Category Archives: change

Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words

Part 1: the empath
If you have to suffer, make it meaningful. It will hurt less

Empaths have a glitch in their brain, I say, that makes that feel not only their own bad emotions, but others’ as well.

I didn’t know I was an empath until the year 2000. I was 53 years old. And I hadn’t known such a thing existed. I thought what I felt was all mine. And I suffered. For a decade or so I was under doctor’s care, often hospitalized.

I had some indicators I can see with 20/20 hindsight, but I still thought nothing of them.

Whenever, wherever I was around or near horny people, I felt what they felt. Horrible, if you ask me.

And when my doctors wanted to shock me out of my bad state, and I refused treatment, they resorted to send me to the cold showers and that allowed me to feel myself only for a bit… and I was ‘cured’.

Humans feel horrible feelings and I have to feel their feelings.
I have been thinking about this: if you are condemned to suffer, maybe your job is to make it useful so you don’t suffer in vain.
Lots of people have done that… people with horrid diseases, addictions, etc. But they did it AFTER they got rid of the pain…

For an empath there is no getting rid of the pain. But if you don’t train yourself to be a true empath, like a precise instrument. To know how to connect reliably to a person, they it is just vague horrid pain… for no reason. Like my mother’s beatings: I never knew what I did wrong, she never told me. Something I did made her angry and she beat me… What made her angry? I have no idea.

My mother was an empath too… unaware, untrained, unpredictable.

I think being an empath is an aberration… not something that is supposed to be.

If you know that what you feel is another’s feeling they you are not an empath, you are a ‘sensitive’… Empaths feel others’ feelings as their own: anger, despair, grief, for no reason… I have to muscletest if a feeling is mine…
If you learn nothing else: learn to muscletest that. If it is not yours, then you can ignore it.
The body won’t… it will still be stiff. The stress won’t… it will still ravage your body. But your brain, your attention, your mood, and your ability to do life and you’ll free up your energy and ability to do work.

Other extrasensory perception people see and hear things, they say, that I say don’t exist, are not real.

And yet they hallucinate. Imagine. Tell you what you want to hear.

I was duped out of my paycheck by one of those some 57 years ago in Budapest…

One of the challenges of being a true empath is that you feel what is going on in another person’s body, while they may not feel it.

I have a client/student who told me yesterday that all his life he told himself to ignore, block the feelings, so he doesn’t appear weak.

But he has a veritable snowstorm inside… and now he is starting to feel it too.

Feelings, even emotions are guiding…
Part 2: the words
Emotions come from words. All
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Something historic may happen today that will likely go unnoticed in the news

Something historic may happen today and it probably will go unnoticed in the news. It’s something every man, woman, and child in the world should know about.

Before this event can make sense to you, there is a crucial bit of history you must first know …

July 16, marks the 40th Anniversary of the day man first stepped foot on the Moon.

It was indeed “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”

But there is a bit of sadness in this event, isn’t there?

No, I’m not about to go on some conspiracy rant. What I’m referring to is far more “common” but infinitely more important.

You see, each and every day people walk around as if nothing is possible.

“If only I could pay off all these bills my life would be so much better …”
“If only I could quit this job …”
“If only I could get people to do as I say …”
“If only I could get out of this marriage …”
“If only I could only choose what to do with my life…”

What’s your “if only?”
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What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

I read one or two threads on Reddit every morning.

This is how I stay in touch with what people think, what people say, what people find funny, what grieves them.

Today the discussion was what could convince an atheist to become a believer. What could change their mind?

This is right up my alley… That is all I have ever wanted to know: what would change your mind?
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What’s your security blanket? That keeps you anchored

My younger brother, is six years my junior. So I was able to observe him growing up.

His first word was khao… the name of his security blanket. Tattered, pink and blue… and he never let it go until he was 10. Blanket is takaro in Hungarian…

He also had code words for other things. My older brother was duyi, and I was uyi… Make sense, right? It is not what other people call things that is their name, it is what YOU call them.
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What is your Self, your Dharma? Can you find it? Can you define yourself?

