Category Archives: 67 step Coaching

Plugging leaks, building and consolidating habits

I’ve used the 67 step program (by Tai Lopez) to take me to a 360 degree observation of myself, my life, and my leaks.

The 67 steps is 67 audios. They are not something to learn.
It is most useful the way I’ve used it, as a diagnostic tool. Diagnosing your leaks.
The 67 steps program’s truth value is 10%… not high… Its value is in that it takes you to places, vantage points you normally wouldn’t go. Places where you can see what you can’t see from where you normally look from. For example you can see how you leak energy, time, money, will-power, love, your working memory slots, etc. If you use it that way, you can hone in on a leak here and a leak there, and start plugging them in in earnest. Permanently.

Plugging a leak is a habit-change itself, and first it needs to be understood thoroughly. To understand habits. To understand the why, the how, the trigger, the process. Unless you give it enough time, the leak will come back with haste.

But until a new behavior is consolidated, you need to keep it in your working memory… but you only have four slots in your working memory… so as long as you keep habits in working memory, you have nothing to learn with.

The new habit needs to become a ‘chunk’ in your permanent memory, long term memory, so you free up the working memory slot you so desperately need for learning, understanding, to enjoy life.

If you do it your way, you won’t plug in any leaks. And your history is an indication that you will do this plugging the leaks exactly the way you do everything else: with the hope that it stays that way without you giving it the time, the attention, the learning it requires.
Some of the leaks are wrong thinking, by the way.
Wrong time frame, wrong system, wrong match, many things you have never even thought of.

We can safely assume that you now know less than 10% of the principles Tai talks about in his 67 steps. And if you are like most people, you’ll hear only 3-10% of what he says. And 97% of what you already know and is either irrelevant or plain wrong.

This is true for Tai too. He has read all those books, he has heard all those smart people. In his Starting Point Measurements, measured just now, 10% of what he reads/hears gets through to him accurately… He is getting better.

He heard 10% of what they said and filled in the rest with what he already knew.

This is one of the reason I don’t want you to learn from Tai. I want you to learn from me, but dig deep in your life and in your attitudes to find the leaks.
If you need me to do it for you, it will take longer, and it will be very expensive. Too expensive.
Why expensive? Because speaking, for me, leaks the energy I need to do MY job which is to penetrate the invisible deeper and deeper.

Believe it or not, speaking is a very energy-requiring activity. So I take on only very few talking clients. In addition I only take on clients where I get as much back as I put into the conversation. At least after a few
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More about Desire, And why desire, normally, is a plague

Desire is a mental energy. And it is impossible to desire something, something you have not first imagined or seen.

So desire is comparing an image of something and the way it is in reality. That gap is what is called desire.

Now, desire has this imagination element, that shows the object of desire, the finished ‘product’ as if it were already reality. And in that mistake, in that mirage lies the mischief.
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Words, hands, facts, numbers. Which is your bailiwick?

One of the emails I never fail to read, and never fail to benefit from in some way is the Monday Morning Memo.

What I like about it, and you probably would hate, judging from many YOUR choices which of my emails to read… What I like most about the Monday Morning Memo, is that it is a sideways view. Sideways from my view.

And as every sideways view the Memo shows the world different from ordinary. Just differently enough so it enriches. Enriches my world, allows me to be happier, more productive with more ease. So it delights me.

I really really love that. My insides purr.
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Prison Break? What prison are you in unbeknownst to you?

Prison Break or the Art of Questions…
What could someone do when the world, your health, your body, your relationships are not going the way they should… do anything other than be complacent, resigned, live in quiet desperation?

I always had this question, but reading the Fatemarks series the question is getting louder in my head.

On the internet
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This explains why we are fat, broke, sick and unhappy

In Reddit there is a thread where the guy shares that he ordered in his grocery pickup, eight bananas.

So they gave him eight bunches of bananas, and charged him for one single banana.

So he posts this on Reddit, and the people there went apeshit with ideas how to eat all the bananas, recipes galore. More comments than in any post I have seen before.
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Your real self is impervious to attacks, and slights

You have two selves. Everyone has two selves. One is your real self, impervious to attacks, slights.

‘That is not true’, you say. ‘I feel like I am attacked, I feel every slight is an attack on me.’

Yeah, this is all true what you say if you identify yourself with your precious I, the second self.
The precious I is an invented self, and it is the sum total of all your aspects.

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Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success

One of the concepts that none of my students have gotten before is process. Until now.
And maybe when she shares what she sees you’ll be able to see what you haven’t seen before. Whether you are a student of mine or just a reader.

This is from a student of mine. She has been in training for nine months. It’s taken that long to reach the state where she is ready for ‘step 1’ as she calls it.
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I started to read my one non-fiction book of the quarter.

This morning I started to read my one non-fiction book for the quarter. John Carlton’s The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together

I wish I have read it a decade or two ago. It would have made a huge difference.

It brought to light a ‘delusional’ worldview I have, where I expect people to do what I would do.

I’d never realized, and I am in shock. I am mortified, and it is, sometimes, too late, even though it’s not over till the fat lady sings. But I think it may be too late for me, but it is not too late for you.

So I am sharing it, even though I look bad… I am OK with that.
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Inventing oneself… the subtraction way of sculpting

At or after your original incident, you invented yourself first.

In fact, most people invented themselves many times… creating themselves as a layer cake.

I am not a baker. My mother didn’t have a working oven until I was about 10… maybe that’s why I never warmed to cookies and cakes.

But I am a brick mason… and bricks are laid much like the layers of a cake. If the previous layer was crooked, the wall will be crooked, and maybe it will even fall down.

The created self is crooked. Each layer tells a story that doesn’t quite fit with the other layers.
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