Category Archives: human condition

Trying to change your worldview is like pissing in the wind…

Some 50 years ago I had a boyfriend who was a philosophy student in Hungary. I typed up his dissertation, and misunderstood a word: because in my worldview the word he wrote didn’t exist…

I am editing my chapter in the upcoming Entrepreneur’s Code book and I just got an insight.

Anything that doesn’t agree with your worldview will show up differently that it’s intended, as the word I mistyped 50 years ago.

I watched a few videos over the weekend, my first weekend in a long time when I wasn’t booked one way or another, to lead a course, for example.

I intend to understand what is happening in the world, and what it is that I can do about it.
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What the heck is a worldview and why can’t you see it?

You can’t see your worldview. Or said more accurately: everything you see is a worldview.

View stands for what you see.

Your results, your lifestyle, your actions, your thoughts all come from your worldview.

That is why I likened it to the floor you walk on… before you can change your worldview, you need to be OK for suddenly not have a floor to walk on.

So changing your worldview is only possible if you are willing for the floor to disappear. I have been… Are you?

I had a friend during my participation in Landmark Education. She was an aspiring entrepreneur. Aspiring meaning: unsuccessful.

Why was she unsuccessful? She could do things. She had the appearance: she was tall, for example.

In one of our phone conversations she shared the elation when the cards flew off the board in Freecell… the sign of winning the game.
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How I learned what I never expected from the Bach Profiles

In this article I follow the meandering path that took me to the Bach Profiles and the insight… bear with me…

People throw about words that even they don’t know what it means.

Framework, wireframe, system, and many more, but I’ll stick with these…

But before I attempt to shed light at what hell using these undefined words cover up, let’s look at this phenomenon of using words to hide meanings.

To hide intentions.

To hide evil inclination, agenda, manipulation, etc.

And the most surprising thing to me is this: seemingly intelligent people, the students, the buyers, echo the words…

If the seller didn’t know what they meant, the buyer surely doesn’t know.

I have been observing this in my Trumpist friends…

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The escape route from the dungeons of the human condition

Escape route differs from jailbreak… Unless you plan how you’ll be, where you’ll go, what you’ll do after you break out of jail, you’ll be taken back on short notice…
Why and how the “human condition” have come to signify wretchedness, evil, and ugly?
I wrote the first part of this article about 18 months ago…

This article has been researched for more than two years. but it was just getting puzzling and more puzzling.

Finally, today, as I was pondering the issue, the expression “human condition” opened it up for me.

So, here is the result of more than two years of research into the biggest puzzle I have ever dealt with.

Why are humans so bad?
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Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

Karl Marx, the author of Communist Manifesto and the whole ideology of socialism and communism, where there is forced equality, said:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people

Religion was constructed by people to calm uncertainty over their role in the universe and in society.

I can see that.
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Beyond brain health: What robs you of the ability to make astute decisions?

Astute, astuteness has a bad reputation… so do the words: selling, ambitious… or taking care of yourself. But it is unjust, in fact it is against Life.

But, unfortunately, we live in an age where being selfless seems like a virtue… but it isn’t a virtue, it is imposed upon us.

It is stupid and a learned ‘value’…

The best people in the world are selfish…

Selfish… meaning: they take care of themselves… instead of hoping that others will be selfless and take care of them. And then they can contribute… from being well and being taken care of.

No matter how many times people understand, on airplanes, that when the oxygen masks are dropped at them, they should put on their own first… and then assist others… Because they see it there, but the ability to see it everywhere would require a wider cone of vision than they have… Take care of yourself first doesn’t live like a distinction, it lives as an example that is true on airplanes. Continue reading Beyond brain health: What robs you of the ability to make astute decisions?