Tag Archives: competitive plane

How fixing a problem creates and grows the Dark Side…

I’ve been a little off lately. In the middle of May the number of visitors to my site fell to almost none.

The cause: Google created a software that can tell if something is good or not. If something is worth reading or not. Google deemed my site crap. Obviously, because between May and the beginning of this week, they sent me a grand total of 30 visitors, whereas they used to send me 30-80 a day…

What happened? How did my site become crap from one day to the other?
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Osho: Why does it hurt so much to be jealous?

I have been spending the last few days meditating, muscle testing, contemplating why it is that different people from different ethnic cultures are so different in one main aspect: caring.

Caring means that you are willing to consider another as important as yourself. And just the way you would not hurt yourself consciously and intentionally, you would not hurt another.
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How to be successful without being evil

One of the distinctions from Wallace D. Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich is called “The Creative Plane.”

Most of us, most of the time, live on the competitive plane.

The competitive plane has several aspects, and depending on your disposition, you’ll be able to counter some, while not be able or be willing to counter others.

The first aspect of the competitive plane is comparison. On the competitive plane you are always going some place, you are never where you are, the only concept you have from the here and now is that it’s not enough, not yet, not there yet, not the right place, not good enough, or wrong. Not the right thing, not the right place. That is the foundation of the competitive plane, and the result is misery… felt or not, when you operate in the competitive plane, you are miserable, always hungering, always yearning, always out of sorts..

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Phases Of Learning, Phases Of Self-Changing, Phases Of Transformation: How To Succeed In A World Dominated By Fixing

In my previous article I write about the creative plane vs. the competitive plane.

Today’s culture, the norm, the planetary hypnosis (Dark Side) generated attitude is hurry and forcing.

Although I don’t like Dr. David Hawkins and his books, his phrase “power vs. force” is valid here: when you hurry you are trying to FORCE the Universe (and the people in it) to suddenly do what YOU WANT them to do, instead of falling in step with the Universe, and get what you want when it’s good an ready.

Just watch your reaction, if you are a man, when the woman of the house interrupts what you are doing and demands that you take out the garbage, organize the garage, make the repairs you promised, right now, not when you are good and ready…

Or if you are a woman and your man demands sex, when you are not feeling well, when you are tired, when you don’t feel like it, not in the mood… demands that you get ready at a moment’s notice.

Feel your muscles tense even reading the scenarios… this is how the Universe reacts when you are in a hurry.
To be in harmony with the Universe, you need to fall in step, you need to fall in rhythm, in harmony with the Universe.
Whenever I participate in a drum-circle, especially if it is a big one with people from all over the place, I experience this magic: falling in rhythm, falling in step with the Universe.

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