Tag Archives: unconditional love activator

When Creativity Is Not Flowing… How Did I Unstuck Myself From a Rut?

 I haven’t written much, haven’t produced much of anything of creative nature on this site for a few weeks now.

What’s my insight?

I mean, it is becoming obvious that I am in a rut.

I am the unstuck specialist so let’s take this “rut” apart, tear it to pieces, so we can choose an effective unstuck method.

Like any “operation” for change, this needs to start with assessing the situation and diagnosis.

Of course when I diagnose it in my head, it goes real fast, but for the sake of teaching something, I’ll do it step by step, so when you get to any situation needing a “surgery” you can do it on your own.

So: what is the fact? I don’t feel like writing, I have no desire, no creative juices, I just want to be left alone. (lol)

What are the circumstances?

Dark Side attacks, 24/7, weekends a little lighter. (I am grateful for these attacks. I learned how to become a blade of grass and not to resist, and I have also learned to energize my water in 3 seconds, instead of the long process I had before the attacks intensified.)

I made a strategic mistake on the site: now there is no income, so I need to see local clients, which takes time, marketing, and very tiring. (The good news is that I have a good reputation, so I can pay my bills, no matter what.)

Dark Side attacks effected my sites: I have been forced to make changes on the site, and now finally am moving them to a stand-alone server. Let’s hope that this will solve the issue. This will be done this week. (This, by itself will free up 20-30 hours a week, or more)

Google has put my site on blacklist and hasn’t been showing it in search results. As a result I am not even motivated to do my writing: no one is coming to read… (Exaggeration!)

My health is suffering as a result of the Dark Side attacks. (I am coping)

I have started a fermented food diet, which is quite involved. I have also been dealing with healing crisis after healing crisis… a lot of good has accumulated in my over the decades. (It’s ok, in spite of a batch or beets going bad on me…)

Anything else? No, that’s it. Though next week the landlord will start making repairs in my apartment… that will be a distraction.

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Raise Your Vibration: New Call Schedule

Here are the changes:

1. We eliminate connection calls for now, and replace them with Connection Drill Calls.
it is free whether you are connected or not… and it’s about mastering your attention, your eyes, your muscle coordination, your will, your connection, feel that you are connected, connect and reconnect at will, step back… Drills. For 50 minutes. Free if you buy any of the beginner products, like the Unconditional Love Activator or the Video teaching how to muscle test yourself

Three calls a week
Saturdays 9 am, Sundays 9 pm, Wednesday 4 pm

If you have bought those products or as soon as you do, I’ll add you to the notification list. You’ll get an email about your webinar registration. You can come to any of those calls, it will be the same webinar link every time.

2. Moved around the Energy Healing Calls: new schedule: Wednesdays 3 pm, Saturdays 9 pm, Tuesdays 9 pm.

Energy Healing Calls are paid calls, $13.99 a week, and there is an option to pay per call, or pay for the same call each week… Check out the options.

You can’t start on this level, you need to learn to connect, although I am planning to make one of these calls available even if someone can’t connect, especially if you need serious and urgent healing.

The results have been staggering. The most amazing result we’ve had when the energy squeezed a large gallstone out of the gallbladder, and many years’ worth of pain and nausea disappeared in a 10 minute session. Amazing.

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How I Took The Bait And Almost Killed My Site

What’s happening on yourvibration.com

By now you should be used to this: I screwed up. lol

By the way, most people screw up, but they won’t admit it. Given my soulcorrection, it is very important that I do.

I have been so inundated with Dark Side attacks, minimum six hours a day, suggesting – through feelings – that I should quit, die, give up, etc… I am not very surprised that I have made a mistake.
When you get ‘guidance’ it often comes from the Dark Side. You need to muscle test while connected to Source. When you are not connected, the results of the muscle test come mostly from the Dark Side.
For about a week I did everything seemingly from my own head, and I didn’t muscle test. Unfortunately no one woke me up, not even some self-proclaimed marketers: it had to be reality that woke me up… that is always the worst. Lol

In these two weeks the number of visitors went down by 99%. It means instead of hundreds, there have been only tens. 9 today…

That is not what I had in MIND when I made the changes!

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Vibrational Review: Case Study of a student of the second phase Activators course

Vibration went from 200 to 330 in three months. Case study: Student in the 2nd Phase Activators Course. Photographer, female 55 years old

Had a difficult start. Started on just the border of the acceptable minimum, 200 vibration.

Had she had these difficulties with a vibration below 200, she would have disappeared.

She had to access the connection webinars from her phone. I can’t see someone who calls in on the phone, on my webinar control panel, so she could never be sure whether she was connected or not, really.

