Tag Archives: distinctions

Mastery? Nobody got time for dat! the 8 billion’s attitude

This article will be about mastery… and the path to it…

Mastery is a missing distinction… as if really ‘aint nobody got time for that’. It is so missing that people don’t even hear me saying it. It is up with the idea of distinction… nobody hears that either.

But why are people not hearing me? So this article is going on a hunt, hunt not for Red October, but for the stuff that blocks even hearing… Ready? Let’s go.

Here is a ‘podcast’ I did back in 2018 right after I broke my left wrist…

Two years ago I took on going for mastery in writing articles. I spent a few thousand dollars on all kinds of training. Courses, books, newsletters. A few days ago I had to ponder if I was boring people. I wrote about it…

I got an email next morning from Hawaii.
Mahalo.. yes receiving them [your emails]… ??????
I am sure they are not boring.. you have great intelligence so [you] think and say stuff people aren’t open yet to …
I look forward to reading your articles.
She is pointing to a possible reason I sound boring to people. Or why people don’t hear a word I say. Why they ignore what I say.

One of my most visited articles is about speaking butterfly language AT caterpillars.

I am not sure who reads that article. Whether it is the self-appointed butterflies, or the caterpillars…

Often the people with the golden tongue are dabblers too. Dabblers, because they think they have achieved the peak. So they stopped climbing.
There is something beautiful that very few people ever experience. And that is mastery.
Mastering something. Consciously… not by accident.

I have had that experience, getting to mastery, with a number of things, and I am experiencing the lack of it in many more areas.

I know the difference, so I strive for mastery.

Sometimes I don’t know if it is available, and yet I am going for it.

Pit that against every single person I encounter: they just do things. Maybe even get things done. And they move to the next thing with their eyes on whatever…

You could call it perfectionism, but it’s not that.

Mastery is a process, and therefore you can always be measured on that scale wherever you are.
Perfectionism is a black and white, pregnant not pregnant thing… a thing is either perfect or not perfect. No scale.

You can get to mastery in anything life related. I endeavor mastering a lot of things… even though I am a shut-in. And I don’t leave the house any further than about a hundred yards in each direction. I am old and weak…

And I don’t have a car. Or a bicycle… lol.
When I had a car I didn’t even have thoughts of mastery… I was more like a dabbler, moving from things to things.
Why? What does a car have to do with mastery or the lack of pursuit of it?

This morning I suddenly saw that for mastery you have to have a vision. You have to have patience. You have
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Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why is it that you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not? You can’t tell you are smart… or not either. It is because in the dark all cats are gray

One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled. Lives that are filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment.

This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?

I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you.
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What is at the heart of the matter? Of loving life?

What is a distinction? And a definition?

Distinction is at the heart of the matter.

If I ask you what is a human, you can talk for weeks without stopping, and that would be a definition. Everything a human does, feel, aspires for, hopes for, talks about fit well into definition.

But if you look all those, that torrent of words don’t really say the heart of the matter.
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The invisible undercurrent that is running your life, unbeknown to you.

The invisible undercurrent, undertow of self-made rules… Or if you prefer, the invisible strings that move the puppet…

What they talk about when they say “there are known knowns… etc.”

Donald Rumsfeld stated:
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones.

He definitely said that differently than how we mean it, and yet it is worded in a way that makes sense to most people, so I am quoting him.
So what unknown unknowns are we talking about?

Imagine living a thousand years ago, when everyone in the Western world thought that the world was flat… In other cultures they thought that the world was sitting on the back of a giant turtle.
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Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say and we lie

Is it clear? Are you clear? Yes! we say enthusiastically and we lie.
Clarity is one of the things we ALWAYS lie about. It’s like the speed limit… or not thinking about sex. It is a built in landmine to make sure we are never in integrity.

We view clarity if it were a black and white phenomenon.
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Intellectually slothful

Intellectually slothful

We, humans, talks a lot about IQ. And genes. And intelligent and not intelligent.

I assert that we don’t know what we are talking about. Your IQ has little to do with the quality of your life.

We don’t discern cause and effect… and this is only just one area where we don’t.

OK, so back to intellectually slothful… I expect to lose 99% of you here…
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Cannot get from A to B? It’s not your fault! It’s the memes

When people speak about beliefs that they want to get rid of, let’s say, belief about money, abundance, they always think that there are some personal beliefs there, that they are discreet, and that they can get rid of them.

Back in my times when I was doing Fourth Plane energies, “designer energies”, one of the moves I had is to make my hand sticky, and pull beliefs, also called thought forms, from myself and from clients.

It was a long process. Hard on the muscles…
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Opinion? How should you hear what someone says?

What is the difference between an opinion and an assessment, an observation, a statement, a theory, a hypothesis?

Many people use one word for many different things…

I have this “friend” who climbs the same steps I climb, except that he climbs it seven times each time, I climb it once or twice. He is a little younger than me.

I am fond of him: he is one of the handful of people I regularly talk to, eye to eye.

I often walk with him as he walks home: I guess I am hungry for human companionship: 10-20 minutes at a clip.
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What do I read, what do I watch so I can become all I can be, and pass it on to you?

One of the sources of what to read is the book-list of people that are light years ahead of me, like Charlie Munger, the billionaire. I’ve read science books because of his book list. Other ideas come from my own articles: like reading Sarah Singer and Blair Singer, whose books and videos are setting my world on fire right now.

Believe it or not, I spend the bulk of my time studying, reading, watching videos, testing, and writing articles. About 3-4 hours a week on eating, preparing stuff, hygiene, and food shopping. etc. and the rest on business per se.
The biggest challenge I have is to remember to generate income.

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