Tag Archives: Law of Attraction

The Law of the Jungle vs the law of attraction.

The most important thing about life is that each person is born into the world way after the party has started. Or the game.

And there is no manual. There is no real rule book. So we stumble and fumble and meander, and make up s.h.i.t…

One of the most harmful made up s.h.i.t. spewed out in the world to hapless people who are trying to figure out the game of life, how to win, how to get what you want is the so-called:

‘law of attraction’
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I there any truth in the ‘law of attraction’?

I read someone’s email this morning and in it the dude says: It is important to bet on the person and not on the deal

Why? Because deals are a dime a dozen

So, he says, it is import to bet on the process no on the result… not on the pot of gold.

And if there is a person going to do the process… hell, you should bet on the person first and only if you deem you should, only then bet on the process.

It is the classic example of not putting the cart in front the horse…

But, alas, knowing what to bet on and in what order requires a little bit of thinking.
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The life of a pinball… or Your expectations and your disappointments

Your expectations and your disappointments reveal to you and to everyone who knows anything about the unconscious world view that makes sure you are miserable.
You learned that the Universe, Reality, your body, other people are like a vending machine. Push a button and outcomes what you wanted.
Or a car, or an electric mixer. Mechanistic, there for your service.

Even the evil people, religion, law of attraction, manifestation people teach that… with one little twist: if you are good, then the machine will turn on and spit out what you wanted.

So these people with their little twist make it your own fault if and when it doesn’t work.

But what you think about the world and the way the world works are very different.

And you go from expectation to disappointment, anger, dismay, disgust… according to your temperament.
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Did Your Personality Get Put Together vs. You Were Born That Way?

I got a thank you note today. I get quite a few of those, I must admit.

They are a great way for me to track how the methodologies and principles I use in my teaching work. I mean, how effective I am, how effective the methods are. They track my ability to make a difference in the world. (Someone please remind me to write about how I view my making a difference… OK?)

This note reads
Today was a huge success. I did not even recognize myself. I was attempting to have a conversation with my sister when she became extremely aggressive upon trying to control me and failing. She was in my face yelling and pacing around in circles. I remained calm and did not attempt to defend myself as the lies flew at me. I was able to stick to the subject and not accuse. At this point her husband jumped in and tried to intimidate me, pointing his finger in my face and yelling. They both looked like mad men ganging up on me. I did not raise my voice or get emotional. This is the first time in my life I had no fear in a confrontational situation and it felt GREAT! To be honest I think it frightened my sister & her husband. They did not know what to think of me, I have had many weaknesses in the past but now I am strong.

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Religion, the law of attraction, positive thinking… and what it is like to be me

I have thousands of audios I can put on my podcast list. Some good, others even better.

This is one of the most profound audios where I dig deep into religion, religious world view, and how it stands in your way to become all you can be.

Worth a thorough listen, even though it doesn’t talk much about the hidden dimension of reality, or racket…
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Are you a lump of coal dreaming itself a diamond?

Karl Marx, the author of Communist Manifesto and the whole ideology of socialism and communism, where there is forced equality, said:

Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people

Religion was constructed by people to calm uncertainty over their role in the universe and in society.

I can see that.
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Are you attracting or are you repelling? That is the question…

Why is it that most people, you,  who believe in the Law of Attraction actually practice how to repel people and repel what you want?

99% of all people believe in the law of attraction… or some version of it…

People write to me all the time, asking me for something. They want something for nothing. Obviously they are adherents of the Law of Attraction: the law seems to be saying to the: you can attract to yourself things you want by just wanting them. Ask and it is given… or something of that sort. Or if you really desire it… blah blah blah.

I have a few secrets for you: the world doesn’t operate that way. In fact, the world operates closer to what Charlie Munger says: If you want to get what you want, you need to deserve what you want. Continue reading Are you attracting or are you repelling? That is the question…