Tag Archives: dna upgrade

Raising your vibration happens through doing things

Raising your vibration happens through doing things that you wouldn’t do without the intention to raise your vibration.
Coaching is making you do what you need to do, but don’t want to, that will get you what you desire.

Often any deviation from the normal, the accepted, the habitual, the regular, the easy, the socially acceptable is all you need to open up and allow you to glimpse at dormant capacities. Or alternatively see your need for capacities that you don’t have but could start to desire.
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Your current core identity. Is it serving you well?

Your current core identity. How to find it, how to build a better one?
I have written in a previous post that I discovered that my hidden identity is ‘worthless piece of junk = unwanted’. I use the word junk, because this expression is a translation from my native Hungarian. In the original the expression is closer to ‘nothing’ than anything, by the way. But in English, I am afraid, that won’t communicate. ‘I am nothing’, does it communicate? It doesn’t seem to have the same emotional impact on me…

From time to time I notice it ‘informing my mood, informing my actions.’

I found a blog that I enjoy reading. The writer of the blog is intelligent, inventive, and although we have a different base world view (he prays, I don’t) I like his blog a lot. I researched him this morning. All the pictures on his blog are white folks… turns out he is a good looking Black guy from Florida.
Hm. What must be his ‘core’ identity that he won’t show his face on his blog?

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The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All

This article will leave you disbelieving that I know you at all… after all you think you know yourself.

But if you allow me to crack the dense bubble you live in, just a little bit, and show you how exercising this capacity will change your life to the better, maybe, and just maybe, you will allow me to get the work done with you…

Why would you resist? Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.

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Osho: Why does it hurt so much to be jealous?

I have been spending the last few days meditating, muscle testing, contemplating why it is that different people from different ethnic cultures are so different in one main aspect: caring.

Caring means that you are willing to consider another as important as yourself. And just the way you would not hurt yourself consciously and intentionally, you would not hurt another.
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Are you a soul-less human? Are reptilian influences real?

This is a long article, and a work in progress… I am still working out this whole issue: I guess it is my life’s work. So if occasionally I don’t make sense, cut me some slack, will you? If I jump around… please just know that eventually I’ll say what I need to say, and I’ll make sense.

The reason humanity (and your life) looks the way it looks is because you are a coward.
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What is missing that your life is not changing?

What is missing that you aren’t changing? What is missing that your life is not changing?

Missing refers to something not present. There is no ‘missing’ in reality… but in comparison you can see that one scenario it is there, in another it isn’t.

In one action it is, in the other it isn’t. You can see when you put them side by side… which, of course an advanced move, but possible.

So in this article we compare someone who grows, someone who is able to change, and someone who stagnates, doesn’t grow, doesn’t change.

Most people have a real hard time changing, by the way. Changing their minds, mainly.

I connected to two people this morning, both doing their health measurements. One is my niece, early twenties, beautiful, complaining of belly ache. I felt how she felt (of course, that is my claim to fame!) and it was both pain and nausea. The numbers said that she has something growing in her left ovary.

She is sure it is her intestines, so she is keeping a very rigid vegan diet, goes to doctors to find out what she is allergic to… none of that makes a difference. She is looking in the neighborhood, but not asking the right questions. Knowing her, she is sure it’s her digestion.

The other person was sitting at his clients’ office, and probably wasn’t treated as well as he should be. Probably he was treated as a person of no consequence… And I can feel that he is angry, annoyed, self-righteous. But it is a client, and he stays mum.

I am connected to him for quite a while: his bad feelings are interfering with my measurement…

The question we are looking at is this: what is missing for you, for these two people, for everyone when they are wrong, angry, annoyed, and altogether not happy.

Question is: Where is the person looking from? And the second question: what are they looking at? And the third: what are the undisputed ‘truths’ about them, about the situation, and about the world?

Another way to ask the same thing: Are you looking at the world always the same way?

It keeps the world the same way! Including you.

What can you do to personally upgrade to Human Being: magnificent, cutting edge, inclusive? Learn from the Bateleur Eagle…

I stopped at the public library yesterday and got a book, called Upgrade Me, by Brian Clegg.

