Tag Archives: false belief

The fraudulent promises to change your core beliefs

Do you think that the words spoken in your head are your beliefs?
What words? you say.

That ‘what words?’ was two of them. The words are spoken in your head.

There is a whole lot of talking that seems to be going on in your head, and if you think it is you, then they accomplished what they intended: you become a puppet on word-strings.

There is no such thing as a belief, and those words are NOT belief.

Don’t believe me? Just add words consciously, and see how much difference they make. None, that’s how much.
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What does it take to change your limiting core belief?

How the famous ‘probable future’ can correct missteps, acting blindly without ever looking where the path leads?

In my experience, if you can allow your eyes to look into the future, you can see that unless you change something, you’ll get to a point where there is no more road… no more future for you… And that may allow you to take the plunge, and change your fundamental and limiting core belief about the world…

Because the issue is not what you believe about yourself; the issue is what you believe to be true about reality.
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How Many Different Ways Does Your Mind Keep You From Hearing What’s Being Said?

How Many Different Ways Do You Know Your Mind Keep You Trapped In A Dead End Loop Of Activity?
I’ve told you about me, finally, awakening that there is a mosquito invasion in every window of my duplex.

So I’ve researched for ways to get rid of the mosquitoes that doesn’t involve chemicals, doesn’t involve flame throwers, and expensive carbon monoxide machines.

One recipe called for brown sugar. I have never bought brown sugar, and I didn’t feel good buying a pound of brown sugar for the mosquitoes… but I remembered that I had some black-strap molasses in my kitchen cabinets. After all brown sugar is not perfectly cleaned sugar… mostly they just mix the white sugar with some molasses… I can do that.

The mosquitoes love the molasses. They buzz above them, and then they go too close and the sticky gooey molasses trap them. They move around but can’t get out.

This reminds me that we could talk about the morass: the mind’s way to keep you trapped in useless servitude so you can’t move forward.

Sound useful? Then let’s get to it.
Ways the morass traps you

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The fraud of promising to change your beliefs

Do you think that the words spoken in your head are your beliefs?

What words? you say.

That “what words?” was two of them. The words are spoken in your head.

There is a whole lot of talking that seems to be going on in your head, and if you think it is you, then they accomplished what they intended: you become a puppet on word-strings.

There is no such thing as a belief, and those words are NOT belief.

Don’t believe me? Just add words consciously, and see how much difference they make… None, that’s how much.
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When you are a mad scientist then the world is your laboratory…

I am sparkling today with insights.

Yesterday, just before the skies closed on the Days of Power energy, my friend reminded me to refill my cup again. And I did… and today my world is showering me with insights.

About your expectation and reality… The gap… the discrepancy… and how you don’t learn from it.

How do I know? I grew up immersed in the same culture as you… so my starting point was pretty much the same as yours.

And I notice that my expectation about how life works is challenged every day.
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Where does the truth I write come from? Stream of consciousness.

I write the largest chunks of surprising truths that way. Something triggers it, and there it comes… Quick, to the computer!

I read Kathryn’s comment on the Worry article, and something clicked.

Everyone says: you need to remove your filters. You need to remove blockages. Bad beliefs, about yourself and the world. It’s not working. Not for anyone… ok, maybe a few.

What if the reason no one is succeeding with those “techniques” is because that is not the right method to do it?

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Do affirmations work?

Why do I keep saying that affirmations don’t work?
And how about afformations? And how about subliminal suggestions, etc. etc. etc.

If affirmations worked, I would be long a millionaire. And many of the people I know, that are still struggling.

This is what I know about the development of false beliefs… and if my theory is correct, my theory proves my point.

I want to say though, before I start explaining my theory, that I have found a methodology that in the hand of the right practitioner can do miracles.

It is called Theta Healing, and it can eliminate a false belief in about 30 seconds, from the time of pinpointing it. This is what I am using now, both for myself and for my clients.
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