Category Archives: human condition

How realistic are your expectations? of yourself, your life

I wrote this article about ten years ago.

Since then I have done a lot of work in the area of intelligence. This article is a lot more mainstream (meaning: wrong) than I like it, so I am in the middle of writing yet another article.

The new article will take out the mystery, why you aren’t able to accomplish what is within your power to accomplish… And what to do so that you can.
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What are the most typical signs of low or no intelligence?

What are the most typical signs of stupid… aka low or no intelligence?

First off, what do I consider intelligent?

Intelligent, if you look, has a certain appropriateness. Flow. Fitting. Maybe even elegance. Maybe even grace and ease. Workability. Life working.

Nowadays we hear a lot about AI, artificial intelligence chatbots. Notice that they don’t call it artificial smarts… It’s intelligence.
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This is the way the cookie crumbles… Really

This is the way the cookie crumbles: your life, the quality of your life depends on you.

I’ve read somewhere that people are only curious about something they already know. Not ‘know about’ but actually know. Had experience with.

Knowing about is idle curiosity: useless.

You don’t know the river until you wade into it.
You don’t know a person unless you wade in and deal with him.
And you don’t know a poem until you try to say it out loud.

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What does a 1000 see and you don’t? Can you learn to see?

One of the differences is that a 1000 always has a coach or coaches… mentors, people they talk to regularly, who are, in certain respects, ahead of them. People who can see what they can’t see.

See principles, distinctions, aberrations, errors, false steps, causation.
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When did this begin that today 91% of people are judgmental?

In the land of Israel 2000 years ago only 10% of people were wholly judgmental…

It isn’t the Bible, it is what the church says, right and wrong, is that encourages you to judge.

Judging something or someone wrong causes an immediate reduction of tension.

Tension between high emotion and the resting, neutral emotional state.

It’s the law of thermodynamics (Physics anyone? First law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another.). Heat moves to cool. A ball that you throw up returns to the surface of the Earth, often through your hands.
If you can’t bear the tension, if you are a pansy, you judge. But either way, the emotion needs to come back to neutral.
There is a species of birds that have to come down, right after birth, from a pinnacle they nest on to a ravine where their food is… sounds weird but that is what the members of this species, arctic barnacle geese have to do to survive. The little chicks, covered with soft feathers, need to fall off the height, hitting every rock… and most of them ends up fine… some die. But the ones that live will live.

Here is the video:

I don’t judge. Instead I opinionate. I assess. They are not the same.

Judging happens in the black and white paradigm.
Opinionating/assessing happens in the extrinsic paradigm where things have more facets that just right and wrong.

Here is a judgment about someone killing another with one hit: ‘that is wrong!’

Here is an opinion about the same thing: ‘huh, that hit was disproportionate to the offense!’ Watch the new facet!

Interestingly, my judging students cannot hear, cannot see the difference. So judging is not only in the speaking, judging is also in the listening. It is the paradigm, not just an isolated action. They hear wrong in everything… and even the details also mean to them wrong, wrong wrong.
The 3 paradigms of value
Because I live in the higher paradigms, extrinsic and intrinsic where you can feel, I HAVE TO FEEL what a human is designed to feel when I look at something violent, or unfair, or nasty, or treasonous happening. And feeling those feelings creates tension… like a ball that is thrown up high in the air.

For a while I hold the tension. But when the tension becomes too strong to contain, I sob. I sob for a few seconds, a few minutes. I feel the pain, I feel the sadness, I feel the grief. And I feel the shame, the regret, the anger… whatever feeling the incident makes me feel.
One of my students doesn’t judge, but has too low TLB… so she chooses to leak, chooses to reduce the tension in other ways, like marijuana.
That tension, by the way, is similar to creative tension. So if you cannot take one, you also cannot take the other.

And if you can’t take the creative tension, you’ll be stuck at the bottom of the totem
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What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?

Alex Hormozi is a 1000.

I started to write this post yesterday while I was listening to Alex’s video on youtube. And of course it is the next day, and I have no idea what is the one thing I saw yesterday.

So lesson #1… when you have an insight, write it all down, don’t count on your memory.

Moreover: don’t count on your memory for anything… In fact have no use for your memory.

People whom I found unteachable all do everything in their memory and thus they are unteachable.
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What is the opposite of courage? It’s not fear, it is…

There are two main ways to live. It is the closest to black or white I have found in nature.

Living things that have their eyes in the front… the predators that go ahead and discover, that live through risk. And prey animals, that are hunted and killed for food.

Of course humans want to be very smart, so they added the categories: philanthropist and supporter, but in this b/w categorization philanthropists and supporters are also prey animals.

So what? you could ask, but there is something important to know here:
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You don’t have a life… you have many fragmented segments

The Missing Unifying Link
Can you find a thread that connects all or at least most of your daily activities? If not, then you clearly are living a fragmented life — a series of disjointed experiences.

Could a business or a machine run this way work well? Could a human body whose systems and organs are not coordinated work well!

What impact does fragmentation have on you and your well-being? What toll does it take on your psyche and your peace of mind when you have many diverse voices and demands tugging you in different directions?

If a business cannot function without a unifying mission, how can you?

We’ll go deep into this issue of fragmented life in this article.
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Greg Abbott hires buses to transport immigrants to New York

Greg Abbott and his prankish methods made me think.

I was curious what the good looking Texas governor’s vibration would be so that he finds it OK to play with people, be prankish, and deposit real people through the letter chute.

I could not find a good picture, so you have to see the poop on a car windshield… yeah. That is a perfect illustration to Texas governor and his intent. His age. His vibration… You’ll see.
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The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not

The most important questions to  ask: what, how, why, when, who not… What not to do, how not to do/be, why not, when not, who not, what not to pay attention to. What’s not important. Which teachings are b.s. and a good idea to invalidate or just ignore. The no-list.

Without those questions asked in that particular way, that unusual way, your life cannot be like an arrow, cannot have a punch, cannot have a purpose.
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