Category Archives: invisible dynamics

Why are most self-help books, courses worthless?

Why are most self-help books, courses worthless?

Worthless other than being boring? lol…

They bore the heck out of me… but that is my problem, I guess.

The reason they are worthless because they talk about what to do, but they never teach about consolidation.

My teacher in creating courses taught that the first session needs to give people a quick big win… so they get excited and stay in the course.
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What are the most typical signs of low or no intelligence?

What are the most typical signs of stupid… aka low or no intelligence?

First off, what do I consider intelligent?

Intelligent, if you look, has a certain appropriateness. Flow. Fitting. Maybe even elegance. Maybe even grace and ease. Workability. Life working.

Nowadays we hear a lot about AI, artificial intelligence chatbots. Notice that they don’t call it artificial smarts… It’s intelligence.
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Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?

Today I got to go deeper in the shoulds.

I actually saw that every single thing that causes you, causes Man to be miserable, is a should in one form or another.

What lead me on is this:

I woke up, as planned, at 3 am.

But I didn’t immediately get up. I wanted to measure if my healing client has maintained the healing I worked so hard last night on.

She didn’t. So I grieved a little… and then fell asleep. Next time I woke up it was 4:30. I heard in my head: I should have gotten up when I woke up.
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How you can go from being a rough diamond to finely cut gem

My soul correction (Forget Thyself) is hasty. Jumping in, and making mistakes, getting in a mess, scrambling to get out.

Nowadays that we are hunting for the should shouldn’t spouting little voice, I am forced to realize that for me it is not words… it is a push. Or is it a pull?

I am also seeing that many of may I hate that come from that push

So let’s hunt for some hates… and let’s see if this is personal to me, or across the field. Please, I will need your feedback.

There are a few things I can’t tolerate, would not tolerate.
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Have the ‘why bother?’ attitude? A Big C symptom

I overslept this morning. Whenever you oversleep, or allow comfort to set in, something sinister happens in the invisible.

Your brain takes your behavior as an instruction that you want to practice for death.

You could call it hibernation, but it is only hibernation if that is what you meant to do. Otherwise it is the state where there is no future.

The first signs are hopelessness. There is no hope. There is no future. Just blah.
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Hear the soul scrambling… crazy world…

As I am running with this new insight that the culprit of misery and self-destructive behavior is the soul’s doing I am starting to see some aspects I didn’t see yesterday.

I said it yesterday, that the words that urge you on resulting in some damage… often resulting big damage is the shoulds.

It feels like someone inside is guiding you… guiding your actions. So if you don’t have the distinction that all shoulds come from the soul, its dark side, you can spend your whole life being moved by these shoulds…
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Causing human evolution… A manifesto of sorts

As I got further and further writing this article, I realized that what I am writing is some sort of manifesto. What we are doing here, what we aim to accomplish.

All the illustrations of manifestos I didn’t examine. They can be good, bad, or neutral. They are just illustrations. Don’t get your panties in a bunch…

OK, here is the article:
Whatever is preventing you from following instructions is your racket
Your soul correction, in effect, is a racket.
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Why do you need humility to learn anything? Skills, habits

Learning is humbling. Especially humbling is learning about yourself, and learning about your need to change.

You have a Precious ‘I’. Whether you believe it or not, whether you know it or not, the precious ‘I’ is in every single person.

And your precious I wants to have and retain the self-image unchanged, the self-image that says you know everything. That you are the center of the Universe. You are special. And it wants to keep the self-image where it is superior. Where you are, therefore, OK.

It considers anything and everything less that that ‘not OK’, and it fights it.
It is easier to see it on others than on yourself.
Every learning means, logically, that you didn’t know something.

For example, you don’t know and therefore you can’t tell if your cells are dehydrated or not. You can’t tell if you have DNA capacities on or off… Or that you think yourself smarter than you are.

You didn’t know you had narrow cone of vision.
You didn’t know that you were all about yourself…

You don’t know, who cares? You have never made any moves to learn it, find out, research… you really don’t care that you don’t know. But when someone else says that you don’t know something, it is bruising, offensive, and insulting to your Precious ‘I’.

You may call yourself names. You may call some family member names. But when someone else says that same thing… you are ready to kill them. That is the Precious ‘I’ that wants to kill them, not you.

You are not your Precious ‘I’. You HAVE the Precious ‘I’. But if you think you are that Precious ‘I’, then you’ll react.

Depending on the personality of the individual, depending on your your personality, on your soul correction, depending on the number of predatory genes you have active in your DNA, your Precious ‘I’ will react and the reaction will be highly predictable.
Large variations in reaction

My personality is to retreat. Retreat and lick my wounds. To examine what happened. To write an article about it, and get over it. Get over it as fast as I possibly can. And to glean as many insights from it as I can get. That is my Jewish personality. Learn from mistakes. Nor by making rules… no. By REALLY seeing what happened. Bringing awareness to it. And taking responsibility for it. Fully.

I am not here to fight.

I don’t want, don’t like animosity. I am more on the sheep-side. My before adjustment predatory genes count showed: 0. So I had none of those genes active.

Another person with a high predatory genes count may argue, bite, mock, and want to reduce you to nothing… Whether they do it publicly or not will be also part of their nature.

There are probably countless variations.
Learning is humbling, because learning says: you didn’t know. And for many people the idea that they don’t know something is offensive.
The Precious ‘I’ prides itself in knowing everything it needs to know. And if and when it finds out that you didn’t know something, it says: Ooooh,
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Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view

Reality can only be seen from the sideways view…
And therein lies the reason why humans, the species hasn’t evolved for tens of thousands of years.

The inability for humans, for homo sapiens to grow, evolve, is a fact because 98% of all humans can’t or won’t even attempt to look from the sideways view.
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