Tag Archives: thousand years of peace

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The Wipetheslateclean® Energy And The New Method Of Activation

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

It’s a great sentence from Spiderman. I loved it. But I never thought it would say anything direct to me, not in a million years. I didn’t have great powers.

Until about two weeks ago.

Suddenly every time I was to infuse Source energies into water or remedy mix, I would have this intense pain in my chest, that I identified as Mimulus: fear.

It would even prevent me from connecting to Source on a level where I can make commands… I would have to meditate for long minutes before it would let me go past it… Of course Heaven on Earth works fast too.

The action that precipitated this big wave of fear was the creation of the WipeTheSlateClean® energy.

Coming Clean

Now, here it is that I need to come clean: Every activation that we did before that time was good, was wonderful, but it was time consuming and the activations needed to be repeated to work. The results were often reversible. The activations were not permanent, not what I had promised.

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The pedestrian view

The pedestrian view

All my life I wanted to be smart. Why? To make money? No, not really.

But why? Because I wanted to be safe.

When I was lost in the crowd at 3 and a half, I obviously wasn’t smart enough to know which way to go to get home.

When that guy came up to me and took my hand, I obviously wasn’t smart enough to know that he was going to hurt me.

So I spent most of my life learning, getting degrees, reading… you know, getting smart. But yet, I made a lot of mistakes that got me into trouble.

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How We Raise Your Vibration: Activators explained… again.

Activators explained… again.

Activators are specific type of energy submissions. They don’t add anything, they work with what you have.

There are two types of activators:

positive (adding) downloads: adds something that contributes to your well-being. Similar to adding fertilizer to your garden soil.

elimination or take-away downloads: Similar to pulling weeds, or picking off pests that eat your plants.

Both types of activators have two components:

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Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies to Bach Flower Energies: a 21st Century Miracle

Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Essences are specially made remedies, aqueous (water based) essences made with fresh water, the sun, and a specific and special flower (for the most part it’s a flower).

Edward Bach, who was a medical doctor, was an empath himself, and a very sensitive man. He correctly intuited that emotional disturbances cause all physical illnesses, blockages, and therefore if the blockages are released, the person will be well.

The blockages are caused by ego-based attitudes: we could call them character flaws. Bach found the 38 flowers in 10 years. Once he completed the set and he was satisfied, his work on Earth done, he died.

I was first relating to his work with distrust and aversion. I think I related to everything that way… but I can’t really remember. But later on I got curious and I got “hooked” by the simplicity and the elegance of his method.

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From my correspondence: How does the unconditional love activator work? Do I need to connect to Source? Side effects?

Hi Sofie,

I was not able to make it to the Saturday evening Connect To Source webinar at 6:00pm last week either. I will get up early on this Saturday to be in on the 6:00am webinar on 12/17/11. I feel I really need some direction and I do understand it is part of the program. I have been reading the books, reports, and articles on your website, They are very enlightening.

I have been listening to the Unconditional Love Activator tape. Today is my 4th day and I usually listen at least 2 times a day. Today, I am so depressed and have been crying all day at everything. I do not understand. Is this depressions and crying related to your recording? I am not normally this deeply depressed about anything. Most of the depressions does seem to revolve around a problem or issue I personally have. That is why I thought they might be related.

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Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time… really

Getting to Abundance one Step At A Time – Practicing The Feeling Of Freedom And Power Through Contributing To It

Churches, communities, etc. ask you to contribute. And you comply: you volunteer, you give away your old winter coat, you give food, or money.

But as in everything, context is decisive.

What’s the context in their request? That you support the less fortunate. There is morality: you can afford and therefore you should, and there is shaming… you don’t eat your food and little kids starve in Africa, or “be generous and earn the Kingdom of Heaven” b.s.

All of these make you a wretch. And not just you, anyone. Why? Because context is decisive.

Nature, trees, animals, do not willingly give what they have, unless they have a selfish reason for it. Not a feeling, but a direct benefit. And nature is fine, thank you, and no one suffers. No morality, no shoulds, just good old selfishness. Surprised? Good.

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The Daily Connection Launched with A Bang: Trust and Trustworthy


Tonight, on the Daily Connection, I downloaded a 3rd Phase activator, called Trust.

Some of the commands in the activator talk about being trustworthy, and trusting yourself.

As expected, the ego spoke up, loud and forceful, declaring that we are full of hot air.

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The Daily Connection

I have scheduled a bunch of short webinars, daily, to support you in connecting.

The webinars are called the Daily Connection webinars. They are at 10 am weekdays, 11 am Sundays, NY time. (When I have some obstacle, I reschedule and send an email to everyone who is registered.) On September 30th, Friday, I will have the call at 7 pm NY time instead, I have a doctor’s appointment. You know… my Atlas…)

On these daily short webinars I instruct you to switch on the connection, correctly, so you can get all the light that is due to you.

You need to register only once, and then show up on the calls when you can. Easy, painless. 15 minutes at a time. Nothing else but connecting and an activator download.

https://www.yourvibration.com/daily-connection/ to register

Daily participation is recommended but not mandatory. If and when you are able to connect on your own, you are set… except

On these calls I also download a new activator each time, with the intention to test it.

Activators are positive mindset sand feelings that you were supposed to have but probably don’t.

Example: the capacity to love yourself… you can’t take care of yourself, unless you do love yourself.


Once this capacity is activated you’ll notice a marked difference how you feel towards yourself.

Depression lifts, and your capacity for joy, your capacity to be a winner return.

You’ll be amazed how fast and how well they work.

I would also appreciate if you brought a friend. You’ll feel good about sharing something with them, and this work will get out to the seven billion people half the time, so please, help accelerate “the thousand years of peace.”

Thank you again for being on the webinar

lol (lots of love). Sophie
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The beginning is delayed but not by much

“A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct,” wrote science fiction author Frank Herbert.
Sometimes you need to go through extreme hardship to learn what you need to learn.

In the normal course of events, as soon as I have something, I announce it on these pages, and that’s that… the beginning is not taken delicate care of… and I don’t worry about the balances.

Let the chips fall where the chips fall, has been my slogan, and it has caused me considerable amount of suffering, physical, financial, mostly.

I have spent the last week under siege, being attacked 18-19 hours a day. Most of the time I was semi-conscious only, and mostly on conscious of the pain, contemplating my mortality, hoping to get an hour’s of clarity to leave life with the result I have sought and found: the key to the thousand years of peace.

Last night I gave up trying to hold it together and surrendered to whatever I have been connecting to it, and said the magic words: “I need help”

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