She came to every call. She bought the Unconditional Love Activator, but I refunded it: I told her flat out that she is not suitable to be my student. I practically threw her out…

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I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?

Be Nice! I love you but…
You are rude on the calls, where is the Heaven on Earth that you promise?

From My Mailbox:

I already love you and care for you because i can feel your heart…way big. The challenge is that the ego is still getting in the way of your delivering the Heaven on Earth and your special talents bringing down energy.
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Ode to an exceptional teacher, Robert Plank

I “met” my business/marketing teacher, Robert Plank, 37 years my junior, red-headed punk programmer genius at the time, in early 2009.

I wanted to learn php programming from him, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life, so learning programming sounded like a good idea.

I had been learning marketing, mindset, everything and anything… when you don’t know where you are going, every path takes you there… lol.

I remember being on the first webinar with him. I didn’t know I was an empath and I could feel the tension between the two partners like my own, and I was rooting for Robert. He stammered, he talked to fast, he was eager and loved teaching!

I could not learn anything in the first course, nothing in the second course, ditto the third course, but I was coming back.

Then on the fourth course I could do three out of the 10 assignments, and I knew I found a home.

Doing the assignments is both a capacity issue and a mindset issue.

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A Personal Confession From Sophie: I Am In This With You… We Are In This Together!

A personal confession from Sophie: I am in this with you… we are in this together!

I’ve been happy for no reason for a few days now. I have the glow about me that I can only compare to the glow of people being in love. I even caught myself wanting to call a person that I normally get irritated by… and ask them out for coffee… No reason, just because I am so happy.

Most “gurus” aka teachers teach from their head.

I have an ex-teacher of mine who teaches internet marketing. They have a whole system. Their students pay over six thousand dollars a year to learn their system.

They have no successful students. Not one. Why? because they don’t teach what they do. In fact they don’t do any of the things they teach. None of the things that make them money are even remotely related to what they teach. None of the mindset stuff they teach actually does…

They hope that what they teach will work some day.

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With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Wipetheslateclean® Energy And The New Method Of Activation

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

It’s a great sentence from Spiderman. I loved it. But I never thought it would say anything direct to me, not in a million years. I didn’t have great powers.

Until about two weeks ago.

Suddenly every time I was to infuse Source energies into water or remedy mix, I would have this intense pain in my chest, that I identified as Mimulus: fear.

It would even prevent me from connecting to Source on a level where I can make commands… I would have to meditate for long minutes before it would let me go past it… Of course Heaven on Earth works fast too.

The action that precipitated this big wave of fear was the creation of the WipeTheSlateClean® energy.

Coming Clean

Now, here it is that I need to come clean: Every activation that we did before that time was good, was wonderful, but it was time consuming and the activations needed to be repeated to work. The results were often reversible. The activations were not permanent, not what I had promised.

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what is love? how do you go about getting it? what is it buying you?

What is love?

When we are babies: love is attention. We can’t do anything for ourselves, and someone paying attention to us equals love to us. Our comfort, our survival depends on it.

We each “earned” the attention in  different ways, and then settled on one or two ways that worked the best.

We cried for the bottle in a whiny way, suggesting to our caretaker that we are dying. Pleading, begging, modulating our cry until we got a response.

We cried for the bottle with anger, anguish, or threat. We cried to get a clean diaper. We cried to be picked up.

We also manipulated our caretakers by smiles, by reaching out to them, grabbing their fingers, maybe laugh, little manipulative signs that made them feel good, liked, maybe even loved.

Just like pets learn to push your buttons: it is all self-serving, to make us get attention and food, shelter, and petting.

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Activators produce permanent change once they are established… What’s in the way? What’s the difficulty?

Activators produce permanent change once they are established… What’s in the way?

In several tests, comparing comprehension and the ability to recall and use the information after reading a book, people performed much better when they read the book with the PhotoReading method than when they read it “normally.” The retention, the length of time that the knowledge is available was also multiple of the “normal” reading length.

The tests compare the same person, (as opposed to groups) so the base knowledge, the vocabulary, and interests, (which are fundamentally influencing the results,) are the same in the comparison. Person A, normal reading, vs. person A PhotoReading, got it? If you compared my results with yours, the comparison would not be valid, because we have a different level of knowledge and vocabulary, and interests.

So the comparison is comparing comprehension between two states:

you have a chance to read every word with your conscious mind, look up words that you don’t know, re-read paragraphs that you don’t understand completely, ponder, etc. You can read, at the rate of about 30 pages an hour, and it will take as long as it takes.
in an altered state of mind, with eyes fuzzy and focused behind the pages so you cannot actually see what’s on the page, at a rate of 1 page a second… a normal book takes a few minutes to read this way.

Why would it be so? After all it doesn’t make sense, does it?

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