Tag Archives: Decades

Discover what is special about you, what makes you you?

In the exercise, “what do you want to be acknowledged for?” you have a chance to discover what is special about you.

To be able to love life, to do fulfilling work, you need to know and organize your life around what is special about you.

I just acknowledged a woman for what she wanted to be acknowledged for.

I have known her for some time, but it turns out: I didn’t know her at all. The organizing principle was missing, so I added my opinion to organize her around in my mind: scared.

But it turns out that she moved from one country to another to start a new life, away from a husband she no longer wanted. Start a new life without a support network, from scratch.
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Knowledge… how accurate is it? How safe are you, given the level of knowledge today?

I was looking for pictures for “accurate knowledge” on google… hardly any results. Then I looked for “garbage in garbage out, and I hit the jackpot”… I will put some of the best pictures at the end of this article… they are really funny… But now, let me get to the knowledge article…. OK, here you go:
I am reading Aristotle.

Why? It’s an excellent wake-up call. It knocks you conscious… It has knocked me conscious!

2400 years ago, when Aristotle lived, people, scientists, knew very little about much of anything. They weren’t less inquisitive, they didn’t have less theories, they didn’t argue less. They probably argued more…

They just had theories that are quite ridiculous by today’s standards, knowing what we know today.

Here are a few examples… Be prepared to laugh…
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MVP… Life’s most valuable player? Minimum viable product? What is the connection?

Confession time: I have a very small window where I experience being physically well. Or emotionally well. I am not very sturdy.

I have a tiny tolerance to heat, a small tolerance to cold, a small tolerance to running on empty.

Especially painful and unsettling for me is running on empty… while you, while most people spend their daily energy allotment on trivial things, and then run on fumes all day.

For me, that is unbearable, intolerable, hell.
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Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff You Don’t Actually Want to Do

Part One: Knowing yourself is key to being able to change
We all think that we know ourselves… and then when it turns out to be wrong, we are surprised, but unphased in our certainty that we know ourselves.

Why is it nearly impossible to you to know yourself?

Because self-reflection is an intangible, spiritual capacity that can only open up if and when you look at your effect, your reflection, your feedback from the world around you.
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Meme busting… Saving your life

I am a conspiracy theorist. Because conspiracy is everywhere.
I remember when I used to be paranoid… and everyone said that I was wrong. But if you see that people are after you, and they are, is that paranoid? No, it is seeing clearly. It is being factual. A realist.
And so is with this conspiracy, except I am not talking about the conspiracies those stupid conspiracy theorists push, but the real ones, the ones they didn’t even notice.

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What do I read, what do I watch so I can become all I can be, and pass it on to you?

One of the sources of what to read is the book-list of people that are light years ahead of me, like Charlie Munger, the billionaire. I’ve read science books because of his book list. Other ideas come from my own articles: like reading Sarah Singer and Blair Singer, whose books and videos are setting my world on fire right now.

Believe it or not, I spend the bulk of my time studying, reading, watching videos, testing, and writing articles. About 3-4 hours a week on eating, preparing stuff, hygiene, and food shopping. etc. and the rest on business per se.
The biggest challenge I have is to remember to generate income.

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Success secret: experimentation

If you find that your life, your oceanliner that is stuck in a tight bay isn’t turning around, this article will teach you something that the knowing of can make a difference.
Remember, when life isn’t working as you expected, there is something that you didn’t know… and it is always in the invisible realm of reality… And so is with this one.
As I said before, ess, evolutionary stable strategy, is where humanity finds itself, where you personally find yourself, and when you muscle test anything, it is ess, aka the selfish gene is what answers your question… unless you muscletest while connected to a higher-than-the-genes consciousness.

OK, that was quite a mouthful. Sorry about that…

Wherever you are in life, in any area of your life, you are in ess. In ess your actions, your ideas, your advisement will come from a “source” that wants to maintain that ess… If you are fat… then maintain being fat. If you are inactive, then maintain inactivity. If you are always engaging in bombastic dreams, then maintain that… engaging in bombastic dreams.

If you act in life like you already know what you need to know, then ess wants to maintain that. If you read, then maintain reading, if you don’t, then maintain not reading.
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How to access the invisible so you can have more power in your life?

It’s Saturday. The only reason I know it is Saturday because tomorrow I’ll have the first session of Version 2 of the muscle testing course.

And I am afraid. Normal. Anything new, anything threatening with unexpected unknowns creates fear. Normal.

So I stayed in semi-sleep mode an hour longer than my normal getup time… Looking.

I looked at all the relevant invisible elements of my life, to see where I can influence this fear… and how. Not that fear is bad… but I prefer life with less fear.
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Create a life you love

Oh no! This video software that used to work doesn’t work any more. I cried out… This can happen to anyone. Technology changes so rapidly, keeping pace with it is both expensive and time consuming.

Sometimes there is an upgrade. Nowadays upgrades cost money… or the software developer simply abandoned you… and you are stranded with a software that doesn’t work any more.

I have been teaching what I teach for seven years. Teach people a world view that has been tested and true, and includes the invisible. This world view is sharply different from the accepted norms… but it works, instead of just being a nice theory like what psychologists and philosophers teach. Or even Landmark Education… or the Kabbalah Centre… or any of the gurus.
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Should you become a client? Would I even accept you as a client?

For decades one of my sore spots was that people refused to serve me, even though I paid them.

I remember saying to myself: my money is not good enough for you? and wept.

I had no idea how I “accomplished” that… in 20/20 hindsight it is still a little spotty.

What wasn’t clear to me, never even occurred to me, how my attitude effected the service provider. My “To what degree you think of yourself:” starting point measure was, at the time, 70%. From my behavior I would have guessed it was higher.

Mainly I overrode what they said. I argued, I knew better, I acted with contempt…

What I didn’t know then is that being a service provider needs to be a win, or no service.

A customer who is not happy is a drag on an provider, and not worth the little (or even a lot of) money they pay.

I was that kind of customer…

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