Tag Archives: ted talk

5 Characteristics Of Grit — How Many Do You Have?

Reprinted from Forbes…

Recently some close friends visited, both of whom have worked in education with adolescents for over 40 years. We were talking about students in general and when I asked what has changed with regards to the character of kids, in unison they said “grit” – or more specifically, lack thereof. There seems to be growing concern among teachers that kids these days are growing soft.

When I took a deeper dive, I found that what my friends have been observing in-the-field, researchers have been measuring in the lab. The role grit plays in success has become a topic du jour, spearheaded by Angela Duckworth, who was catapulted to the forefront of the field after delivering a TED talk which has since been viewed well over a million times.

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I make decisions really slowly. One may even accuse me of procrastination…

Let me correct that: I consider most decisions I make a test. Experiment. Rough draft.


Yeah, I thought so. I thought it will sound foreign… But you will learn something, through this article, that is not common knowledge… and it is even new to me!

Decisions are an expensive activity for the brain. Any choice is. Important choices and unimportant choices equally use up a renewable resource, for ease of language, I’ll call glycogen, although it may not be that.

You wake up with more of that glycogen… it replenished itself during the night… If your sleep is restless, then you won’t have your full stores of glycogen: ever since that nurse moved to the next house, my sleep is restless. Even with the audios… Mind you, I have tried to sleep without the audio, and slept a total of 58 minutes that night. With the audio I wake up a few times, and dream or solve puzzles, or write articles in my mind, but I sleep and wake up rested. So…

And yet, I have less glycogen than if I slept through the night without working in my sleep…

But I digress… What I really want to teach you is…
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Why You Keep Signing Your Future Self Up for Stuff You Don’t Actually Want to Do

Part One: Knowing yourself is key to being able to change
We all think that we know ourselves… and then when it turns out to be wrong, we are surprised, but unphased in our certainty that we know ourselves.

Why is it nearly impossible to you to know yourself?

Because self-reflection is an intangible, spiritual capacity that can only open up if and when you look at your effect, your reflection, your feedback from the world around you.
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Sound healing… Vibrational Review. How to know if something works or not?

“Healing” modality: sound healing to make yourself coherent. The truth value of this presentation on the video is 4%. Anything with less than 30-40% truth value is c.r.a.p.

One of the mistakes that is typical is believing something is true, or the right thing to do. And never look again… until much later, when it all comes down crashing…

We all do it… some more some less.

I record every call I have. And I make it available online for the other party.

I record, I process the call, I upload the mp3 file, and I post the link to it. This last step is where I get sloppy… and a typo there means: the audio won’t play.

I did that yesterday, and last week, and the week before. At least once a week. Even though I know it’s an icky spot…

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Vibrational Review: Muse – the brain sensing headband… a meditation device, Ariel Garten and Jordan Peterson

The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh.
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Becoming like god where you create with your word.

With regards to the title… I am not suggesting that you become like Jesus… but become like the Creator, who supposedly said: there shall be light… or whatever he said… This Creator created with his word. That is the god I mean…

The main difference between a human and a human being, the next level of human evolution, is an inner difference. Not biological, physical, physiological. Instead a difference in what tells the one and the other to do things, what attitude to have, how to do things.

Humans listen to memes, the voices. Voices that are not the human’s friends, voices that have no rhyme and reason, voices that make the human misbehave, and take actions that on the long run make him miserable.

Humans say things, but they don’t stick. They violate their own word, human word is cheap. Why? Because a random voice comes around and overwrite it. That’s why.
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Immersion learning, Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic learning: the only way to human being level

I am reading a book I don’t like. I was told by Source to read it… and I think I found the one sentence (so far) in the 700 page book that I needed to read. One sentence…
Reading, when it creates a world, a rich world to live in, to accomplish in, is holographic. Each book sharpens some area, fills in the missing or fuzzy details.
This one sentence has been that kind of a sentence. It was like a Flash of lightening.
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This is, still, my favorite TED talk… Amazing TED talks to enrich your concept of emotions, feelings, and self-image

Here is one… what makes it stand out is the passion, and the using of sound effects… her own voice, really authentic… I really loved it.

But what makes it really my favorite, that my clients and students who have been in a quandary about who they are… are starting to see the importance of recognizing the pattern this TED talk introduces: how you make up a new identity that is wholly inauthentic to you.

I am on a roll… I will be watching, and posting if I find the TED talk useful.

Two things about this coming TED talk: the more views a talk has, the more the talker speaks the common man’s language, beliefs, and stuff… words that are inaccurate.

Regardless, this is a good talk. Not excellent, but good, and worth your time.

I always check if my female students will relate to it… and if it is a yes, I’ll post it.

This one passed the test… Even if you never got anything I said in The Playground, you’ll benefit from this one… so please watch it. It can change your life, and start you on the path to what you always wanted: freedom, easy, power…
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