Tag Archives: zero point field

Vibrational Review: Muse – the brain sensing headband… a meditation device, Ariel Garten and Jordan Peterson

The idea for the Muse came from Ariel Garten, personal vibration 120, a Canadian entrepreneur… curiously deserving a Wikipedia entry, while Dr. Joel Wallach hasn’t. Ugh.
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Intrinsic Values and Your Vibrational Frequency

In the All-That-Is vibration, which is the highest accessible to human beings, you’ll find all the intrinsic values, just like in a perfectly polished diamond, all facets of the diamond reflect the perfection of the whole.
What can raise your vibration? The mirror effect
In this article, we’ll need to distinguish three things:

1. what are intrinsic values
2. what you complain about others shows something fundamental about you
3. what you are, you attract
What are intrinsic values?

Intrinsic values (I use this as an ethical term) are the many qualities, capacities and feelings one would strive for, although they do not produce or provide anything tangible and fly in the face of self-interest.

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The history of medical science reads like a detective novel, or a conspiracy book.

Each century has its own favorite scapegoat-like cause of disease, a thing they blame everything, and each turns out to be not a comprehensive reason, or not a reason at all.

And then, or course, people make fortunes on telling people what to think, what to be scared of, what to try to prevent, pay to have cured… and no one is the smarter.

Especially not the general public.

People who rock the boat, people who yell that “the king is wearing no clothes” get put to jail, get killed, get ostracized, and life goes on the way it went before.
OK Who am I  and why you may want to listen to me?
I am not a doctor. Not even a medical researcher. I don’t play either on television.
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I had an “interesting” and terrifying experience this past week or two. My brain was taken over…

It started two weeks ago with not having a book to read. So I went back to watching Netflix movies.

I didn’t see that anything I can do will make a difference (yes, me! lol) so passing my time doing something that won’t matter was the “best” choice.

I picked a series called “Chuck” to watch. The series is about a guy who downloads the entire database of the CIA to his brain, and he can access it through flashing: i.e. when he sees something or someone that triggers a “search-found” result in that database.

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Low Vibration? High Vibration? What’s The Difference?

What is Low Vibration? What is High Vibration? Is it really vibration? Why should I have one rather than the other? Really?

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The Mysteries Of The Universe: Can we know the truth?

The Mysteries Of The Universe

The first time I encountered in another myopia and narrow mindedness was about 10 years ago. I was at a class in Colorado, and one of the people there was the creator of Holosync, and I was a regular user, a fan of Holosync at the time. In one of the breaks I shared with this dude the principle of water energizing, only to awaken his wreath: water is water, H2O, what are you talking about? I called him names, I must admit, and have been feeling the wound of one of my gurus having proven himself to be an arsehole. I never used Holosync again. I don’t want to turn out like you, dude… lol.

That actually cost me.

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Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…

One of my favorite books is Seth Godin’s ‘All Marketers Are Liars.’

Now, this book isn’t teaching not to believe everyone’s story, it teaches how to craft your story so people that are like you, that people that are easily fascinated, will become your fans.

In the industry of healers, gurus, psychics, ascension people, the stories are more important than in any other industry.

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