Tag Archives: soul Fragments

Trim Tab, the counter cultural tool of winners

You want to raise your vibration? Want to be happy, fulfilled, harmonious, in balance, at peace? This may be the most important article you can read.

Without this tool you have a rough ride, with this tool… your ride is smooth.

One of the most counter-cultural distinctions that came from Buckminster Fuller is the trim tab, or small actions that turns big ships.

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Side Effects: Trivedi, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects

Side Effects: Mr.T, Gopal, Source Energy by the Tangerine Method: if the energy is strong, there will be side effects

I was on a call with Gopal and Gopal blasted me… I don’t know how other people got it, but it whacked me. Thank you Gopal.

The areas it hit were ego and my stomach area…

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What is all-of-it like? benevolent and disinterested? angry and frustrated?

I had the most peculiar experience today that forever changed my relationship to Source.

I have been muscle testing everything, and the results have been erratic, and even my name came out as no: Is my name Sophie? No.

That phenomenon is called “turned” when what means “no” become what normally means “yes”.

There is a way to turn oneself back… so no worries.

This “turning” has been becoming more and more frequent, so today I asked the question…

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What Is Soul? Is The Soul This Perfect Small Indestructible Ball Of Light?

What is Soul? I don’t know. Although I know a lot about Soul, I don’t know what Soul is… as much as I don’t know what Source is.

In the Old Testament the word “know” had no intellectual knowledge meaning: it actually meant “get intimate with.” Sexually, or otherwise.

You get intimate with a jacket by trying it on and wearing it for a while. Same with a pair of shoes.

Intellectual knowledge is not knowing, it’s knowing about: a world of difference.

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Osho on money and happiness

If you ask anyone, they all want to be happy. But happiness eludes people, the more you want it the further it goes. In this talk, Osho addresses the issue. He approaches it from many different angles, blaming it on your parents, blaming it on society, and then finally he gives you a glimpse of what seems to be in the way, the secret… A must read.

Read the article on my Osho blog

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It’s Too Late To Dig A Well When You Are Thirsty or Shall I Pray That Hitler Comes Back?

It’s Too Late To Dig A Well When You Are Thirsty

If Hitler had asked the Germans to connect to Source: would they have done it?
If the Pope asked the Christians to connect to God: would they do it?

My uncomfortable hunches say: no. Humanity IS sheep, sheep hellbent to be lead, hellbent to be slaughtered. Pretending that it isn’t.

At this point in time less than a thousand people actually connect to Source. So it isn’t a vibrational issue: the vibration of the planet is rising, steadily. At last count, more than 10,000 people are at a vibrational frequency of 299. Up from the original 100.

I am starting to believe that in the Original World, The Vessel was so overwhelmed with the amount of light it received, because the connection was one-way.

The Light made a mistake in the design. It didn’t design The Vessel to have the desire to connect to The Light.

The seven billion people on the planet, fragments of The Original Vessel still don’t want to connect.

Oh, when they are in trouble, when they are in danger, they say, Oh God, please help… or something to that effect.

In a strange 20/20 hindsight way, I can see that the holocausts of humanity could have been “emergency drills” and training camps.

We failed to recognize them as such. The onlookers were doing hoo, or ahh, and did nothing. The “participants” “the victims” of the slaughter did equally nothing, they just said “woe is me” and then died.

I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, though I have a real hard time holding onto respect, given what I am seeing. My mother and father’s whole family (with rare exception) died in concentration camps of the Nazis. I was born after the war, so I had some stories to illustrate this sheep behavior:

My mother found a way to save her family. A wealthy industrialist who was manufacturing war equipment, was given a quota of 200 Jews to save. But there was no room for stuff, only for the people and a blanket each.

My mother went back to the camp where they gathered the Jews before they shipped them off to Auschwitz and Buchenwald in cattle carts and told his father that they could all be saved. Her father, a lawyer, told my mother: “You are stupid, you go. we are staying.” The Nazis put that whole camp in cattle cars next day, and they all died in Auschwitz. Only my mother survived. Talk about who was stupid. My mother was never emotionally healthy after that.

