Tag Archives: astute

The Martyr Syndrome: do you have it?

There is a new insight I have gained from my recent experience on the connection calls.

Some people (maybe all, at one time or another) have a breathtaking, breath blocking, experience, a feeling, or better said a bundle of feelings, that the Heaven on Earth (HOE) can’t eliminate.

I have been wondering what it is. Why is it so recognizable, almost like a signature: I can recognize from the “feeling” the person who has it. Same location in the body, same type of pressure, or sharp pain, or a gnawing sensation.
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How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…

How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency
The vibration number, often called ‘vibrational frequency,’ tells a lot about a person.

According to many teachers, you need to raise your vibration to the level of the things you want…

This video is about that:

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.
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Heaven and Hell… Heaven on Earth… Can you get to heaven while living on earth?

Heaven and Hell… Heaven on Earth… Can you get to heaven while living on earth?

Let me start with a story from my favorite novel, The Journeys of Socrates:
…a proud and hot-tempered young samurai who routinely cut down any peasant who gave the least offense. In those days, samurai were a law unto themselves, and such behavior was accepted according to custom.

But one day, after another killing, as he cleaned the blood from his blade and returned it to his scabbard, the young samurai began to worry that the gods might disapprove of his actions and send him to a hellish realm. Desirous to know about eternity, he visited the humble abode of a Zen master named Kanzaki. With expected courtesy, the samurai removed his razor-sharp katana (sword) and set it alongside him, bowed deeply, and said, “Please tell me of heaven and hell!”

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Soul Correction actions series Part 1

What are the typical small actions that are missing in different soul corrections…

As I have been saying, raising your vibration happens through small constructive actions.

We could also say: raising your vibration happens through doing, effectively, the soul’s work.

The Soul is the part of you that is interested in you becoming an expanding human being who contributes to the Light, instead of the Dark Side, aka Evil.

Each soul correction is centered around one aspect of Desire to receive for the Self Alone, which is another name for Evil.

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What is the opposite of astute?

Astute is a word that 99% of people don’t know. Or if they know, they think it’s a bad thing. Like shrewd… it is a missing thing… It is not part of the vocabulary of the uneducated, unsophisticated, simple folks who live a pedestrian existence.

Words are great divider of people. If it is beyond you… if it is beyond your comprehension, you probably get found out by now knowing the word.

Now, with that said: astute is a person who can tell things apart, even similar things, with certainty, and ease.

People have certain areas where they are astute.

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What determines how you and your life turn out?

What is the mechanism of the machine that you are, that is used to define your actions, your moods, your attitude?

As I said in a few previous articles, your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes will be correlated with what you see.

The two sides:

what you see, or the way the world occurs to you

your actions, your thoughts, your moods, your attitudes: your world

the two sides are like the front of the hand and the back of the hand, connected, inseparable, but yet distinct.
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Why things are the way they are, and diets

Some insights on health, and why things are the way they are, and why are people different in their needs…

Yesterday I spent three hours to listen to Dr. Joel Wallach.

I think I have spent, to date, about a hundred hours listening to him. Why so much? He talks too fast, and he isn’t saying the things to be understood, but to impress… In that he is a typical doctor: big ego… holding his cards close to his chest.

But… But knowing where to look, knowing what sort of things to expect, to always expect wrong eating, nutritional deficiency, misguided knowledge, has been my tool, in addition to being able to muscle test, while I am connected to Source.

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Do you think spirituality, healing, diet, transformation are one size fit most?

One size fits most?

If you think that one diet, one pill, one activator will work for all… then you are as stupid as the medical establishment, and you are as stupid as the marketeers hope that you are.

As simple as that…

In fact, this stupidity is the reason that I can review hundreds of “practitioners” and not find a genuine article… The genuine articles, the people with real talent, real ability, are lost in the shuffle, have given up, can’t make a living, and can’t make a difference. The field is given over to marketeers that are only interested in numbers and in money. And your stupidity caused it… 🙁

If you ever ask the question why I insult you in most every article, I have a reason. If you are a consolation seeker, a positive thinker, an “avoid negativity” junkie, then I want to offend you, and I want you to leave. Why? Because you are hopeless.
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Humans are vibrational beings

The internet is full of crap, and the so called gurus talk most of it. All second-hand crap.

This phrase: humans are vibrational beings, on the surface is truth… but if you scratch it, it is unscientific, nonsensical, pretentious, and misleading. And misleading is the main tool of fakes, frauds, and impostors.

In quantum physics, the current state of knowledge in physics, everything depends on the observer: and a “thing” can be physical, or matter, or a wave… depending on the observer’s expectation.

I guess this is the basis of this stupid statement. If you look at yourself as a vibrational being, then you are… now what?

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