Tag Archives: vibrational reviews

How fixing a problem creates and grows the Dark Side…

I’ve been a little off lately. In the middle of May the number of visitors to my site fell to almost none.

The cause: Google created a software that can tell if something is good or not. If something is worth reading or not. Google deemed my site crap. Obviously, because between May and the beginning of this week, they sent me a grand total of 30 visitors, whereas they used to send me 30-80 a day…

What happened? How did my site become crap from one day to the other?
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Something interesting happened on my way to the top…

Warning: this article is written in a stream of consciousness way… and I am unwilling to rewrite it to prose… Let’s see if you can follow me to the rabbit hole… lol
Last week was quite uneventful, as far as drama goes.

No “attacks” from the Dark Side, no big drama anywhere. Things were flowing.

My new book, Effortless Abundance is drawing good reviews, and I am writing the sequel.

We’ve made a major discovery: a missing piece no one suspected, to raising your vibration.

Until last night.

There is this marketing master I have befriended. Our whole relationship has been going on quite public, and I didn’t care. Then he sent my a private email, and sent me one of his ebooks he sells for money.

At first I didn’t want to read it. Then I read it, but was very uncomfortable with it.

It felt like this guy is condescending to me.

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How I Took The Bait And Almost Killed My Site

What’s happening on yourvibration.com

By now you should be used to this: I screwed up. lol

By the way, most people screw up, but they won’t admit it. Given my soulcorrection, it is very important that I do.

I have been so inundated with Dark Side attacks, minimum six hours a day, suggesting – through feelings – that I should quit, die, give up, etc… I am not very surprised that I have made a mistake.
When you get ‘guidance’ it often comes from the Dark Side. You need to muscle test while connected to Source. When you are not connected, the results of the muscle test come mostly from the Dark Side.
For about a week I did everything seemingly from my own head, and I didn’t muscle test. Unfortunately no one woke me up, not even some self-proclaimed marketers: it had to be reality that woke me up… that is always the worst. Lol

In these two weeks the number of visitors went down by 99%. It means instead of hundreds, there have been only tens. 9 today…

That is not what I had in MIND when I made the changes!

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Vibrational Review: Case Study of a student of the second phase Activators course

Vibration went from 200 to 330 in three months. Case study: Student in the 2nd Phase Activators Course. Photographer, female 55 years old

Had a difficult start. Started on just the border of the acceptable minimum, 200 vibration.

Had she had these difficulties with a vibration below 200, she would have disappeared.

She had to access the connection webinars from her phone. I can’t see someone who calls in on the phone, on my webinar control panel, so she could never be sure whether she was connected or not, really.

She came to every call. She bought the Unconditional Love Activator, but I refunded it: I told her flat out that she is not suitable to be my student. I practically threw her out…

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The invisible components of success: two case studies

You cannot talk butterfly language… unless… Also: Lies by omission, lies by commission… are you a liar?
Last night I was reminded how my nights used to be before I discovered Source energies. Hellish…

I am reading a book from someone, I still haven’t decided if I want to name that someone… or not.

Why? Because I am irate… so angry and envious… I am afraid to let it all out…

But I have to start releasing this tension somehow.

I continued this conversation with my Sunday morning buddy… if you want to hear the conversation, and how he transformed as a result of our calls, here is a link to buy the call

Single Sunday Call
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The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The anatomy of earning your light: a case study

The objective of this case study is to illustrate how I earned another 10 point rise in my vibration.

The language is stream of consciousness. I am starting out not knowing what or how to earn that rise. I am creating it in this article, so if you find the tenses confusing, just hang in there: consider that I am creating in the moment. Re-writing a stream of consciousness “monologue” to a proper English recounting what happened will miss the most important aspect of the process: the truth is unfolding as you speak. So, let’s go, shall we?

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Let me teach you how to tell the vibration of a modality without muscle testing…

I didn’t mean to write a fourth article today… but I was poking the box, and this is what came up.

How do you tell the vibration of a “modality” without having permission to muscle test?

If there has ever been a good reason to ban me from measuring vibration, this would be probably the best: turning all the power over to you.

Why? Because there should never be anything or anyone between you and Source. Not me, not a book, not a church, not anything. Why? Because that would be idol worshiping, that would be taking away your power, that would be turning you to sheep.

Now, my experience has been that people turn themselves to sheep: shame on you.

I understand: it is scary to take responsibility for your choices, for your questions, for your answers, for your direction. But…

You weren’t created to be sheep. You are made of the same matter as Source, thinking stuff, powerful stuff. Not sheep stuff.

Now, if you are sheep, you can stop reading here: you and I have nothing to talk about.

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How Does Soul Guide You? Will you Heed The Guidance?

A few months ago I was nudged to watch a Spanish movie… Totally outside of what could ever come up… though it was interesting… But why on Earth was I supposed to watch it? The question has haunted me for some time.

Sometimes it takes months before I realize why I was supposed to watch a certain movie. That movie came really handy today.

This afternoon, after I wrote some seething reviews about some money gurus, I felt a gentle nudge of something from the soul.

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Are you my ideal customer? How did you find my site?

Summary: Now that I have lost my main source of income, I am back to the planning stage. I am back to finding out how to reach people who want what I have to offer: Energy remedies for peace of mind, freedom, power, and are willing to work for it at the same time, instead of waiting for a miracle or a pill or a magic bullet.

I am not often confronted. Being confronted always means that something or someone has breached the separation between your hidden self and your fake self.

You hide the stuff that you don’t think will work in the world, that will not buy you the image or goodies you want, the affection, appreciation, the job, the friends, the money.

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