Category Archives: emotions are marker feelings

Why am I harping on the shoulds… is there any more to see?

Today I got to go deeper in the shoulds.

I actually saw that every single thing that causes you, causes Man to be miserable, is a should in one form or another.

What lead me on is this:

I woke up, as planned, at 3 am.

But I didn’t immediately get up. I wanted to measure if my healing client has maintained the healing I worked so hard last night on.

She didn’t. So I grieved a little… and then fell asleep. Next time I woke up it was 4:30. I heard in my head: I should have gotten up when I woke up.
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Sometimes the truth leaks out, without you noticing it.

One great way I have discovered to see the hidden aspects of people that I would not be able to see through my ability as an empath is to get on a video call, but not have my video turned on.

But ask the other to keep their video open.

It is amazing how people don’t experience being seen unless they see you.

I don’t do this often enough. But I should… because of what becomes observable.
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What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see?

One of the differences is that a 1000 always has a coach or coaches… mentors, people they talk to regularly, who are, in certain respects, ahead of them. People who can see what they can’t see.

See principles, distinctions, aberrations, errors, false steps, causation.
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Boys, Girls, Gender, and coming to peace…

Boys… I used to want to be a boy.
They seem unperturbed. They laugh a lot.

Today I prefer to be a woman. But as a child I really KNEW something was missing, and for years I thought it was cut off…

I really love this picture. It tells me that boys have more fun.
I remember sitting on the potty waiting for my navel to burst. And I knew it was only a matter of time. I KNEW that I was mutilated below, and I was mutilated there. Although I didn’t know what was cut off, I knew that whatever it was I needed it.
I was 3-4 years old. My feet didn’t touch the ground yet.
I knew I wasn’t welcome, I knew that boys had more of everything. They were loved more. And knew it was permanent.
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You’d rather be right than be happy or rich…

You’d rather be right than happy, you’d rather be right than rich… Your microexpressions will give you away

I had a few remarkable experiences the past few days.

The conclusions from these experiences make me mad, angry, bitter, and hopeless… but that should not surprise you: the condition of humanity is hopeless.

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It’s not a rule of nature. It is YOUR rule. You made it up

You’ve heard it said that, ‘Every person is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts.’ Yet we routinely craft our own facts from the fabric of personal experiences, preferences and prejudices.
A stereotype is nothing more than a pattern we’ve observed.
This pattern isn’t always predictive, but it is a pattern nonetheless and we trust it. We do this in the misbegotten belief that we have correctly interpreted our past experiences and that our preferences and prejudices are, in fact, correct and reliable interpretations of objective reality. We’re a funny, funny species, aren’t we? (~Roy Williams)
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Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words

Part 1: the empath
If you have to suffer, make it meaningful. It will hurt less

Empaths have a glitch in their brain, I say, that makes that feel not only their own bad emotions, but others’ as well.

I didn’t know I was an empath until the year 2000. I was 53 years old. And I hadn’t known such a thing existed. I thought what I felt was all mine. And I suffered. For a decade or so I was under doctor’s care, often hospitalized.

I had some indicators I can see with 20/20 hindsight, but I still thought nothing of them.

Whenever, wherever I was around or near horny people, I felt what they felt. Horrible, if you ask me.

And when my doctors wanted to shock me out of my bad state, and I refused treatment, they resorted to send me to the cold showers and that allowed me to feel myself only for a bit… and I was ‘cured’.

Humans feel horrible feelings and I have to feel their feelings.
I have been thinking about this: if you are condemned to suffer, maybe your job is to make it useful so you don’t suffer in vain.
Lots of people have done that… people with horrid diseases, addictions, etc. But they did it AFTER they got rid of the pain…

For an empath there is no getting rid of the pain. But if you don’t train yourself to be a true empath, like a precise instrument. To know how to connect reliably to a person, they it is just vague horrid pain… for no reason. Like my mother’s beatings: I never knew what I did wrong, she never told me. Something I did made her angry and she beat me… What made her angry? I have no idea.

My mother was an empath too… unaware, untrained, unpredictable.

I think being an empath is an aberration… not something that is supposed to be.

If you know that what you feel is another’s feeling they you are not an empath, you are a ‘sensitive’… Empaths feel others’ feelings as their own: anger, despair, grief, for no reason… I have to muscletest if a feeling is mine…
If you learn nothing else: learn to muscletest that. If it is not yours, then you can ignore it.
The body won’t… it will still be stiff. The stress won’t… it will still ravage your body. But your brain, your attention, your mood, and your ability to do life and you’ll free up your energy and ability to do work.

Other extrasensory perception people see and hear things, they say, that I say don’t exist, are not real.

And yet they hallucinate. Imagine. Tell you what you want to hear.

I was duped out of my paycheck by one of those some 57 years ago in Budapest…

One of the challenges of being a true empath is that you feel what is going on in another person’s body, while they may not feel it.

I have a client/student who told me yesterday that all his life he told himself to ignore, block the feelings, so he doesn’t appear weak.

But he has a veritable snowstorm inside… and now he is starting to feel it too.

Feelings, even emotions are guiding…
Part 2: the words
Emotions come from words. All
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What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see it?

One of the differences is that a 1000 always has a coach or coaches… mentors, people they talk to regularly, who are, in certain respects, ahead of them. People who can see what they can’t see.

See principles, distinctions, aberrations, errors, false steps, causation.
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More on what would be emotional intelligence

The first thing we need to tell apart, distinguish, is the difference between a feeling and an emotion.

Nothing in reality creates an emotion. Emotions are not in reality…

They show up in your personal reality only. Something happens, real or unreal, and you say something about it, consciously or unconsciously. Mostly what you say: good/bad, right/wrong. And then the feeling you have, having said that, is going to match what you said: good/bad, right/wrong.
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