we know is Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge means that we didn’t have a direct experience of what we are talking about. We guessed, or someone else guessed and sold it to us as the truth.

That is the case with most of history, the Bible, and most of science.

Now, let’s get back to direct experience: it is a tricky area.

I need to add something important: direct experience of something that is not open to interpretation.

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