Tag Archives: Expectation

Returning to the fork in the road where we took a wrong turn

If you find yourself on the wrong road… trace your way back to where you went astray… and choose a different road.
Why? Because trying to go across to where you really wanted to go, without going back,  is fraught with death traps.

Humanity, some seven thousand years ago, took a wrong turn. In just a few words: they started to replace reality with word pictures in the mind. Concepts.
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When you are a mad scientist then the world is your laboratory…

I am sparkling today with insights.

Yesterday, just before the skies closed on the Days of Power energy, my friend reminded me to refill my cup again. And I did… and today my world is showering me with insights.

About your expectation and reality… The gap… the discrepancy… and how you don’t learn from it.

How do I know? I grew up immersed in the same culture as you… so my starting point was pretty much the same as yours.

And I notice that my expectation about how life works is challenged every day.
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Is science wrong? Are you smarter than scientists? Who should you trust?

This article has a time limited offer at the end… don’t skip it!

It is not enough to call yourself a mad scientist, I learn. You may be mad, but unless you know the scientific methods, you are just mad, playing around.

Science has a bad reputation nowadays, mainly because of two reasons:

1. the public doesn’t know that science is rarely able to get to the cause of anything, so the expectations are too high, the disappointments are too low. it is more comfortable to listen to fake science, fake doctors, fake gurus. At least they don’t make you think.
2. the fact that scientists are not independent of biases, self-interest, and such, renders their results highly dubious, questionable, etc. And in some crucial issues, this threatens the general public, like in the issue of A1 milk, the issue of GMO, the issues of pesticides and other harmful stuff we are forced to eat.

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The truth will set you free, says the meme. Is it true? does it really?

I sometimes get lucky. A generous person lets me know exactly what are the sentiments that dominate my readers.
Right now I have this special offer for health muscle testing.
Two things special about it:

1. I let you in and I’ll measure you, without you having to talk to me. And from my point of view: without ME having to talk to YOU… Less time, less emotional load on me.It’s also that you can get your measurements and put them aside… no accountability to me. I won’t call you on it. You are off the hook.
2. I have a big discount. For the first time. And maybe the last.

Now, let me show you what this reader wrote to me this morning:

I have been dreading to sign up for your testing offers…
or better: to get the results. It’s kinda silly. The getting off milk has been intense and still is a challenge, going to the grocery store – there’s still a part of me that craves bread and pasta and cake and cookies and chocolate and cheese and yoghurt and fruit and carrots and whatever… and it feels like signing up for a death sentence.

Now at least I can pretend to not know… but then I’d have a list, black on white…. non-negotiable.

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Meme vs. a personal belief. Can you change either? Money, happiness, health… are they unattainable to you?

Meme vs. a personal belief… let me enlighten you about the differences.

In the Starting Point Measurements, #11 To what degree you think of yourself is a crucial indicator.

#11 indicates to what degree you can tell if something is yours or not yours. If that something is about you or not about you.
The meme that everything is personal is strengthened by the so-called spiritual teachers, who will help you get rid of your money beliefs, or love beliefs, or food/body beliefs?
By saying these beliefs are personal, they are on the side of the conspiracy, the memes, not on your side.

By saying these are subconscious beliefs, YOUR beliefs, and that you can beat them… like Mind Movies peddler Natalie Ledwell suggests that you can, they use these memes to line their pockets and empty yours.

Even the theory of famed psychiatrist, Carl Jung, who calls it “the collective subconscious” is flawed.
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Are you teachable?

I help people become the person who can have what they want to have. Will I be able to help you?
This is really the bottom line promise I have for you. But like every promise, it is conditional. Conditional on you… on you being teachable.
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The narrative… the story that creates who you are

The narrative

A student of mine, after listening to my last Sunday call recording, asked why Jews turned to a different strategy than the slaves from Africa. Or Native Americans.
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I want to be like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld…

Why am I such a Nazi when it comes to who I am willing to work with?

Remember the soup Nazi? Who ran his soup takeout shop like a prison camp? And people lined up and waited patiently to be given soup… that was so good, and so hard to come by, they were willing to earn it… I want to be like the soup Nazi.

Like everyone, my energy is finite. I can’t whip out extra energy at the drop of a hat… I am human.
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Returning to the fork in the road where you took a wrong turn

If you find yourself on the wrong road… trace your way back to where you went astray… and choose a different road.
Why? Because trying to go across to where you really wanted to go, without going back,  is fraught with death traps.

Humanity, some seven thousand years ago, took a wrong turn. In just a few words: they started to replace reality with word pictures in the mind. Concepts.

This took us to where we are now: not a pretty place. Any and every human is afflicted: no one is exempt.

An “avatar’s” job is to take you backwards so you can find your way from there… They have to have earned the right… by going back personally, backtracking themselves.

Most teachers try to cut across… oh the Buddhist, oh the Zen, oh the blah blah… they must know what they are talking about… b.s.

Maybe they know, maybe they don’t. But you haven’t done the journey back, so you are a second-hander at best, so shut the f… up!

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