I have been doing a lot of work while I seemingly do nothing… or not much.

Something is driving me…

I used to say it this way: “I can’t do no other”…
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Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff You Don’t Actually Want to Do

Part One: Knowing yourself is key to being able to change
We all think that we know ourselves… and then when it turns out to be wrong, we are surprised, but unphased in our certainty that we know ourselves.

Why is it nearly impossible to you to know yourself?

Because self-reflection is an intangible, spiritual capacity that can only open up if and when you look at your effect, your reflection, your feedback from the world around you.
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The top of the mountain view: gets rid of the brain fog… and can take you to success

One of the things I teach people I coach is to do things differently than they would instinctively do.
One customary way to build a project is from the bottom up.

Let’s look at a dissertation, a paper, an article, a book. Or climbing a mountain. Or building a software app.

What is in common among them is that you’ll have an idea, then parts, processes, and then an end result.

I normally teach this through the example of climbing a mountain.

Why? Because standing on the top of the mountain is a different view than standing at the foot of the mountain.

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Pivoting. You can’t pivot in your head. Only in reality

First let me set the context for this article: For the past almost 30 years I have been mainly a mindset coach, and secondarily a healer.

It seems that in today’s climate, in today’s low vibration, low consciousness climate my work is not appreciated.
So instead of blaming anything, my job is to pivot.
When faced with the reality that life is short, these women pivot, and alter their current paths, by way of a series of impulsive, ill-advised and self-indulgent decisions. 
This above is a quote from Wikipedia about a show called Pivoting…
Pivoting is using a pivot… a fixed point in reality, and turn around it to a new direction.
In my case,
‘when faced with the reality that my business is on a failing path, I will pivot, alter my current path, by ways of considered decisions and tests…
and won’t make any permanent decisions until the new path will prove to be both enjoyable and profitable enough for me to pay my bills.’

So this article is pointing to one of those possible new paths:

I am starting a new series in this article.

A series to answer why almost all techniques cause some change in your happiness. Some change in your health. Some change in how you feel about yourself, even though their truth value is low or very low. Even though the energies that they claim don’t exist. Even though the practitioner may have a low or very low vibration.


I am starting with the Healing Codes and Dr. Alex.
Can we order lunch first?
That’s a line from Office Space (1999). Jennifer Aniston’s character asks that… before they sail away into lala land… or Kung Fu land as it may.
Originally, back in 2011, my site generated thousands of ‘hits’ a day. Why? because I was writing about other sites, other practitioners.

And my reviews, instead of those being a sales piece, like everyone else’s ‘review’ written to get commissions gushing how great it is. Instead I dealt with what I call ‘assessments’… Assessments that I muscle tested and that was that.

Surprisingly in all these 10 years I only had one person who asked me to remove my ‘review’ of her from my site.

This new series, starting today, is going to be assessments with a different angle.

As I said above, I am curious why all or most of these modalities, etc. work, in spite of my low ratings of them.

Eventually I want to assemble a series of interviews with the people I feature… Interviews where they can fully express what they do. why THEY think their program is effective, why they think it is worth the money they ask for.

This on the shoulders of my ten years when I was sure that what I do and what I teach is the best… but the ‘world’ voted with their pocketbook… so I am humbled.

I still think it can be the best, but if no one is doing it, who knows? Maybe I am asking the fish to climb a tree, or the bird to swim…

Albert Einstein supposedly wrote, Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb
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Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!

‘One of the reasons people are so unhappy is they don’t talk to themselves,’ says author Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love). ‘You have to keep a conversation going with yourself throughout your life, to see how you’re doing, to keep your focus, to remain your own friend.’

I bet Elizabeth Gilbert doesn’t know that part of becoming cause in your life requires you to have a structured conversation with yourself… That is what the responsibility questions do.. this is why I gifted the ‘Portkey’ recording where I demonstrate the power of that conversation.

It’s not an ordinary conversation.
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