Tag Archives: Bach flower energies

Turning Points: Queen to Play… movie scripts

Turning Points: Queen to Play
Lots of movies are based on a script of turning points. Of course: a dramatic turning point is a really great story.

But few of the turning points are of any use for the viewer because you cannot see, cannot recognize the dynamic of the turning point. No distinction…

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Are all energies healing energies? Or transformative energies? What about Reiki? Omega Shakti System?

Are all energies healing energies? Or transformative energies?
Before I realized that I can talk to Source and Source will answer, I learned two energy modalities.

One was an energy modality called, and you can still get attuned


The founder died a few years ago. I knew him personally, he spent a few days with us (my then boy-friend and myself) in Syracuse, NY.

I was first exposed to those energies inside the Omega Shakti System 12 years ago, then I bought quite a few of those energies.

You don’t really buy the energies, you buy the right to use them, and how you can use them is that you get attuned.

In my humble opinion, the whole attunement is a scam, a way for people to sell something. Attunement also comes witht he story that

Only a designated teacher can attune you
If you reveal the technique to an non-initiate (meaning someone who didn’t pay for the attunement) you’ll lose the energy.
In the Omega Shakti System the threat was even more severe: it said that the whole “matrix” of energies get weakened by your betrayal of this secrecy.

This is much similar to what Maharishi did: he has 8 mantras, and you pay for the privilege to have your own “designated, perfect fit” mantra, and you pay 1200 dollars: at the time I bought it that was my entire monthly income. What a scam!

I bought quite a few of the Omega Energies. They are supposed to be transformative and healing. I didn’t have any way at the time to check if the claims are true. But I had my doubt: the originator was wretched to the max, both physically and other ways.

His emotional maturity was at the level of a teenager, his behavior: ditto. He was riddled with diseases, and died quite prematurely.

My then boy friend was an emotional wreck as well, a self-medicating addict. That should tell you something.

I loved wielding those energies: they were strong, and they were very definite. But when I muscle tested it today, they didn’t do much. Light show, fireworks, show and tell.

There was one energy that actually did some of what it claimed it would do: the pattern puller… But I came to learn that it pretty much did it only for me: I did it with all my conscious awareness, and not just as a mechanical exercise.

It’s quite time consuming, but it seems to loosen your stuck way of being, pride, self-centeredness, negativity, hopelessness, tendency to give up, etc. Pretty much the same stuff the Bach Flower Energies® (the energies of the Bach Flower Remedies) deal with no work, so I haven’t don’t any of it. But muscle test says that it works, if you have the conscious awareness and purity of thought. Which means that only one out of a thousand can make it work.

Where do those energies come from?
I need to tell you the tale of creation, so hang on for a second.

In the beginning there was just one undifferentiated energy, the one we call Source. It could create with its own thought, it was an intelligent energy.

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Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration

Muscle Testing To Raise Your Vibration

I have been trying to get the Muscle Testing program ready for sale, but I have had a snag: the emotions list was too long, too cumbersome, and most people would not be able or willing to go through a list of 100 stages… including myself.

Even measuring the vibrational level of each feeling didn’t feel right. Now what?!

But I suddenly had an inspiration, a minute ago, and I think I have had the solution all along, just didn’t think of it that way.

The Bach Flower Emotions and the Bach Flower Energies are perfect. They are recognizable, they are real, they cover all the field of character defect and attitude errors.

So I am going to use those as a guidance system to attack your “garden pests” in the garden of your being.

How does it work?

You observe your symptoms. You find the matching Bach Flower Remedy. You either buy the remedy at your local health food store, or order it online. You practice observing the ego aspects of your personality, and with the help of the Flower you transform it.

You will use muscle testing to make sure that you are picking the right Flower. But even if you pick the wrong one, you are going to start the work of weed picking, and your vibration will rise.

You’ll get better, and you’ll fly higher.

