Tag Archives: Landmark Education

Add 20 points to your IQ

It is starting to dawn on me that the intellectual action of seeing the forest, in spite of the individual trees is not something everyone has been able to do.


Some people, when they are asked to say what is the forest, in our conversations: what is the principle, what is the context, they use jargon… like integrity, or responsibility, the word.

They remember it.

But remembering hearing it doesn’t mean that they actually saw it.

Seeing the forest for the trees is 90% from the DNA capacity: Seeing the big picture, and 10% habit.
After courage, it is the second most missing capacity in humanity.
When activated, it adds 20 points to your IQ.

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Is it worth it?

This question, “is it worth it?” can be about doing something… something that is not immediately pleasurable, not immediately profitable. Certain soul corrections consistently answer this question with: “it isn’t worth it.”
But how about buying something? How much should something cost, to reflect its value to you accurately?
On the surface this question sounds so true, so smart, doesn’t it? After all you often have this sneaking suspicion that things are overpriced! WTF, right?

But if you look at value versus price comparisons, you ultimately need to look at through a different question: through whose eyes are you looking?

Let’s look at an example. I hope to shed light to the difference:
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What are you building with that?

What are you building with that?

This question was my absolute favorite in Landmark Education’s Communication Course…

I have tried to ask it of people outside of Landmark, and the answers I always got was puzzled silence.

So, what am I asking here?

Well, you are always building something. A more popular but less precise way of saying the same thing: you are always creating something… creating yourself, creating your life, every moment.
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Master your emotions by mastering the Amish Horse Training Method

If we didn’t have words, we would have no emotions. All emotions come from words… some are yours, some are not…

The Amish Horse Training Method is to be able to hear all the words that create emotions… and hear them in a way, that gives you a choice to honor them or not, depending of the source of the words, the relevance of the words…

The Amish Horse Training Method returns you to the driving seat of your life…

Not surprisingly, for most students the first step towards mastery is mastering their attention. Unless you can control your attention, you are a putz… and are controlled by someone or something, but not you. And for you to be you, you need to call the shot.

The luckier students admit that they have a difficult time sticking with a book… because they can’t pay attention to it, they can’t understand, or they can’t remember what they read. Or the do a narrative, argue with the book, agree, disagree… but have no idea what they actually read. They remember the arguing.
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Intellectually slothful

Intellectually slothful

We, humans, talks a lot about IQ. And genes. And intelligent and not intelligent.

I assert that we don’t know what we are talking about. Your IQ has little to do with the quality of your life.

We don’t discern cause and effect… and this is only just one area where we don’t.

OK, so back to intellectually slothful… I expect to lose 99% of you here…
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Can you become an empath? And why would it be good?

I am a lot like a pitbull… I latch onto something and won’t let go until I pull it all the way out of the invisible, until all of it shows.

I just pushed the button “publish” on my article asking if you are teachable.

I had left two questions unanswered in that article: one about me learning how to connect by muting a video… and the other one: my ex student learning to connect, from me… but nothing else.

I am an empath. Nothing new in that.
The ex student is also an empath. Not a TRUE empath, like me. TRUE empaths, I think, are born. But empathy can be opened up: it is a spiritual capacity. And intangible capacity. NOT superhuman.

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How do you catch what you can’t see? How do you change into someone who can?

Last night I spent a few hours (3, to be exact.) listening to Jim Rohn, famed self-development coach. Funny, entertaining, brilliant.

He said all the right words. He made sense to a lot of people.

But I bet if we scratch the numbers, he made just as little results as everyone who is trying to cause individual human evolution.

I’ll tell you in a little bit why… but first let me tell you what he says:
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What makes life worth living?

This article could be called a “life hack” which is a fashionable word nowadays. I don’t mind… but whatever you’ll call it will define it… Because what you’ll call it will be a context… What? Yeah…
And context is the ultimate life hack.
Most people don’t understand the distinction: context

Why is that a problem? Because of all the elements of life, context is the easiest to change. And when context changes, life changes.

So you don’t understanding context means that life cannot change easily, cannot change fast.

Now you are interested, I hope.

Have you ever asked yourself: What am I doing?
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How to access the invisible so you can have more power in your life?

It’s Saturday. The only reason I know it is Saturday because tomorrow I’ll have the first session of Version 2 of the muscle testing course.

And I am afraid. Normal. Anything new, anything threatening with unexpected unknowns creates fear. Normal.

So I stayed in semi-sleep mode an hour longer than my normal getup time… Looking.

I looked at all the relevant invisible elements of my life, to see where I can influence this fear… and how. Not that fear is bad… but I prefer life with less fear.
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Create a life you love

Oh no! This video software that used to work doesn’t work any more. I cried out… This can happen to anyone. Technology changes so rapidly, keeping pace with it is both expensive and time consuming.

Sometimes there is an upgrade. Nowadays upgrades cost money… or the software developer simply abandoned you… and you are stranded with a software that doesn’t work any more.

I have been teaching what I teach for seven years. Teach people a world view that has been tested and true, and includes the invisible. This world view is sharply different from the accepted norms… but it works, instead of just being a nice theory like what psychologists and philosophers teach. Or even Landmark Education… or the Kabbalah Centre… or any of the gurus.
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