That is too little too late. It is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty. You need to start the digging way ahead.
Because connecting, as I said, isn’t innate by design, you need to discover it, you need to nurture it, practice it, grow it, fall in love with it, experiment with it.
Imagine Planet Earth with one thousand dispersed individuals who survived the horrors.

What are they going to do? I am past child-bearing age, my legs hurt, I need YOU to be there and continue Life, intelligent life on this planet.

Even my Pioneers don’t connect on their
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Reader question answered: Why have I been unable to grow? Soul fragmentation?

Dear Sophie,

I have been unable to grow, to learn, to move from A to B. I have been spending a lot of time reading your articles, doing your courses, and yet: no result.

Is there anything I am missing?
Your case reminds me of some hopeless health cases just before I discovered that there is such a thing as energetic attachments.

The client would stay out of balance, leaking energy left and right, in spite of all the things we did…

Then, finally a client arrived who felt that he was systematically abused and life force siphoned away by his ex.
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Talk back to me: How long will it take to raise my vibration to 395?

Question: People ask me: how long should I plan that my vibration rises to 395? Do you have a plan that will allow me to do that in two months?

Answer: This is the type of questions I get regularly. The question belies the world view that we live in a two plus two equals four Universe.

“Plan your work and work your plan.”

I do not share that world view.

I do not believe that cause and effect is linear and you can even detect the why of things happening.

If we could plan, do and bank on the results, then there would be a lot of vibration 395’s would be running around. At the moment there are only four people with or above that vibration on Planet Earth.

Are you disappointed? Did you REALLY think that running some high energy audios will transform you into a sage? A mystic?

My most successful student, at the moment hovers between 360 and 370 in her vibration. She has been doing the work with me since October of 2011.

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Does thinking about something bring that thing about? Or what mistake the Law of Attraction people make that makes what they do fraud?

Warning: lots of footnotes in this article, don’t miss them!

The simple answer to the question: “Does thinking about something bring that thing about?” is no it doesn’t. But it is not for the reason you think. It is because thinking about does not connect you to what you are thinking about.

Attention does.

They say in business: whatever you give your attention to, whatever you measure will grow.

What is attention? Where does it come from? What is the nature of attention?

Attention is one distinct aspect of a human being. It is not mind, it is not eyes, it is not intention, not visualization, not thinking about, not even thinking. The starting point of attention, emphatically located, is in the backside of the eyes, or thereabout.

Attention is much like a search light, a narrow beam search light. It has a direction, but, unlike search light, it has power. It is able to move your Self to what it directs itself to. This is my interpretation, not necessarily the Truth, but darn close to it. The Self can move with the attention into the object of the attention, like an energy.

You can’t be casual and move your attention. You can’t be thinking about stuff and move your attention at the same time. You can’t worry and move your attention to anything other than your worry. You need to be clear to move your attention.

When you actually move your attention you will notice that you put power behind it.

Multi-tasking reduces your effectiveness and intelligence because you are trying to move the narrow-beam attention from one thing to another and back, oscillating between two or three things.

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Divinity: Can you activate in you something that is not already there?

My early attempts to activate divinity were complete failures.

It wasn’t a course: it was a process. I called it “The Juice Process” at the time, and have done it either one-on-one, or two or three-on-one. I had two “apprentices” to learn the process. That’s why the one or two other people were on the call in addition to the client and myself.

There was also another reason: one-on-one conversations can by hijacked by the client: their “machine” will want to argue, or take the conversation to a totally unproductive place.

People loved it, and many paid $300 for it.

I loved the process, I hated the results.

Something was missing. People forgot what they saw in the process, and continued living their lives like before, somewhat happier, somewhat lighter, but still… there was no transformation, there was no breakthrough: it was a disappointment for me, no matter how much money people paid me.

And although the current Activate Divinity Program could be producing the kind of results I envision: it hasn’t.

Let me first tell you what we are doing, and then I will reveal what’s missing, ok?

In the current Activate Divinity Program we set out to integrate your denied “fragments of self.”

How do you deny your self? Something happens and you decide, as the aftermath, that you don’t want to be that person… or you hide it so deep, that you forget about it.

Here are some examples:

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