Tag Archives: Energetic Attachments

How to measure vibration? vibrational frequency…

How to measure vibration? How to measure spiritual vibration? how to measure your vibrational frequency
The vibration number, often called ‘vibrational frequency,’ tells a lot about a person.

According to many teachers, you need to raise your vibration to the level of the things you want…

This video is about that:

Hi, I am Empath Sophie… I am a true empath… I’ll guide you here to understanding.
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Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye

Curses, Attachments, Dark Side, The Evil Eye: Desire to receive for the self alone

It’s nearly six months that I haven’t written anything about this topic. On a certain day, sometime in July, I think, the Dark Side got eliminated.

For a few months life was sweet (for me) but then the Dark Side started to rebuild itself.

The Dark Side is made of the “Desire to receive for the self alone,” and I want to relate to the three “moves” that grows the Dark Side, and possibly sends you over to the Dark Side.

The first one is curses. Curses are not 4-letter words, they are a wish expressed in words, uttered or not, that direct bodily harm to another.Some cultures have more affinity to Dark Side than others. The culture I was born into, Hungarian, has a huge affinity to the Dark Side. People habitually wish each other dead, limbs lost, fortunes lost, etc. Other cultures, like American, are really tame in comparison. I used to be a typical Hungarian in this regard, I used the words dead, death, kill many times a day. I took after my mother: she was like that.

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Strategy to avoid transformation and to stay miserable?

 What is your strategy to avoid your own transformation and stay miserable? Here are a few strategies: Which ones do you use?

Let’s first look what is transformation to understand why anyone would want to avoid it. After all transformation sounds all good, doesn’t it?

Transformation is very simple, but it is not that simple and it is not that easy to cause it, whether for yourself or not.

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Review of Gary Douglas and Access Consciousness. Scam? cult?

There are few things worse than being scammed.

Being scammed leaves you with less money, with less time, but what is worse than that is if you participate with Access Consciousness…

You’ll be left with an energetic attachment, like a spigot, through which you can be mind-controlled, and made to dance to this cult’s rhythm.
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Energy Remedies

Energy audios that make Energy Remedies at home

Bright Focus Activator Contains the 40 Bach Energies, the Unconditional Love Activator Bundle, and all the second and third phase activators. It gives you the ability to direct your attention, while you take it. Many people think and complain that they have ADD but it’s not true: they are undisciplined, totally allowing the stimuli from outside to direct their attention and their lives.
Effortless Abundance Activator Exact same elements as the Bright Focus. It is up to you what context you take a remedy in. If you want to increase your attention to activities that make money, reduce your resistance to doing what works, then you want to have the Effortless Abundance as your context.
Heaven on Earth Audio Contains the 40 Bach Energies to remove the negative traits that keep you in stitches, keep you from breathing, keep you from letting go, keep you from picking your battles.
Sleep Rescue Activator Same exact formulation as the Heaven on Earth… just gives you focus on calming you down so you can sleep and wake up rested and ready
Unconditional Love Activator Contains the 40 Bach Energies and the Energies of the Unconditional Love Activator. Its primary action is to remove your horizontal attachments, so you can have a sense of yourself independent of what others say, what others think, what others want, what others consider your job is in life. You can become free and start loving yourself. All those people and their opinion separates you from you… This remedy, while you take it, attempts to restore that connection between you and you.
Wake up Productive Activator Same exact formulation as the Effortless Abundance Activator… but makes you pay attention to your sleep, your dreams. Much of your guidance happens through dreams. This remedy allows you to get more of those.Another aspect of this remedy: during the night, if you sleep unconsciously, your mind returns you to your base line… which is not wanting to do anything, being hopeless and ambition-less. This remedy keeps your “pilot light” on so you can remember who you are and what you are up to when you wake up… so you can jump-start your day, and not lose half of your life to aimlessness.

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Want higher vibration? Here is what to expect…

The names “vibration” or vibrational frequency are a total misnomer.

Vibration is an indicator of your relationship to life, to other people and to yourself. It’s an indicator of where you are looking from, it’s an indicator of what you see. Feelings, energy, success are a fallout from those.

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Procrastinator Doom Loop… How to beat it with energy

Is your not doing the thing procrastination? Can you beat it?

Delaying hard work is all about your mood… or how you feel.

As I have written earlier, the biggest problem with today’s humanity is that we think that our feelings need to match what we want to do.
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Trim Tab, the counter cultural tool of winners

You want to raise your vibration? Want to be happy, fulfilled, harmonious, in balance, at peace? This may be the most important article you can read.

Without this tool you have a rough ride, with this tool… your ride is smooth.

One of the most counter-cultural distinctions that came from Buckminster Fuller is the trim tab, or small actions that turns big ships.

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Still heading down the wrong road, even after I pulled your attachments?

This article closely relates to the soul correction articles AND the attachments, cords articles.

Oftentimes a difficult case is what leads researchers to new insights. This exactly how it happened today… I had a client who, periodically, has serious heart symptoms, even though physically there is nothing wrong with his heart.

For a while, whenever I muscle tested people for attachments, even after the removal of the attachments, the muscle test answer was yes/no. The fingers opened but only a little bit. Yes and no… Maddening, lol.

I clarified it with Source, that it means: there are some things like attachments on the person, but not exactly attachments. Something else, but close.

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I had a few interesting client interactions today plus epigenetics

I have gleaned quite come new information about people who become my clients.
–Client #1: energy teacher, practitioner.
Has been paying me for years to do work on him. This time I did work on him, on his ex, and am waiting for payment to work on some of his associates.

It doesn’t even occur to him to work on being a co-creator: he is either believing in my power to do it for him, or he doesn’t believe in it…

My hunch is that he, secretly, knows that what he does is ineffective, and by the same token he is sure, secretly, that what I do is ineffective.

Reminds me of money gurus, or law of attraction gurus: big boys club support each other: each benefit equally by throwing dust in the unsuspecting “plebs” eyes.

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