Tag Archives: Modality

What should you work on to raise your vibration?

Your Bach Profile… a tool for abundance

The first question everyone who actually wants to grow, raise their vibration, and stop being sick, dumb, and poor asks: so what do I do first?

Of course this is a good question… but until this week I really didn’t have a reliable answer. I didn’t have a good answer. I actually didn’t know…

But this week this is opening up, and I have been able to see some answers.

Of course when I have a chance to spend an hour or two with you, I rarely have a problem… but I rarely spend an hour or two with a complete beginner, unless they need a health consultation.

But my newly re-discovered tool, the Bach Profile is proving to be invaluable.

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Sound healing… Vibrational Review. How to know if something works or not?

“Healing” modality: sound healing to make yourself coherent. The truth value of this presentation on the video is 4%. Anything with less than 30-40% truth value is c.r.a.p.

One of the mistakes that is typical is believing something is true, or the right thing to do. And never look again… until much later, when it all comes down crashing…

We all do it… some more some less.

I record every call I have. And I make it available online for the other party.

I record, I process the call, I upload the mp3 file, and I post the link to it. This last step is where I get sloppy… and a typo there means: the audio won’t play.

I did that yesterday, and last week, and the week before. At least once a week. Even though I know it’s an icky spot…

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Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

Do you live powerfully? If the answer is yes, then I can tell you that you have a strong self-esteem.

What is your self-worth?
And I don’t mean how much you want to make an hour, a day, a week, or a year. What you want has nothing to do with self-worth!

Self-worth also has nothing to do with what you know, what you can do, what other people think you can do or can’t do. Self-worth is how much you think, deep inside, when the chips are down, when life looks hopeless, how much do you think you are worth then?
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When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or…

When it comes to your life, Are you a race car driver or a hop-into-the car grocery shopper
Said in another way: If Your Life Were A Car, Who Is Driving Your Life?

This article is about your relationship with your life. It is fundamental, it is at the root of you never amounting to all you can be, it is at the root of why most people can only evolve a little bit in a lifetime (many go backwards!)

Mastering this area of life is the difference between a winner and a loser, and it is so subtle, that without someone pointing it out to you, you would notice no difference.

Let’s start at the beginning: in life you accomplish some stuff (right?) and don’t accomplish some other stuff. You win some races, and you lose some others.

Let’s call all the stuff that you get done an accomplishment, and all the stuff that you don’t (but would like to have done) stuff that you don’t accomplish. OK?
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Do affirmations work?

Why do I keep saying that affirmations don’t work?
And how about afformations? And how about subliminal suggestions, etc. etc. etc.

If affirmations worked, I would be long a millionaire. And many of the people I know, that are still struggling.

This is what I know about the development of false beliefs… and if my theory is correct, my theory proves my point.

I want to say though, before I start explaining my theory, that I have found a methodology that in the hand of the right practitioner can do miracles.

It is called Theta Healing, and it can eliminate a false belief in about 30 seconds, from the time of pinpointing it. This is what I am using now, both for myself and for my clients.
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Is One healing modality more valid than others?

Is There Any Healing Modality More Valid Than Others? Do any of them work better?
Though it seems that the healing modality that works for you is the only modality that would work for anyone, the truth is that the modality that works for you is the right healing modality for you and for people that have an affinity to the same modality.

What do I mean by that, and what the heck is healing modality anyway?

Modality, just like when we approach learning, or self expression, has a tendency to choose us: we don’t have much of a choice in them.

In learning we can be auditory, or visual, or kinesthetic: they are learning modalities.

In healing ailments, physical, emotional, psychic, intellectual, or even political: Some people heal with minerals, physical force, like cutting out bad stuff and the like. Most western doctors use that healing modality to what they consider curing. You can tell, that I don’t like them… lol. Revolutionaries, protesters, strikers use it for their purposes of forceful change. Incidentally, healing with stones, crystals, belongs to this healing modality.

That is the first modality, the modality of the physical, forceful, and non-organic.

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Creative Visualization: Will it work for you?

Creative visualization
is the technique of using mental images to realize certain objectives. It can help you achieve success and to accomplish your goals. It is a process that requires creativity, visual images, and a sharp and inventive way of seeing what the finished product, behavior, or result looks. It is a mental strategy, meaning it uses the resources of the mind with creativity to make ambitions come true. Creative visualization can be described as a self-help method which uses your thoughts to manifest what you long for in your own life.

Creative visualization is the strategy of utilizing a person’s capacity for thinking to picture specific behaviors or occasions taking place in a person’s life. It is the art of using mental imagery and a positive emotional relationship to that imagery to produce positive change in your reality. It is a way of utilizing little energy in the moment of constant practicing, to create yourself in harmony with the universe and the object of your desire. It can bring about abundance, happiness, joy, greater performance. The constant visualization re-calibrates your vibration to the level of vibration of what you want, be it material or emotional result. Creative visualization is the approach to attract your real-life goals and dreams and make those a reality.
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