Warning: you should do this for the purpose of identifying, and correcting your ego-self. To get instant gratification is nice, but will not raise your vibration permanently: you need to earn your vibration and you can only do it with conscious work.

The Flowers help but will only do transformation, which is impermanent. Transfiguration is the goal: that is permanent.

So, what is your next step?

Your best bet is to buy a book on Bach Flower Remedies: I like the books by Mechthild Scheffer and Stefan Ball. I, personally, nowadays, always refer to Mechthild Scheffer’s book: it speaks the language I resonate with: I read it and feel the feeling associated with the flower… perfect for me. Which means, to me, that I find her the most “Tree of Life” and the others Tree of Knowledge… i.e. they got to their conclusions through thinking, not connecting.

Nevertheless, I think the workbook by Stefan Ball is useful for you. Buy them locally, or order them from Amazon. I buy them on Amazon.

I will quote each flower from Mechthild’s book and add my empath observations, maybe experience.

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It takes energy to go to the next level, to be happy.

It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy.

Where are you leaking energy? Reclaim your energy

I am reading a book by one of my absolute favorite writers, Colin Wilson.

This is the first non-fiction book I read in a month. I have put myself on a Tree-of-Knowledge withdrawal fast. I am breaking the fast with his book. The title is ‘Super Consciousness: In Quest for the Peak Experience’
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The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip

The 40th Bach Flower Remedy: The Peacock: The Soul’s Death-Grip for Soul Correction

I knew there were more Bach Flower Feelings, there were more Bach Flower Energies, I just didn’t know what, which, how, and when.

Yesterday, on the afternoon connection call, a woman from Sweden, brand new person came to the call with that particular pain. Smack on the top of the Seat of The Soul… mimicking angina attack, very strong, very painful.

It didn’t respond to the Heaven on Earth, so I knew it was new. I also knew I had experienced it before, in fact I had it for years, until the time when I started to do my soul’s work, in earnest, a few years ago.

You don’t really experience it until your vibration hits 300… that is why it has never been present on the calls.

What is this energy, and why do I call it The Peacock?

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Want to know what is their soul’s purpose? Why?

 People (you?) want to know what is their soul’s purpose so they can start to live the life of their dreams. They are waiting to do the right thing… but there is a problem.

If and when the right thing comes along, will you be ready for it?

It has taken me 60 years to become ready to do what I do, and although most things are not as complicated and demanding as being a spiritual leader of returning humanity to the Original Design, most things require you to know how to do quite a few things.
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It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy. Where are you leaking energy? Reclaim your energy

It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy.

I am reading a book by one of my absolute favorite writers, Colin Wilson.

This is the first non-fiction book I read in a month: I have put myself on a Tree-of-Knowledge withdrawal fast. I am breaking the fast with his book. The title is “Super Consciousness: In Quest for the Peak Experience”

It’s a horrible title, and if I didn’t know who Colin Wilson is, I would have never bought this book.

But truth be told, some of the most important steps that have lead me to connecting to Source I learned from him.

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From my correspondence: What did you do to me? Why am I feeling worse instead of better?

From my correspondence:


Good Morning,

I don’t know what happened with the exercise last night but I came away feeling a little drained and
though I am also an empath, the trait is not yet developed. As such It felt like my vibration went down
instead of up.

What do you make of this, and what possible for me to come to peace about this?


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My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

My trials and tribulations to find an alcohol-free way for you to get your remedy…

I like the taste of a little brandy in my water or in my tea. I would not want it in my coffee (I like mine with cream!) but I could probably live with it.

But I would not want my boyfriend to drink my remedy in a moment of extreme thirst for alcohol.

I don’t have a boy friend, if you are now wondering. But I did have one, and that relationship taught me a lot.

We met in 2000 and he was an alcoholic. I told him that it is unacceptable. He did the Landmark Forum and he stopped drinking cold turkey. He was doing well, no drinking, not even talking about drinking, for a whole year. Until a kindly waiter at the Japanese restaurant rewarded us with a glass of plum wine for our patronage.

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