I haven’t read it yet, so don’t rush and buy it: it may be good, or not, I’ll let you know. (book’s truth value: 3%, so probably not worth buying or reading it.)

Inclusivity vs. exclusivity
One thing is sure: replacing narrow personal or group “needs” with wider, more inclusive way of looking at things is the biggest missing, and it hasn’t gotten better in these past 100,000 years, despite all the pretense of love, light, and whatever preaching gurus and devotees. Or maybe because of it?
I am re-reading a book, some two thousand pages, on the history of the Mongols.

The the steppes of what is now Mongolia and the area around it, was, for hundreds of years,
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Humans didn’t become the peak of evolution because they were weaklings, they had to be made weaklings. Updated

Humans didn’t become the peak of evolution because they are weaklings. Humans have a brain uniquely qualified for thinking, reasoning, choosing. ForĀ  95% of humanity not to know, or not want to use their brain for thinking, reasoning, choosing, they had to be made weaklings. Humans are meant to be highly adaptable supported by their disproportionately large brain. Individually. That big brain makes you human, that is your strongest point, and that is also what makes you vulnerable.

Each and every human alive today, regardless of their ethnicity, whether they can accept the DNA capacity activations or not, is able to be with a lot of adversity, that you, my dear reader, are not finding yourself capable of.

Everything seems to threaten your ordered little world, and it feels that if you can’t fix that threat, it will crack your world and you with it.

When I ask a student about this, either they say they are weak, or they say that they are strong, but their behavior belies a fundamental belief that they are weak, that they think they cannot deal with it.

This does not come from personal experience. Most of you have never experienced much that requires courage, or strength, or the capacity to make it through adverse circumstances. Beliefs are this are implanted, through centuries long conditioning.

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Talk back to me: why is my vibration so low? I meditate, I try to be heart-centered…

Here is an actual conversation in email, over time.

Me, after measuring the person’s vibration

Your vibration is 150.


Thank you Sophie. I think maybe I have been drinking too much wine lately. Would that affect it? I also have had a bit of sad news about a family member. I will consider the HOE when I have a better chance to look at the website later.

Am I ready for the DNA upgrade?

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Didn’t get the DNA upgrade? Don’t fret, it’s not final

I have been observing people for about 23 years. Before that I had my head up my arse… and I wouldn’t have seen anything had I looked: I was so busy trying to get to a place where I can stand on my two feet and look.

Until that point I was trying to make a living in a job I didn’t like, I was trying to survive in a country that didn’t welcome me, I was trying to be accepted in an organization that didn’t appreciate my devotion.

In essence I was busy in the lower regions of Maslow’s hierarchy.

The capacities that were included in the DNA upgrade were all the two highest level of Maslow’s hierarchy, the levels anyone only pursues when their lower needs are taken care of, although it is not as cut and dry as that, some people will resign to a lower level of existence and give up pursuing their lower priority needs, so they can give their lives to something bigger… but the majority of people behave consistent with Maslow’s theory.

Since the article about the 19%-81% yesterday, I get worried emails asking me if they have the new DNA, or if not, if they are ready to get it.

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What are the 13 new capacities in the DNA Upgrade?

I wrote this article two years ago, in 2013. Today I use different words to express what I did then. I say, today, that capacities inherent in human DNA were activated… instead of added.

But other than that… this article is as good as new… With, or course the major difference, of publicly activating capacities and seeing if they are taken or not, if they are resisted and how.
In the two years or so before the DNA upgrade of September 4, 2013, my job was to coach people in activating their human being capacities, raise their vibration, access their soul’s guidance, and connect to Source.

In hindsight, I’d signed up to do failed experiments so Source can learn humans and the human condition intimately.

In the first phase, it became clear that you cannot activate capacities in people that are unconscious and are driven by dark desires, greed, and lust.

In the second phase it became clear that even with individual activation something was amiss: humans are not even able to see that they are a result of co-creation, and they cannot just hold out their hands and get what they think they need and want.

In the third phase I worked out methods that could work if humans had some missing capacities added to their DNA.

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