Tag Archives: about me score

Greg Abbott hires buses to transport immigrants to New York

Greg Abbott and his prankish methods made me think.

I was curious what the good looking Texas governor’s vibration would be so that he finds it OK to play with people, be prankish, and deposit real people through the letter chute.

I could not find a good picture, so you have to see the poop on a car windshield… yeah. That is a perfect illustration to Texas governor and his intent. His age. His vibration… You’ll see.
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How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low?

How do I keep my humility high and my about-me score low… day to day to day to day?

This question came from one of my students in a class. Interestingly none of the other students in the class asked this question. They didn’t ask, even though this may be the most important question to ask, and the most important skill to master.

You see unless you master this skill… unless you can reduce your about-me score to under 10%, your chances to interact with reality are slim… and for many people the chances are none.
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Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past… Your future will automatically change with it

The full title of the Playground course is: Playground: it’s never too late to have a happy childhood.
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What is the 91% linchpin that keeps your foot nailed to the floor? Can you guess?

My job is a lot like tuning a car… but a car that has 160 adjustable parts… like a human… not so easy…

I love the joke about the guy who brings his car to the mechanic because it doesn’t work properly. The mechanic opens the hood, listens to the motor running, goes to his toolbox, picks out a big hammer and hits the motor, and voila the noise stops.

Then he writes a bill for $500. 500 dollars? cries the customer? for one hit with the hammer? Oh, you want an itemized bill? No problem. says the mechanic, and writes: hit with a hammer: $1. Knowing where to hit: $499.

I am that mechanic.

All the problems are invisible to the naked eye, maybe even to an X-ray machine! So it’s taken me seven years to learn where to hit… $1… learning it, a lifetime of experience and expensive learning: $499.
The sticky part

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How the about-me score effects your relationships, how you appear in the world, how successful you can be?

Everyone, always, wants to effect the results directly, but that is not the nature of reality. The result comes from many many factors, that together and individually can be effected… and the synergistic effect finally gets all the way to the end result.

In some contexts the end result is your vibration. In others your worldly results, like how much money you make.

Because most people have no idea how the world works, what is the nature of reality, they are highly ineffective in the world, and they are highly dupable.
If you cannot see cause and effect, the connection between things, you’ll do stupid things, put the cart in front of the horses, and spend time and money on ineffective practices, ineffective programs.
Religion is one of these ineffective practices, ineffective programs.
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You cannot solve a problem that is not real

We all have moments of brilliance and hours of stupidity, or some version of “not brilliant”

Some people take it in stride… this is how it is, no matter who you are. Einstein had moments of brilliance… and hours, days of stupidity too.

If life were not like that, brilliant/stupid alternating, there would be no life on the planet… we would all die of exhaustion.

Brilliance is not the only “peak experience” we all crave and wand to keep around all the time. So we are with pretty, and nice, and helpful, and all the other made up “solutions” to our failings… And, as I have said before, every solution is the beginning of a bigger problem.

I got raped because I was stupid, I said.
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You are always investing… Investing in things, investing in feelings, or investing in yourself

Some days I get a ton of offers for new marketing tools, and I get desirous… I want to buy, but then I ask Source: I muscle test if I should buy, and the answer is always “NO”.

So I have been pondering what guides Source…

What investment is useful and for what? Is getting more visitors to my site useful? Not really, the return on investment is fragile… Having more visitors to my site won’t forward my work, more visitors may put some pocket change in my pocket, but are they really interested in what I teach? Not that I can see…
Every minute of every day, every choice, ask the same question: is this for a temporary gain, or is this for a permanent gain. Is it for me, or is it for some circumstance I’d like?

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Nature or nurture? Are you born a republican or a democrat, a right wing or left wing person?

Why is there such a sharp and irreconcilable difference between the right and the left in the world? The answer is in the invisible realm of reality…

There are many things I can measure in a human… while I am connected to Source. The language between Source )aka All-Knowledge, or the Zero point field) is muscle testing. It has a limited vocabulary: yes, no, and somewhat yes and somewhat no. And an occasional ‘I don’t know’

I connect to the person, and I connect to Source. So Source is connected to the person through me. And then I ask questions…

Source can only know things that are non-physical… Why? Because Source wasn’t connected to the person before I connected to them. Continue reading Nature or nurture? Are you born a republican or a democrat, a right wing or left wing person?